Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2369 Super Super Divine Power Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu

Chapter 2369 Super-level magical power, the Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu!

But Ye Xinghe also discovered it.

The things inside should all be trapped in a certain kind of magic circle.

There is a magic circle's light shining on it.

As long as you hold this object in your hand for more than three breaths, you will not return it.

There will be light shining out.

If there is no return in three more breaths.

This object will fly up directly and return to the position where it was just placed.

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Speaking from this treasure house alone, this Demon God Palace is much more generous than the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

When he thought about it, he knew what was going on.

Compared to the Five Elements Immortal Sect, the Demon God Palace is extremely dangerous and weak at this moment.

But unfortunately, it has ruled this world for so many years.

So the family's wealth is still there, and there are more treasures than the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

These treasures can neither be eaten as food nor converted into immediate combat power.

Therefore, for the Demon God Palace, it is better to put these things directly into the treasure house.

Get everyone's attention and make them fight for it.

From this point of view, it is normal for the Demon God Palace to be more generous than the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

It took Ye Xinghe more than half an hour to wander around.

He discovered that most of the things in the Demon Palace's treasure house were indeed different.

Generally tend to be on the vicious and sinister side.

It really appeals to them, the trial immortals.

Ye Xinghe also took a fancy to a few things and secretly wrote them down, but did not buy them.

Although he now has 50,000 contribution points, these 50,000 contribution points cannot be spent.

For the time being, he didn't want to consume any of the Demon God Palace's contribution points.

Because he wanted to buy something that would shock him directly after seeing it.

That is.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe was standing under the secret book of magical powers.

At this time, on the high shelf, there was a jade plate at the top.

Ye Xinghe's eyes became particularly hot.

He sighed softly.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter a magical power of this level here!"

This jade plate is placed on the top layer and in the middle.

Obviously, it is the highest level magical power and secret method in this treasure house.

Ye Xinghe stretched out his hand, wanting to touch it.

As a result, before my fingers even touched it, it was bounced away by an invisible light shield.

He burst into laughter.

Obviously, the above magical powers and secrets should be the most precious things in this treasure house.

So you can't even touch it, you can only see it through a light mask.

But fortunately, the introduction next to it is also very careful.

On the jade board, five ancient seal script characters were written: Big Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Gong.

The Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu sounds like a Buddhist technique.

He took another look at the score, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

This turned out to be a super-grade magical power!

This party's classification of martial arts, martial arts and supernatural powers is quite rough.

There are only grades one to nine.

The first grade is the lowest and the ninth grade is the highest.

The corresponding ones are masters from level one to level nine.

And above these nine-level magical powers, there are also super-level magical powers.

Ye Xinghe estimated the level of this super-grade magical power.

It is far more than the ninth-level magical power of Xuanhuang World.

As for how much it exceeds, we have to return to the Taixu Holy Realm to know.

However, Ye Xinghe estimates that the Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu is at least two levels higher than the ninth level magical power!

There was a burning sensation in his heart.

"It just so happens that I have to change my magical power now."

You must know that the previous Great Wilderness Creation Technique was passed down by the Eternal Emperor.

For the previous Ye Xinghe, his level was very high and was of great benefit to his cultivation.

But he has now refined a lot of Xuanhuang divine power, and his realm is approaching the fifth level of the Martial God Realm.

The Great Wilderness Creation Technique is obviously not enough.

Now, the speed at which Ye Xinghe refines Xuanhuang's divine power is close to one per month.

It's because the level of the Great Wilderness Creation Technique is low.

Ye Xinghe thought secretly in his heart: "I don't know if I get this Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu, will the speed of refining Xuanhuang Divine Power increase at that time!"

Then he continued to look down, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat.

The following introduction reads: After practicing the Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu, the speed of absorbing the original power of heaven and earth can be increased to three times the current rate!

The so-called original power of heaven and earth in the Demon Lord's world is the Xuanhuang divine power of the Xuanhuang world.

Ye Xinghe was happy in his heart.

"If I get this thing, doesn't it mean that I can refine a mysterious power in the next seven days?"

This also means that in the future, my cultivation speed will be more than three times that of now!

Moreover, Ye Xinghe made an even more astonishing discovery next.

If you practice this Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu yourself, not only will the refining speed be increased by three times.

The capacity of Xuanhuang's divine power can actually be doubled!

In other words, originally Ye Xinghe might only have eighty black and yellow divine powers at the fifth level of the Martial God Realm.

Now, you can have a full one hundred and sixty Xuanhuang divine powers!

Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed with light.

"This can directly double my strength, far exceeding the same level!"

"You can even challenge across three or even four major levels!"

"This can instantly double my upper limit!"

The upper limit is doubled, and the cultivation speed is tripled.

The effect of this Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu can only be described as heaven-defying.

And the most important thing is that Ye Xinghe discovered that this thing is really suitable for him.

Even said that it is only suitable for myself.

It also doubles the improvement of others.

But far from being as tall as myself.

Because in itself, his capacity for each level of Xuanhuang's divine power far exceeds that of others!

For example, someone else's fifth level, Xuanhuang divine power can accommodate five paths.

Now after using this Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu, it will become ten paths.

But it’s just five more paths.

And it is possible for Ye Xinghe to directly upgrade from the 80th path to the 160th path!

Directly add a full eighty lines!

Although they are doubled, the effect of Ye Xinghe is much better!

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath.

"With this thing, my cultivation speed will be greatly accelerated, and I can go to Lieyang Dynasty to find Chu Qingqiu as soon as possible."

"Only then will we have the capital to fight for our lives!"

Then, he saw the price of this item, and he couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Sure enough, there is nothing cheap in this world.

The price of this Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni has reached an astonishing contribution value of 200,000!

You know, the contribution value of Demon God Palace is far higher than the actual value.

The 200,000 contribution value here is almost equivalent to the 500,000 contribution value from the Five Elements Immortal Sect, which is going up.

However, this is nothing surprising.

The Big Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Gong completely matches the current price.

Ye Xinghe calculated carefully.

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