Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2035 I owe you a life

Ye Xinghe nodded, becoming more and more curious about Xuanhuang's divine power.

"It's just that."

Yan Tianxing suddenly spoke and pointed behind Ye Xinghe.

He smiled bitterly and said, "I think it's more important for you to solve the current problem first!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt at this moment, a huge murderous intention and extremely fierce pressure, surging in like a mountain!

He suddenly turned around and saw a huge monster flying out of the grass valley and rushing towards him!

It looked like a huge bat, its body was pitch black, but its eyes were blood red.

The wingspan is more than 300 meters, the body is more than 100 meters long, and the body is covered with black and hard feathers.

Around him, Xuanhuang divine power lingered, and his speed was extremely fast.

Ye Xinghe said in horror: "This is a demon god. Is he stationed here? Why didn't he show up just now?"

Yan Tianxing said: "Nonsense, I was still strong before, and it came out to provoke once, but I was defeated and ran away quickly."

"I didn't expect that this beast didn't run away, but was still hiding around. He is really cunning!"

Ye Xinghe said angrily: "Why don't you beat it to death!"

Yan Tianxing retorted.

"How did I know it would happen today!"

At this time, extreme hatred flashed in the eyes of the giant bat demon god.

It suddenly opened its mouth, and an invisible sound wave rushed forward, hitting the eardrums and minds of Ye Xinghe and others.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe felt severe pain in both ears.

The next moment, I felt a sharp pain in my head, as if my whole head had been knocked open in the middle.

There are even endless hallucinations flashing in front of you.

For a moment, there was great terror and despair in my heart!

I just wanted to cover my head, scream and run around in circles.

But he knew that this was a moment of life and death.

He gritted his teeth and suppressed the severe pain and nausea.

He picked up Mei Yuyan and Yan Tianxing and ran away frantically.

After chasing and escaping, it took a day and night in the blink of an eye.

Ye Xinghe was covered in blood and bruised.

He was chased several times by this giant bat monster.

It left countless huge, black wounds on his body.

Except for his biggest trump cards, he used all the remaining small trump cards that could be used.

All the healing elixirs were swallowed up.

Even the Great Heaven and Earth Pills used for cultivation and the pills used to restore strength have been exhausted.

Later, while running for his life, Ye Xinghe used the Sky-Swallowing Divine Cauldron to refine various elixirs bottle by bottle and recover quickly.

I was consuming and recovering at the same time, so I persisted.

If it had been anyone else, he would have died eight times!

But even so, he did not leave Yan Tianxing and Mei Yuyan behind.

With difficulty, he took the two of them to escape.

Suddenly, when Ye Xinghe crossed a deep mountain stream.

The giant bat monster stopped in its tracks.

Although his face was full of hatred, he stopped behind the mountain stream.

After a moment, he let out a sharp roar and turned around to leave.

Ye Xinghe was relieved and fell directly to the ground.

He was breathing heavily, and he was extremely tired.

My spirit was at its breaking point, and I wished I could just fall asleep.

Yan Tianxing said in a deep voice: "This should be entering the territory of another demon god. If it dares to enter this place, it will be a provocation, so I don't dare to pursue it anymore!"

Ye Xinghe gasped: "Then it should be okay if we enter?"

"It's okay for now. These powerful demon gods are very sensitive to the auras of opponents and demonic beasts of the same level."

"For those of us who accidentally entered it and have low strength, we generally cannot find it in a short time. There is at least a buffer period of three to five days." Ye Xinghe felt relieved.

Yan Tianxing gave him a complicated look.

"Ye Xinghe, I owe you a life."

Ye Xinghe waved his hands and said nothing.

It's just that although Yan Tianxing has recovered some strength, his expression is dull.

At this moment, his strength is extremely weak, not even as good as an ordinary disciple of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

Lying languidly on the side.

After a moment, he struggled to walk to Mei Yuyan.

He observed it carefully, breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression became a little more relaxed.

"Okay, okay, it's the poison of the White Bone Snake."

He motioned to Ye Xinghe and said, "Seal her heart."

Ye Xinghe was stunned for a moment.

"Why don't you do it yourself!"

Yan Tianxing said angrily: "I'm his father. What does it look like to seal her pulse? Her heart pulse is above her chest!"

Ye Xinghe laughed.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm a little confused!"

Ye Xinghe casually sealed Mei Yuyan's heart.

The tentacles were soft, but he didn't have any evil thoughts.

"Okay, the heart veins are sealed. At least it can be guaranteed that the poison of the White Bone Snake cannot enter the body within three days. Find some elixirs and give her some medicine to remove the poison!"

This elixir is not uncommon and should be available in many places.

At this time, all the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect could no longer be trusted.

Ye Xinghe had to take care of the two of them alone.

Moreover, the flying boat cannot be used now to prevent the target from being too large.

Ye Xinghe put away the flying boat and carried Mei Yuyan behind him.

Then he made something similar to a stretcher.

Put Yan Tianxing on it and drag him forward in the mountains and forests.

Start looking for the elixir along the way.

Mei Yuyan was drowsy and felt like her body was swaying.

Her consciousness was a little blurry, and her head was burning with pain, which made her regain consciousness.

The next moment, the pain all over my body came like a tide.

She couldn't help but moan slightly and opened her heavy eyelids.

However, he found himself being swayed on the shoulders of a tall man.

His shoulders were thick, and he felt an indescribable sense of security in his heart.

She sighed, a smile appeared on her face, and fell asleep again.

In the next two days, Ye Xinghe found five of the six required medicinal materials, but the last one was missing.

At this time, Mei Yuyan's condition worsened.

The body was soft and boneless, unable to stay still on Ye Xinghe's back.

Ye Xinghe had a wry smile on his face.

Why are you so unlucky!

After finally taking a hostage, the hostage turned into a drag.

Now she is deeply poisoned and has long lost her role as a hostage.

But if you don’t save it, you will feel uneasy!

If she just left them behind and let her die here, in the wilderness.

No matter what, Ye Xinghe could not do such a thing.

Without hesitating for a while, Ye Xinghe sighed and hugged her directly.

She only felt that her whole body was burning hot at this moment, like a flame burning.

It burned so hard that his arms felt like pain.

Ye Xinghe whispered to himself: "It's no longer possible, we have to hurry up!"

"If this continues, she will be burned directly into her internal organs by the flames transformed from the black poison, and she will be internally burned to death!"

At this time, Mei Yuyan woke up.

She woke up several times in the past few days. Although she was groggy, she roughly knew what happened.

Mei Yuyan tilted her head and looked at him, suddenly giggling. "You are so good-looking!"

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