Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2067: All under the God of War are ants

He swung his sword casually and took away what they had on them.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Ye Xinghe lowered his head and smiled coldly.

"This is just the beginning!"

An hour later, in another valley in the Great Sumeru Mountains.

The flying boat crashed, and the bodies of several disciples lay beside it.

Still a member of the Law Enforcement Hall!

At this time, Ye Xinghe already had an extra compass in his hand.

This compass was the same as when Zhao Zhichun and others entered the Great Sumeru Mountains to track him.

The compasses used are somewhat similar, but not identical.

The red dot that appeared on the compass before represented the person being tracked.

On this compass, dozens of white dots appeared.

Each white dot represents another team.

It turned out that these law enforcement hall disciples were divided into small teams.

And they still use this compass to communicate with each other.

At this time, Ye Xinghe already knew how to use this compass.

He used this thing to find the team just now and killed them all.

Then Ye Xinghe looked at the other light spots that appeared on the compass.

Finding the one closest to him, he quickly headed in that direction.

He said coldly: "Next one!"

Within the next half day.

Ye Xinghe raised his sword and killed ten of them, belonging to the punishment boat team of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Nearly a hundred law enforcement officers died under his hands!

At this time, this scene also caused panic among many law enforcement hall disciples.

They don't know who did it.

But he knew that at least ten ships of punishment had lost contact.

Many disciples were frightened because these dead people disappeared directly on the compass in their hands!

Many disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall also realized something was wrong.

So they all quickly approached in the direction of one of the punishment boats.

At this time, somewhere in the dense forest, Ye Xinghe looked at the compass in his hand.

Look at those small light spots, approaching the largest light spot.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you thinking of gathering together to resist me? It's useless!"

"The more people we have, the easier it will be to kill. Let's get rid of them all at once!"

In Ye Xinghe's eyes, everyone in the Martial God Realm is just an ant.

In the outer world, he is invincible!

Among these Divine Sword Sect disciples, the strongest ones are only at the ninth level of the Outer World Realm.

There is simply not enough to see in front of him, no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

But there is one trickier one.

Ye Xinghe frowned and looked at the larger light spot.

He already knew it from the mouths of the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall who were caught by him before.

This time the mission was commanded by An Jupeng.

An Jupeng is the deputy elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, ranking only behind Zhu Qingtan and Xie Yuanqiao.

His strength has reached the second level of the Martial God Realm, and he is very fierce.

I am definitely no match for him now.

It is indeed a bit tricky to deal with this level.

If he were in the sect and on the stage of life and death, he would probably die immediately.

“But it’s a pity”

Ye Xinghe glanced around.

"This is the Great Sumeru Mountains, and there are endless variables!"

"Next, feel the fear!"

He hurriedly disappeared and left.

On the second day, when the sun rose, more than ten punishment boats were already gathered together.

This time, there were more than twenty boats of punishment that came to hunt down Ye Xinghe.

Except for those destroyed and killed by Ye Xinghe, the others are all here.

Surrounded by many ships of punishment, there was an extremely huge flying ship.

It is about a hundred meters long, and its whole body is painted in gold, making it look very prominent.

And on the bow of this ship, a man stood proudly,

This man's hair was as black as ink, his eyebrows were thick, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

The lips are thin and look a bit cold.

At first glance, he looks like a person who has held great power for a long time and is decisive in killing.

This person is none other than An Jupeng!

In fact, in the Divine Sword Sect

The name of An Jupeng, the deputy elder, is even more important and resounding than that of Zhu Qingtan and Xie Yuanqiao.

There is no other reason, because he is extremely ruthless, and he is extremely cold-blooded and never shows mercy.

It is said that this person does not have many other hobbies, but is lustful.

No matter which girl he fell in love with, whether it was a daughter who had not left the court or was married to someone else's wife.

He will try his best to bring them into the house.

If you don't obey. Directly destroy his entire family!

Because of this reason, no less than a hundred family forces were destroyed under his hands!

Tens of thousands of people were killed directly or indirectly!

This man is notorious and has a very bad reputation.

But he happened to be Zhu Qingtan's younger brother, and one of the people Zhu Qingtan loved and valued the most.

The two grew up together and lived together for hundreds of years, and they have a deep relationship.

With Zhu Qingtan protecting him, no one could touch him and no one dared to touch him.

At this time, the disciples around him looked at him with awe.

An Jupeng glanced around.

Then he said solemnly: "There is no need to wait any longer. If it can't come now, it will never come!"

Many disciples looked at it and felt a little sad.

Nearly half of the manpower has been lost, and those who did not come are probably dead.

They were even more panicked, not knowing what kind of enemy they had encountered.

An Jupeng also frowned and said solemnly: "We are only afraid that we are being targeted!"

"But I don't know if it's a strong man from other sects or a monster in the Great Sumeru Mountains."

"This person is quite powerful!"

He didn't think about Ye Xinghe at all.

In his opinion, if Ye Xinghe fell into the beast tide, there was no possibility of survival.

And even if he survived, so what? How could a seriously injured person have such strength?

Seeing everyone's panic, he snorted coldly and unsheathed his sword.

The aura on his body was rising, and streaks of black and yellow divine power were flowing around his body.

He said coldly: "I am at the second level of the Martial God Realm. I have refined ten black and yellow divine powers, which are far superior to ordinary second-level Martial God Realm experts. Why panic? I can't turn the world upside down with me!"

Feeling the powerful aura on his body, everyone felt relieved.

An Jupeng does have pride.

Generally speaking, an ordinary second-level Martial God Realm can only smelt two black and yellow divine powers.

But this is just a basic value, the lowest and worst case scenario, and this is just the lowest number.

In fact, most people far exceed this number.

There are many elements that determine how much Xuanhuang power you have.

The magical power he cultivated, the method of refining Xuanhuang divine power, and his innate divine appearance.

Even if you have any adventures, you can often change them.

An Jupeng and Zhu Qingtan are from the same lineage, and their magical powers are very strong.

His appearance has also reached the fourth level, which is only one step away from the fifth level.

In addition, after so many years, the resources of the Divine Sword Sect have been reduced. He possesses quite powerful Xuanhuang divine power at the same level!

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