Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2059: Refining Xuanhuang Divine Power

The other item is to sweep out the sky full of yellow sand, sealing off people's five senses and six consciousnesses.

That yellow sand has even more powerful lethality!

Ye Xinghe asked: "What is this?"

Chu Shuangqiu smiled and said: "This thing is called the natal magical stone."

"The natal magical stone?"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows, realizing something from this name.

"Could it be said that what is sealed in this natal magical power stone is actually the magical power of this monster?"

"That's right!"

Chu Shuangqiu glanced at him approvingly.

Ye Xinghe frowned and said: "But the source of its magical power, shouldn't it be the Xuanhuang divine power in his inner elixir?"

After Chu Shuangqiu’s explanation, Ye Xinghe finally found out.

It turns out that after this demon beast steps into the realm of demon gods, it will awaken its natal magical power.

Most monsters can only awaken one type, and it is quite rare to be able to awaken two natal magical powers.

And those who can awaken the three natal magical powers are even rarer.

But no matter how many natal magical powers are awakened, they will be condensed into something called the natal magical power stone in its body.

This natal magical stone will be formed the moment the demon beast steps into the half-step demon god realm.

It can be regarded as the natural rule of this big Xuanhuang world.

After the demon beast stepped into the demon god realm, the black and yellow divine power it absorbed was stored in the inner elixir.

The magical power is stored in the natal magical power stone.

When you want to use it, you have to use the black and yellow divine power in the inner elixir to control the magical power in the natal magical stone to use it.

Ye Xinghe was amazed when he heard this.

"Moreover, this thing is also very effective for you!"

Chu Shuangqiu said.

Ye Xinghe perked up and asked, "Can I learn his natal magical power and control it?"

Chu Shuangqiu shook his head.

"That's impossible. The reason why the natal magical power is called the natal magical power is because only this kind of monster can inherit its bloodline talent and be awakened."

"If humans can learn this kind of natal magical power, how can the monsters survive?"

Ye Xinghe said in surprise: "Then what do you mean?"

Chu Shuangqiu smiled slightly.

"As long as you step into the Martial God Realm and develop a trace of black and yellow divine power, you can use this black and yellow divine power to activate this natal magical power stone and display your magical power, but it is not learned."

"This performance has a number of times. When the times are used up, this natal magical stone will automatically break into pieces!"

Ye Xinghe understood.

This thing, like the Sky Thunder Bead, has become a consumable.

But it also made him very excited.

He had seen the power of this thing with his own eyes before.

If used properly, it can be of great use!

It happened that he had consumed the Vajra Body Protecting Pill and the Sky Thunder Bead. With this item, he had another trump card.

Ye Xinghe asked eagerly: "How powerful is it?"

Chu Shuangqiu looked carefully for a moment.

"Look at the power contained in its natal magical power stone. Its natal magical powers, the Crazy Lion's Roar and the Golden Fierce Wind, can be used twice each!"

"But you can also choose to make it more powerful. Then these two magical powers can only be used once each."

"But the power is roughly equivalent to a blow from a strong person at the fourth or fifth level of the Martial God Realm!"

Ye Xinghe nodded and put it away with great care.

Ye Xinghe suddenly turned his head and glanced at the Brain Worm God with a half-smile.

The Brain Insect God immediately lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

There is no doubt that the Brain Worm God must know that the Crazy Lion Demon God has this in his body.

But it deliberately didn't warn him before, obviously this guy is still quite cunning.

Ye Xinghe also didn't point it out.

Now that the Brain Worm God has fallen into his own hands, there will be plenty of ways to deal with it in the future.

Ye Xinghe's heart. Many plans have been thought of.

In fact, he didn't kill the brainworm god.

A very important reason is that in the future, whether it is to save He Zhihai, he will have more plans.

This brain insect god is a very important part.

He asked: "Where is this place and how far is it from the Divine Sword?"

Brain Worm Shinto said: "It is more than 700,000 miles deep into the Great Sumeru Mountains. It is far, far away from the Divine Sword Sect!"

Ye Xinghe frowned.

"At this depth, there should be many powerful monsters around!"

The brainworm god nodded.

"This is the lair of that stupid lion. There are many half-step demon gods around, and there are even strong demon gods."

Ye Xinghe frowned.

With his current strength, it would be more dangerous to go out rashly.

This is actually the lair of the crazy lion demon god.

It is better to practice here now and make plans after improving your strength.

Ye Xinghe looked around and found that this place was a huge mountain cave.

The exit is on a high cliff.

This cliff is hundreds of thousands of feet high and has an extremely wide view.

He put away the Brain Worm God and came to the entrance of the cave. There was a platform in front of him.

Seeing the white clouds surging in the distance, Ye Xinghe couldn't help but feel comfortable.

After sensing his physical condition, a wry smile appeared on his lips.

His physical condition at the moment is very bad.

And more importantly, he has nothing in his hands now.

The inner elixir of the previous monsters had all landed on the city wall.

The pills for cultivation have long been consumed.

The only thing that can be used now is the inner elixir of this crazy lion demon god.

But what's sealed inside is Xuanhuang's divine power, and I can't absorb it!

At this time, Chu Shuangqiu's voice suddenly sounded.

"Who said you can't absorb Xuanhuang's divine power without entering the Martial God Realm?"

Ye Xinghe said in surprise: "Can it be said that it can be done now!"

"That's natural."

Chu Shuangqiu said calmly.

"This Xuanhuang divine power is the most original and powerful force in the Xuanhuang world."

"Generally speaking, starting from the ninth level of the outer world realm, you can try to embrace the world and refine the Xuanhuang divine power."

"After entering the half-step Martial God realm, you can possess half of the mysterious power."

"When you step into the first level of the Martial God Realm, you can have one, the second level of the Martial God Realm has two, and the third level of the Martial God Realm has four."

"By doubling it in turn, by analogy, when you reach the tenth level of the Martial God Realm, you will have a total of 512 black and yellow divine powers!" Ye Xinghe was dazzled by this.

"Does this crazy lion demon god possess a black and yellow divine power, which is equivalent to the first level of the human race's Martial God Realm?"

Chu Shuangqiu nodded.

Ye Xinghe even took a breath of cold air.

The Mad Lion Demon God only had a ray of black and yellow divine power, and he beat himself so miserably.

It’s hard to imagine how terrifying someone with 512 mysterious powers would be.

Chu Shuangqiu continued: "However, there has always been a shortage of talented and stunning people."

"Some people can possess half of the Mysterious Emperor's divine power when they are at the ninth level or even the eighth level of the outer world!"

"I think you might as well give it a try!"

Ye Xinghe slowly clenched his fists and nodded heavily.

He has always had great confidence in his talent. "There's no reason why I can't do what others can do!"

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