Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2058: What can I do to help you?

If you kill him, it will really be a big trouble.

This family can't even afford to offend the Divine Sword Sect, let alone themselves.

But if you let it go, or leave it alone, there are hidden dangers.

How to deal with it, Ye Xinghe was very embarrassed for a while.

But at this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded leisurely.

"Little friend, I may be able to do you a favor."

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt excited all over, and his hair stood on end.

He instantly hunched over, his muscles tensed to the extreme, the nameless broken sword in his hand on guard, and he looked around vigilantly.

There was a chill in his heart.

He has been here for so long, but he still hasn't discovered that there is someone hiding here!

This shows how powerful this person is.

And the brainworm god was also screaming.

"How is it possible? My mental power is completely unaware that there is someone here. Where did you come from?"

Then the voice continued: "Don't be nervous, little friend. I don't mean any harm. In fact, my life and death only depend on your thoughts. I won't pose any threat to you."

He paused and continued: "You unfold the bamboo slips of the Void Sun Nurturing Technique."

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and opened the bamboo slips.

Then I saw several runes lighting up on the bamboo slips.

Then the runes disappeared, turning into light and shadow, forming the shadow of an old man in front of him.

He looks quite thin and handsome, looks a bit immortal, and has extraordinary strength.

But at this moment, he was only half of his body, dripping with blood, and looked extremely terrifying and miserable.

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The old man's shadow smiled and said: "I'm sorry for making you laugh, this was the way I was before I died, and this is the way I look now."

"When that tiger monster ate me, it didn't think about leaving me any dignity."

After hearing this, I saw again that he appeared from the main scroll of Xu Sun Yangshen Technique.

Ye Xinghe guessed it immediately.

He exclaimed: "You are Senior Chu, and you are not dead?"

Chu Shuangqiu smiled bitterly and said: "He was already dead, but a trace of his remaining soul remained, possessing the bamboo slips of the Void Sun Nourishing Technique."

"When I was discovered by you later, I woke up again for some reason. Maybe it was affected by something in your body."

Ye Xinghe thought for a moment.

I think this may be the function of the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron. After all, this thing is extremely magical.

Feeling Chu Shuangqiu's breath, the Brain Worm God suddenly screamed: "It's you, I feel your breath!"

"When I launched a spiritual attack on Ye Xinghe just now, you blocked me twice!"

Chu Shuangqiu smiled slightly.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you. Your mental attack is quite powerful, but unfortunately, your technique is too poor."

"I absorbed the power of your spiritual attack into my body, and it strengthened myself, allowing me to appear in the form of a soul body."

Ye Xinghe immediately bowed and saluted.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life!"

At first, he thought it was the Bamboo Slips of the Void Sun Yangshen Technique to protect the body, but now he found out that it was Chu Shuangqiu who did it.

Chu Shuangqiu smiled and said: "Little friend, you don't have to be so polite. I woke up because of you, lived because of you, and died because of you. Saving you means saving myself."

"What's more, when it comes to kindness, you are much greater to me!"

He pointed at the brainworm god on the ground and said: "I was originally a spiritual refiner, and later as a ghost, I stayed with the tiger demon for hundreds of years, so I still have some understanding of the soul spirit."

"I can drain its mental power for you and absorb it into your body. Then these powerful mental powers can help you practice. Maybe you can break through the realm of the Yin God!"

Ye Xinghe was immediately overjoyed.

He himself did not gain much from thinking about the art of cultivating the gods with the empty sun. Now that Chu Shuangqiu is guiding him, his speed will naturally increase by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, entering the realm of Yinshen will also be of great benefit to him!

Seeing that Ye Xinghe agreed, Chu Shuangqiu smiled slightly.

He simply floated towards the brainworm god.

The brainworm god kept screaming: "Don't come over!"

Chu Shuangqiu chuckled and said, "Don't worry, little one, I will be very gentle."

His right hand pressed down on the Brain Worm God.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe saw lines of power like golden threads peeling out of the Brain Worm God.

Flowing into the shadow of Chu Shuangqiu.

Within a moment, Chu Shuangqiu's shadow began to change, becoming more condensed and solid.

Moreover, the incomplete half of his body was repaired and turned into an old man with immortal demeanor.

After a long time, the brainworm god's expression became very dull.

He lay there limply, and the tentacles on his body were all wilted, just like an eggplant beaten by frost.


Chu Shuangqiu smiled and said: "Its mental power has been completely drained by me. It will not recover within ten and a half months."

At this time, there was already a piece of golden light in his hand, and he came to Ye Xinghe's side.

He said softly: "You are now using the Void Sun to nourish the spirit."

Ye Xinghe nodded, and followed what he said, quietly operating the secret of the Void Sun Nourishment Technique.

In an instant, I felt my spirit was clear.

The next moment, he felt as if a golden rain had fallen in his spiritual world.

The rain soaked into his body, making him feel indescribably comfortable all over.

The previously damaged spirit was also recovering quickly.

But other than that, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.

Chu Shuangqiu said softly: "I have now instilled most of its spiritual power into your soul."

"But you won't be able to refine this huge spiritual power for a while. You can just practice it slowly in the future."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

Chu Shuangqiu said: "Next, I still need to stay in the bamboo slips of the Void Sun Nurturing Technique. If you need anything, just call me."

He suddenly pointed at the body of the mad lion demon god.

"There's good stuff in here."

After saying that, he raised his hand and a burst of spiritual power quietly surged out.

Intangible and ambitious, he gently picked among the corpses, took out something, and threw it to Ye Xinghe.

It turned out that in addition to the inner elixir, this crazy lion demon god also had something else in his body.

This thing is about the size of an index finger and grows in its chest.

It looks like a five-sided crystal, like a crystal.

Its entire body is translucent in color, but there are countless fine golden gravels brewing inside.

There seems to be a magic circle carved on each grain of golden sand.

And suddenly, a green wind blew through the crystal.

The strong wind swept over this piece of gravel, forming a sky full of wind and sand.

After the wind and sand calm down.

On the top of the crystal, another image of a roaring lion quietly emerged.

Seeing this thing, Ye Xinghe suddenly remembered the past.

The two powerful magical powers displayed by this mad lion demon god. One is a roar that shocks the spirit, directly damages the person's spirit and soul, and can directly shatter the person's head.

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