Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2196 Bloodline Mutation

Chapter 2196 Bloodline changes!

There was actually a little bit of red light shining out of his body.

And if you look carefully, you will find that these little bits of red light are the drops of blood in his blood!

Finally, when countless red light spots lit up inside his body, they spread all over his limbs, skull, and so on.

These red light spots finally merged into red lines, like dragon veins, entrenched in his body.

Ye Xinghe fell into a semi-coma state at this time, so he couldn't see.

But if someone looked down from above him at this moment, they would find it.

Within Ye Xinghe's body, nine huge red blood vessels appeared, entrenched in his body!

Just like nine five-clawed golden dragons, they look ferocious and majestic!

Moreover, these nine five-clawed golden dragons are still flowing inside Ye Xinghe's body.

Ye Xinghe has fallen into a semi-conscious state at this time, but the blood in his body is automatically activated.

The next moment, infinite suction came out of this bloodline.

The endless medicinal power in the medicinal liquid steamed up and was inhaled in an instant.

It took almost only an hour for the energy in the liquid to be completely absorbed.

At this time, Ye Xinghe's body also curled up and bent into a big ball.

The dark liquid stuck to the surface of his body.

It looks like the whole person is like a huge black pill.

At this time, the power of the medicinal liquid entered the body and penetrated into the blood.

Every drop of essence and blood in Ye Xinghe's body began to jump!

Every drop of essence and blood seemed to turn into a separate individual and move.

Like big red suns, shining with extremely bright light and heat.

Then as the medicinal liquid was absorbed into it, the red blood essence began to beat crazily.

At first, you and I were fighting for it, and the liquid liquid was like a long blue river.

This essence and blood jumped into the long blue river and was absorbed at an extremely fast speed.

The cyan medicinal liquid penetrated into every drop of blood essence and began to swirl, turning into streams of cyan mist flowing inside.

After a while, it was completely refined.

And every drop of red essence and blood becomes stronger than before.

Among them, some red essence and blood are more powerful and absorb more medicinal liquid.

At this time, the shape has actually changed, and a head and tail have grown.

It looks like the prototype of a dragon!

And when the blood in Ye Xinghe's body reacted to the medicinal liquid and began to absorb it.

Somehow, a trace of the original power in his bloodline was also passed on.

The moment this trace of instinctive blood power is transmitted.

The entire ground in the forbidden area of ​​the Divine Pond trembled violently.

Under the earth, a terrifying aura rose instantly.

Although it appears suddenly like spring, it then disappears.

However, this power is still frightening!

At this time, outside, Master Dan was looking at the alchemy furnace with all his concentration.

When he felt this breath appear and something strange happened underground.

His face was full of excitement, he clapped his fist hard and said with a smile: "It's done! Sure enough, what I expected was right!"

"Ye Xinghe's bloodline can indeed react with this object. His bloodline talent is really too powerful!"

There was a hint of deep-seated envy and jealousy in his eyes.

"It would be great if I had his body. If I had his body, I wouldn't have to work so hard to refine it into a pill, swallow it, and then refine it!"

"If I had his body, I could refine this thing directly!"

"After all, I refined him into a pill, wasn't it just to get a trace of his bloodline power?"


His face was filled with excitement.

"It's finally done. Since this thing has reacted, it means that there is no problem with what I deduced before!"

Ye Xinghe's body is curled up, he is delirious, its power is growing, and his body is evolving.

Everything is going on quietly.

And his appearance is still like a huge black pill, curled up under the alchemy furnace.

Time passed by slowly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already the Dragon Boat Festival!

Finally, the Dragon Boat Festival arrived.

This morning, Ye Xinghe finally woke up in the alchemy furnace.

The shell formed by the black liquid outside him quietly shattered, revealing Ye Xinghe's body.

At this time, he was only wearing a pair of shorts, and his whole body was as smooth as jade.

And on his chest, there was a shallow golden line, and he didn't know what it was.

Ye Xinghe just woke up and immediately realized his situation.

Thoughts quickly ran through his mind.

It is to roughly capture some context of what happened before.

"Under the influence of this medicinal liquid, my own bloodline reacted automatically and began to absorb the power of this medicinal liquid!"

Ye Xinghe lowered his head and saw the lines on his chest that looked like divine writing.

There was a look of doubt on his face.

"What is this?"

"Could it be that my bloodline has quietly changed?"

But there was a hint of joy on his face, which was a good thing after all.

He knew very well that his bloodline was absolutely extraordinary.

But before, no matter how he stimulated this bloodline, there was no response.

Ye Xinghe raised his head.

"It should be the Dragon Boat Festival now, it's the last moment!"

He touched the thing inside the iron ring on his hand.

"Everything is safe and sound, just everything is there!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he quietly climbed up the wall of the alchemy furnace.

Pick the best angle and get everything ready.

The whole body was tense, like a cheetah, waiting quietly.

His breathing was steady and long, without any panic.

Even though he knew that what happened next would be dangerous and might even determine his own fate.

But at this moment, he felt extremely calm!

Suddenly, faint sounds were heard outside.

Although it was very faint, he could hear that it seemed to be the sound of thunder.

Ye Xinghe's heart suddenly moved.

"Is it possible that Chu Qingqiu is here?"

His guess was correct. At this time, Master Dan had already brought Chu Qingqiu over.

At this time, Chu Qingqiu was still trapped in the colorful and exquisite tower.

She had not slept for several days and nights, and her expression was dull.

But a pair of eyes were filled with fierce murderous intent, even a bit crazy.

Especially when she saw the huge alchemy furnace and thought that Ye Xinghe had been reduced to ashes at this time.

My heart hurt to the extreme.

But the murderous intention on his face became stronger and stronger, and the power of thunder in his hand was wildly bombarding the colorful exquisite tower.

Such power caused the Colorful Exquisite Tower to sway constantly, as if it might break at any time.

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