Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2068 Ye Xinghe, it’s you who is causing trouble

Seeing that everyone looked calm and had a sword in hand, An Jupeng also looked proud.

I just feel that even if there are any powerful enemies from outside the sect or powerful monsters, I can deal with them with one person and one sword!

But at this moment, suddenly, there was a roar of a beast in the distance.

A giant demonic beast was running rapidly through the mountains and forests.

This monster is about seven or eight hundred meters tall, and its body is white, except for its back, which is pitch black.

It turned out to be a giant ape.

This was slightly different from the silver giant ape that Ye Xinghe killed that day, and was slightly smaller.

But it is more condensed, and its strength is even better.

He has actually reached the first level of the Demon God Realm, which is equivalent to the second level of the Human Race's Martial God Realm.

And it didn't come by itself, but was surrounded by thousands of powerful monster beasts of various sizes.

A small piece of darkness came towards An Jupeng and others.

When An Jupeng saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment, and then secretly cried out that he was unlucky.

"Damn it, why did we encounter such a small beast wave!"

He didn't have many surprises.

During this time, beast tides occurred frequently near the Divine Sword Sect.

In fact, it’s not just the Divine Sword Sect.

There are nine major sects in the entire southern part of the Great Sumeru Mountains.

Except for some far away from the Great Sumeru Mountains, all others encountered the beast tide.

The Lingyun Sword Sect encountered a much more serious situation than the Divine Sword Sect.

Still haven't got my hands free yet.

Although the large beast tides around the Divine Sword Sect have been wiped out, there are still many small and scattered ones.

It is normal for them to meet here. The other party is attracted by their human blood.

It's just a decapitated black-backed giant ape. It's not a strong opponent for him, enough to deal with it.

He waved his long sword and said sternly: "Set up the formation!"


Many disciples agreed.

In an instant, the Punishment Boat flew and formed a large circular formation.

Many disciples stood on it and soon formed a formation of a hundred people.

An Jupeng is the core of this formation!

A moment later, the black-backed giant ape was directly in front of him.

It didn't say any nonsense, it just took out a huge stick from behind.

This stick is thousands of meters long and several dozen meters thick.

The whole body is a green color, with dozens of young leaves growing on it, and the surface is uneven.

It was like lifting a giant tree down, smoothing out the branches, and using it as a weapon.

Although this weapon looks extremely crude.

But in the hands of this black-backed giant ape, when he smashed it down hard, it was frightening.

A fierce wind roared through the air, as if it could smash a mountain into pieces.

The next moment, the giant stick hit the sky above the magic circle.

There was a loud 'bang'.

The giant stick was raised high, flew several thousand meters away, and landed in the distance.

The black-backed giant ape was shocked so much that blood dripped from his hands.

But instead of being angry, he was happy and roared forward.

It turned out that under this stick, the formation formed by An Jupeng and others was shattered to pieces.

The magic circle's light shone brightly, and it only resisted for a moment before being shattered alive.

Dozens of disciples vomited blood and flew out, already injured.

It turns out that although this giant stick is made of wood, it is a type of iron-gold tree that is unique to the Great Sumeru Mountains.

Its density is not weaker than gold and iron.

The weight of this stick has reached an unimaginable level.

The weight of the stick plus the brute strength of the black-backed giant ape.

Forcibly smashing the magic circle they had painstakingly arranged!

An Jupeng was shocked.

The strength of this beast was probably still beyond his imagination.

He has probably reached the peak of the first level of the Demon God Realm!

But he was not afraid. He was also at the second level of the Martial God Realm, so let's compare!

The next moment, the black-backed giant ape's fist, which was as big as a mountain and the moon, had already smashed down hard.

An Jupeng looked up to the sky and roared: "Okay, let you, a beast, see how powerful our Divine Sword Sect is!"

The long sword in his hand slashed out fiercely, and the black and yellow divine power lingered on it.

The front finger of the long sword was divided into nine parts. Each sword was extremely terrifying and had powerful killing power.

The black-backed giant ape also shrank his pupils. He didn't expect this human cultivator to be so powerful.

Feeling that he couldn't face it directly, he dodged and retreated.

Seeing that the beast was being forced back, An Jupeng laughed and took advantage of the victory to pursue him.

According to the normal trend, he was at the peak of the second level of the Martial God Realm, had extremely rich experience, and had endless magic weapons in his hands.

If he hits the back, he must have the upper hand, and he may even be able to kill the black giant ape.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Just as An Jupeng was chasing after him, he suddenly felt an intentional and invisible spiritual attack coming.

Extremely severe pain that penetrates deep into the soul and bone marrow.

For a moment, he felt as if he had been thrown into the alchemy furnace and was being melted by endless karma.

He was powerful and mentally strong, and he did not suffer a direct mental breakdown.

But it was also a scream, and the attack slowed down a lot.

He stagnated in place, bleeding from his eyes, ears, mouth, nose and every orifice.

His performance was actually much better than that of the silver giant ape back then, and he was worthy of his reputation as a strong man.

But the problem is that at this moment he is facing a strong man who is not much weaker than him.

Seeing this situation, the black-backed giant ape was stunned for a moment, and then immediately made a judgment.

This is definitely not a trap!

It roared wildly and rushed forward excitedly.

A punch with Xuanhuang divine power hit An Jupeng's body fiercely.

With a bang, An Jupeng's bones were broken.

He was beaten to a bloody mess, like a pile of rotten meat, and flew backwards and hit a flying boat heavily.

This punch directly injured him and lost most of his combat power.

At this time, An Jupeng also came back to his senses very quickly.

He gritted his teeth and roared, and then fled back decisively without any hesitation.

The black-backed giant ape was chasing him closely behind.

But it obviously had a shortcoming in speed, and it was pulled away in a moment.

An Jupeng was relieved immediately.

But at this moment. Suddenly, another extremely powerful mental attack came.

This time, he stiffened his body in the air and fell down.

The black was caught up by the giant ape in an instant, how could he miss this opportunity.

Amid its laughter, a punch fell!

When he was dying, An Jupeng suddenly realized something.

He suddenly shouted: "Ye Xinghe, you are the one who is causing trouble!"

He looked somewhere.

At this time, not far from the battlefield, on a towering cliff.

Ye Xinghe sneered and quietly put away the brainworm god in his hand.

The brainworm god looked full of resentment.

"When you need me, take me out and use me."

"Throw it away immediately after use, you really have no conscience!"

Ye Xinghe looked at An Jupeng, with a cold and murderous look on his lips. He gently wiped his neck with his right hand, and the meaning was very clear.

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