Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2069 Another fight

"You're going to die!"

The next moment, An Jupeng's eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

He was already punched to death by the black-backed giant ape!

Between the flash of lightning and flint, every move is fatal!

At this time, the black-backed giant ape apparently also discovered that he was probably being used by Ye Xinghe.

However, it didn't take it too seriously. After all, it was Ye Xinghe's credit for killing An Jupeng.

And killing An Jupeng is the most beneficial thing for it!

It grabbed An Jupeng's body and held his space container in its hands.

Then, it glanced in the direction of Ye Xinghe and slowly retreated backwards.

The beast tide had already killed the rest of the Law Enforcement Hall disciples at this time, and then retreated one after another.

Ye Xinghe did not stop him.

He didn't try to snatch anything back from the black-backed giant ape's mouth.

His purpose is clear.

It's revenge! They are the people who killed the Law Enforcement Hall! Just kill An Jupeng!

Don't care about the others.

Besides, with his current strength.

When the black-backed giant ape was already on guard, he couldn't kill the opponent at all.

Its strength is actually much stronger than that of the silver giant ape, not only is it at a higher level.

And it has an extremely powerful weapon!

This is why Ye Xinghe likes it.

In fact, Ye Xinghe was preparing to ambush An Jupeng and others and set up this killing situation.

He searched for a suitable monster nearby and finally chose him.

As for how to lure this black-backed giant ape out.

It's very simple, just let the gold-seeking rat seduce you.

Ye Xinghe first searched for someone with suitable strength in the nearby area.

Finally the black-backed giant ape was discovered.

This black-backed giant ape seems to be a distant relative of the previous silver giant ape.

But his strength is even better, he has already reached the first level of the Martial God Realm.

And maybe it's because they are distant relatives.

Therefore, it is extremely interested in the inner elixir of the silver giant ape and the natal magical stone.

Of course, I am also more interested in gold-seeking rats.

So when the gold-seeking rat appeared in front of it with the inner elixir in its mouth.

Then he pretended to be in a panic and ran away like crazy.

It immediately caught up with him.

Whether it's the gold-seeking rat or the inner elixir of the silver giant ape.

For it, they have become treasures that must be obtained.

The gold-seeking mouse ran forward and soon came to An Jupeng and others.

Then he rushed directly under the formation formed by the Punishment Boat and disappeared.

So the black-backed giant ape logically believed that this gold-seeking rat must have been raised by the human cultivator in front of him.

What nonsense is there, of course it’s his mother’s fault!

Kill these human cultivators, steal their treasures, and eat them!

Then take the golden mouse and inner elixir into your pocket!

The collision between humans and monsters is so simple and crude!

At this time, some law enforcement hall disciples still escaped death.

They were gathering together with lingering fears, ready to discuss what to do.

At this time, Ye Xinghe appeared.

Seeing him, everyone screamed and howled as if they had seen a ghost.

"Ye Xinghe, it's you, you're not dead as expected, it turns out you were the one responsible for this beast wave!"

"You dare to kill Elder An, you are totally treasonous!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about what happens to me in the future."

"Now, all of you die!"

Then the long sword slashed out repeatedly, killing all the remaining people!

After doing this, Ye Xinghe returned to the Divine Sword Sect.

I have been outside for too long this time, nearly three months, and I don’t know how my senior sister is doing.

The biggest enemy is in the Divine Sword Sect!

This time, Ye Xinghe wants to take out the old and new grudges from them one by one!

He stepped onto the dock and came to the square.

When many people saw Ye Xinghe, their faces suddenly showed signs of astonishment.

After all the events in the past, Ye Xinghe has spread among the Divine Sword Sect.

"Isn't he already dead? Why is he back again?"

"To be able to escape from the beast tide, what a strength and opportunity!"

But there were also people who suddenly showed a look of excitement on their faces after seeing clearly that it was Ye Xinghe.

He ran somewhere quickly, as if informing others about this.

Ye Xinghe completely ignored these and walked straight towards He Zhihai's courtyard.

He is now very anxious to know He Sixuan's condition.

And just when he was about to leave the square, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped him directly.

Then, a sharp roar came.

"Ye Xinghe, you are not dead yet! That's fine, then let me take your life with my own hands and recover the blood debt!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Ye Xinghe looked to the side expressionlessly.

The man who came was menacing and had murderous intent on his face.

But it was an old acquaintance, Zhao Zhichun!

There was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of Ye Xinghe's mouth.

"Hey, I'm alive and kicking. It seems that I'm recovering well!"

He had heard about it the last time he came back.

Zhao Zhichun was the only survivor among all the disciples who originally chased him.

Perhaps the injury was too serious, and he has been unconscious since returning to the sect.

His master Zhu Qingtan used many elixirs to keep him alive.

Now it seems that it has recovered.

Zhao Zhichun's face twisted when he heard this.

His new and old hatreds for Ye Xinghe surged up together!

He hated Ye Xinghe to the extreme.

You should know that Zhu Qingtan paid a considerable price for him to wake up this time.

He asked Dan Zhenren to refine a pill to save him.

And this price finally fell on him!

He was confiscated all his resources for the next five years, and he barely gathered the things to refine a pill.

How could he not hate him when his resources were confiscated for the next five years!

Thinking of him in the Great Xumi Mountains, forcing Yan Tianxing to attack himself and others.

He was beaten and seriously injured!

And more importantly, Zhao Zhichun felt very aggrieved!

He was obviously much stronger than Ye Xinghe, but he couldn't kill him, and he was injured!

Seeing Ye Xinghe at this time, he was immediately excited to the extreme, and his killing intent was also surging to the extreme.

He roared: "Ye Xinghe, now without Yan Tianxing's support, I wonder what you are capable of!"

He didn't know how terrible Ye Xinghe's strength had grown!

In his eyes, Ye Xinghe was the eighth level of the Outer Heaven Realm, and he could still be trampled on at will!

Ye Xinghe shook his head with a cold look.

At this time, he could kill an opponent like Zhao Zhichun with just one move, without even drawing his sword.

He suddenly had an idea and looked into the distance.

"Zhu Qingtan, I'm afraid you have already known the news." "As one of your most beloved disciples, you should be on your way to stop him in a hurry, don't want him to be killed by me!"

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