Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2195: Breakthrough to the Second Level of the Martial God Realm

Chapter 2195 Breakthrough! Second level of the Martial God Realm!

It is to absorb the Xuanhuang Divine Pill, or refine the demon god inner pill containing the Xuanhuang Divine Power.

Some of the spiritual herbs and medicines also contain the Xuanhuang Divine Power, but they are extremely rare.

Ye Xinghe hadn't felt it before.

At this time, the medicinal power in these herbs began to disperse easily under the pressure of the seven-colored flames.

The Xuanhuang Divine Power inside was also forced out!

What are you waiting for? If you don't take advantage of this, you're a fool!

Ye Xinghe's mind moved, and the huge suction force of the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron came immediately, directly sucking these spiritual herbs and medicines into it.

Then it began to operate frantically.

Although he couldn't use the Divine Appearance at this time.

But because the Xuanhuang Divine Power in these spiritual herbs and medicines had been forced out, there was no need to bother to refine it.

So he absorbed it very quickly.

If you say that using the Divine Appearance to refine the Xuanhuang Divine Power is like escaping gravel from a gold mine, and then filtering out the gold sand bit by bit.

Then grind and crush it, and finally get the finished gold.

At this time, these Xuanhuang divine powers are just like gold thrown on the ground, just reach out and pick it up.

So, it only took one day for Ye Xinghe to refine a Xuanhuang divine power.

He has officially possessed 25 Xuanhuang divine powers!

And as the flames burned, these spiritual herbs and medicines containing Xuanhuang divine power melted faster.

Instead, they were easier to be absorbed by Ye Xinghe!

By the evening of the next day, Ye Xinghe had already refined the 26th Xuanhuang divine power.

At this moment, he suddenly shook all over, as if something in his body was opened.

The next moment, the 26 Xuanhuang divine powers surged wildly in his body, walking a big circle.

Then, some of the Xuanhuang divine powers wandered out from Ye Xinghe's heart and quietly came to his lungs.

This means that Ye Xinghe has entered the second level of the Martial God Realm!

Poor Dan Zhenren, these medicinal materials accumulated for many years are extremely cherished.

Not only did it not have any effect, it did not turn Ye Xinghe into a pill, but it was swallowed by Ye Xinghe.

He refined his own Xuanhuang divine power and broke through the second level of the Martial God Realm in one fell swoop!

Ye Xinghe's heart moved.

"Why did the Xuanhuang divine power enter the lungs?"

"Could it be that in this Martial God Realm, every time a realm is broken through, the Xuanhuang divine power will be moved to a certain place in the five internal organs?"

He frowned and felt a little strange.

He killed many Martial God Realm masters, and had exchanges with even more Martial God Realm masters.

But he had never heard of this.

Unable to figure it out, Ye Xinghe suppressed his doubts.

After all, it was a good thing to break through.

He had stayed at the peak of the first level of the Martial God Realm for a long time before.

The feeling of being extremely tight and almost bursting in the body came repeatedly.

It means that he can no longer accommodate too much Xuanhuang divine power at the first level of the Martial God Realm.

After entering the second level of the Martial God Realm, Ye Xinghe felt that his body

Especially the lungs where the Xuanhuang divine power had just reached, felt extremely empty, as if it was in urgent need of circulating divine power.

"It will be twice as effective to practice after the breakthrough!"

Ye Xinghe sighed lightly.

Looking around, the medicinal materials had basically been melted and turned into thick liquid medicine.

Ye Xinghe had been floating above them before.

This liquid medicine was extremely hot and corrosive.

And the whole body was pitch black, and bubbles came up from time to time.

Although there was a strong strange fragrance.

But Ye Xinghe could feel that it contained extremely terrifying and explosive power.

So he didn't dare to approach it easily.

Just kidding, this is a liquid medicine made from 48 kinds of rare spiritual herbs and medicines!

Ye Xinghe knew that it was estimated that there were great benefits in it, and the consequences of going in were uncertain.

He didn't want any variables at this time.

But it was unfortunate that the sky didn't go as planned. At this time, the alchemy furnace suddenly shook.

The lid of the alchemy furnace began to move slowly, as if it was about to be lifted up.

Ye Xinghe was startled and looked around.

But he found that although the interior of the alchemy furnace was large, there was no place for him to hide!

He thought to himself: "Oh no, it must be Master Dan who wants to see the progress of the alchemy!"

If he came in at this time, Ye Xinghe would have nowhere to hide and would be seen clearly!

If Master Dan found out that he was still alive, then everything would be over!

Not to mention that the plan could not be done, I am afraid he would lose his life immediately!

Seeing that the lid of the alchemy furnace slowly moved to the side, Ye Xinghe had nowhere to go.

He gritted his teeth and sank his body directly, entering the extremely hot and violent medicine liquid.

In an instant, he was submerged.

After a few bubbles appeared on the surface of the medicine liquid, there was no movement.

At this time, the top cover of the alchemy furnace was also completely removed.

Master Dan's sleeves fluttered, looking down.

It turned out that he was anxious because he saw that there had been no movement in the alchemy furnace for two days. After all, this pill was related to everything he had, so he wanted to open it and see what was inside. Even if it would lose some of the efficacy, he would accept it. From his perspective, looking down, the pale chaotic flames were floating on top.

So from his perspective, the alchemy furnace was still filled with pale and chaotic flames and was being continuously refined.

The bottom has been refined into a large ball of black liquid medicine.

As for Ye Xinghe, there was no trace at all.

Master Dan sneered.

"Boy, I'm jealous of your talent and body. It's a pity. It's a pity that you have to practice like this!"

From his point of view, everything went well, and any doubts in his mind were immediately eliminated.

The top cover of the alchemy furnace could not be opened for too long, so he quickly closed it again.

Basically, it was just a glance.

But after the alchemy furnace roof was closed, Ye Xinghe's figure did not appear.

Still soaked in the black liquid.

It turned out that at the moment Ye Xinghe sank into the medicinal liquid.

He just felt that an extreme burning heat invaded his body.

The power of this medicinal liquid seems to be tens of thousands of times higher than the temperature of the volcanic lava!

At this moment, Ye Xinghe was in extreme pain, and his body seemed to be completely melted!

This is not surprising, these liquids were originally used to smelt him.

Don’t forget, that pill, Ye Xinghe is the real main ingredient!

Then, this huge and powerful medicinal power directly invaded Ye Xinghe's body.

Ye Xinghe almost fainted from the pain, his whole body was shaking.

But he knew that Master Dan was watching from above, so he gritted his teeth and stood firm.

But at the moment when the power of the medicine entered the body.

There seems to be some power that has been inspired in Ye Xinghe's bloodline.

At this moment, the blood in Ye Xinghe's body was flowing crazily.

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