Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2370 You are following me

Chapter 2370 Are you following me?

"Now, I have 50,000 contribution points on hand, which is still a full 150,000 contribution points short of that!"

What is the concept of 150,000 contribution value?

Under the guise of Blood Shadow Shura, he sent the protector of the Demon God Palace back.

He also injured Shen Zhenkun, the leader of the Fiery Sect.

After accomplishing two great achievements, he only received 50,000 contribution points!

At this time, Ye Xinghe was far from the only one standing below, looking up at the big dragon elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu.

In fact, a lot of people are standing here.

Looking at the big dragon elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu, I was amazed.

Ye Xinghe can see the opportunity, and they can naturally see it too.

Three times the cultivation speed, double the Xuanhuang divine power capacity.

Everyone is not a fool, and no one who is in the Taixu Holy Realm is ignorant.

We all know what this means.

If you practice this magical power to a later stage, it will not be as simple as doubling your strength.

This is a three to five times increase in strength!

Everyone's eyes were very greedy and hot.

And among these people, there are even some who are at the peak of the seventh level of the Martial God Realm, and even the eighth level masters of the Martial God Realm.

After all, for these high-level cultivators.

It's hard for them to improve.

Now that we have an opportunity to double our strength, how can we let it go?

One person laughed loudly and said: "Damn it, I already have 140,000 contribution points. With another 60,000, I can redeem this Great Dragon Elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu."

"Give me another five days, and I will definitely be able to take down this big dragon elephant Sakyamuni Kung Fu!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the person speaking was actually a short and thin young man.

He is thin and small, looks ordinary, and does not match his voice.

But there was an unspeakable aura about this man.

The skeletal muscles all over the body are extremely strong and are beating all the time.

If you close your eyes, you will feel that in front of you is not a person, but a group of leaping flames.

The body is filled with explosive power.

If someone else were here and said such words, they would definitely be ridiculed and disdained by everyone.

I think he is talking nonsense.

But when everyone saw this person, their expressions changed.

It was a complex expression mixed with fear, jealousy, hatred, admiration, etc.

For a moment, everyone was silent, no one even spoke.

The whole situation became very strange.

This person has the aura to suppress dozens of people with one person.

After a while, someone asked softly: "Who is this person? Why are everyone so afraid of him?"

The man next to him quickly covered his mouth and whispered: "Keep your voice down, this is the God of Killing from the Demon God Palace, one of the beings you cannot afford to offend!"

The person who spoke quietly glanced at the short and thin young man.

Seeing that he didn't know whether he didn't hear or ignored him, he left in a swagger.

The speaker breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "This person's name is Guoshan Long. He has an extremely violent temper, is moody, and has a murderous nature. Do not provoke him!"

Ye Xinghe only found out after everyone was talking.

It turns out that this mountain dragon has a weird temper, and it will offend him under unknown circumstances.

Maybe, the two of them were chatting and laughing just a moment ago.

The next moment, he turned against him and went straight to kill him.

Moreover, this person acted extremely domineeringly and cruelly.

Grab everything you can.

It doesn't matter whether they are in the same camp or not, or what the relationship is.

A few times ago, when he was doing tasks outside.

Meet other trial immortals from the Demon Palace and do the same task.

As a result, dozens of people were killed by him!

No one in the entire Demon God's main city dared to provoke him.

Even the people from the Tianxia Alliance and the Thunder Temple kept a distance from him.

Someone once saw that people from the Tianxia Alliance and the Thunder Temple were afraid of him.

"What kind of cultivation level does he have?"

"I don't know, no one has ever seen him take action with all his strength."

"I only know that he once had a conflict with a master at the eighth level of the Martial God Realm."

"That master at the eighth level of the Martial God Realm didn't even block one of his moves!"

Suddenly, a group of people gasped one after another.

Even Ye Xinghe frowned slightly.

"This man's strength is a bit scary!"

"And his aura gives me the feeling that he has a very powerful body. I'm afraid his divine body is also very strong!"

At this time, a familiar voice sounded next to him.

"Hey, Ye Beichen, you are here too!"

Ye Xinghe frowned.

He already knew who this person was.

Looking along the sound, sure enough, Xueya was walking over.

There were several people surrounding him, which was very beautiful.

After seeing his arrival, everyone moved out of the way, with a look of awe in their eyes.

"This is Blood Fang, from Thunder Temple!"

"Yes, I heard that he is a rising star in the Thunder Temple. He is trusted by the boss of the Thunder Temple and has devoted many resources to him!"

"I heard that when he was on the previous mission, he was only at the fourth level of the Martial God Realm. Now he is at the seventh level of the Martial God Realm. His strength is very terrifying!" "Yes, and this person is not weak in strength and has a deep scheming mind. He has not let down the Thunder God Temple. The trust of the boss.”

"I don't know what method I used to gain Ming Yu's trust!"

The person next to him exclaimed: "Ming Yu, is that the chief elder of the Demon God Palace?"

"Yes, it's him!"

"I heard that Ming Yu is very powerful. Only under the Palace Master, he is the top three people in the Demon Palace!"

"Being able to gain his trust, this Bloody Fang has made a huge contribution to the Thunder Temple!"

"Yes, I heard that many of the layouts of the Thunder Temple are based on the convenience and resources he obtained from Ming Yu."

"This Bloody Fang is a character that is not easy to mess with!"

While everyone was whispering, Xueya had already walked up to Ye Xinghe.

He sneered: "We meet again!"

"Boy, you've been very busy these days!"

"It's to the auction, to the outside of the city, and to this treasure house."

Ye Xinghe frowned and glanced at him.

"Are you following me?"

"That's right!"

Xueya admitted directly, stared at him and sneered: "I, Thunder Temple, have always been fierce in doing things."

"If you can't get it, just destroy it!"

He lowered his voice and said word by word: "You dare to refuse my solicitation, then I will definitely let you die, do you understand?"

It turned out that since Ye Xinghe rejected him, he had been sending people to follow Ye Xinghe.

However, I don’t know what Ye Xinghe did specifically.

I only know where he went.

Including the men he sent out, they followed Ye Xinghe and others out of the city today.

But he lost both Ye Xinghe and Erren and the others.

After all, the truly powerful men in the Thunder Temple are preparing for that big event.

He also has limited manpower at his disposal.

Ye Xinghe's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp look flashed across his face.

"There's no end to this bloody tooth, right?"

Xueya raised his head and glanced at the great dragon elephant Sakyamuni Gong.

Then, he sneered.

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