Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2390 Three Rules for Mysterious Missions

Chapter 2390 Mysterious mission, three rules!

"I don't believe it!"

"What kind of mission can accommodate so many people? Look, there are dozens or hundreds of people gathered here!"

"That's right, no matter how large the number of people on the mission is, it should be full by now!"

Everyone is suspicious.

But when they saw clearly the appearance of the person under the flagpole.

Many people exclaimed: "That's Ye Beichen!"

"Is this Ye Beichen who completed the ninth-level mission?"

"Yes, it's him!"

"If it's him, then this mission might be useful!"

"That's right, let's go and have a look!"

Ye Xinghe appeared in front of others and became famous.

At this moment, it worked.

If anyone else had said that, they would probably be regarded as crazy.

But Ye Xinghe was different.

Everyone admired and admired him.

I also want to see what he can do.

After everyone arrived, they all asked questions.

Ye Xinghe just smiled and said nothing.

When he saw that there were enough people gathered here, hundreds of people, he slowly spoke.

"What I said above is not false."

"Everyone who participates can get at least 10,000 contribution points, and there is absolutely no risk!"

"It's just that."

He paused and then said: "If you want to participate in this mission, I will establish three rules."

"First, you are not allowed to ask me where or how to do the task, and you are not allowed to leak it afterwards!"

"Second, each person needs to pay the fee of thirty Taixu Jade Slips. I can't take you to do it in vain!"

"Article 3, I will take a tenth of the contribution value received by each person!"

After hearing what he said, everyone was in an uproar.

These three conditions are harsh enough.

At that time, someone yelled angrily: "Your conditions are too bad!"

"We haven't caught anything yet, so we need to give you thirty Taixu Jade Slips first!"

And Ye Xinghe was not used to it at all. He glanced at him and said lightly: "Then get out of here now!"

"I didn't beg you for this mission, you begged me, do you understand?"

The big man who spoke was just resisting out of habit.

Thinking of bargaining.

But he didn't expect that Ye Xinghe would be merciless and scold him directly.

The big man lost his face and spit thick phlegm on the ground.

He cursed a few words in a low voice, turned around and left angrily.

Many people feel that the conditions are harsh and the authenticity is unclear, so they choose to leave.

The vast majority of people are quite suspicious.

Ye Xinghe did not explain, but simply said: "I'll give you an hour."

"If you don't make a decision for an hour, this opportunity will disappear forever!"

Ye Xinghe's attitude was extremely high, even more condescending.

But the more this happens, the more curious everyone becomes.

And I think this is more believable.

Therefore, although most people were skeptical, one after another, some people handed over the Taixu Jade Slips and signed up.

At this time, several people in the crowd looked at each other.

One of them seems to be the person in charge.

He nodded slightly and winked at a subordinate next to him.

The subordinate understood and hurriedly ran out to sign up.

An hour will end soon.

Twenty-one people signed up, and Ye Xinghe also earned 630 Taixu Jade Slips.

And it didn’t cost anything.

Ye Xinghe smiled in his heart: "You have to make money quickly like this!"

He stood up and said calmly: "Today's deadline, you wait here at noon tomorrow, and I will take you to do the task."

Someone raised their voice and asked, "How long will it take?"

"The delay is too long, we can't afford it!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "It will start before noon tomorrow and it should be over within two hours. You will know by then!"

After that, he turned around and walked away, leaving only a mysterious figure behind.

Although Ye Xinghe is gone, the flagpole is still there, the banner is still there, and the writing is still there.

Everyone's discussion never stopped.

The vast majority of people are hesitant and ready to see what will happen tomorrow.

And at noon the next day, Ye Xinghe arrived as promised.

At this time, the more than twenty trial immortal disciples were already waiting for him here.

Ye Xinghe didn't say anything. He waved his hand and took them somewhere in the city.

After going around seven times and eight times, we soon came to a remote house.

The area is quite large, surrounded by high walls and deep pools, and is heavily guarded.

When entering here, these trial immortal pictures were all in a nervous mood, not knowing where they were.

And when they entered the courtyard and saw the scene in front of them clearly, they took a deep breath.

It turns out that this courtyard house has its own unique wonders!

There is obviously a magic circle space used inside, with a radius of several thousand meters.

The sky was also dark, forming a huge and deep space.

There are torches all around.

Under the torch, stood almost a dozen masters of the Demon God Palace.

Among these Demon God Palace masters, the weakest one has also reached the level of a protector.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, but they felt relieved instead.

Just their strength, manpower, and posture.

If he said it was against them, no one would believe it.

In their hearts, they already believed seventy-eight percent of what Ye Xinghe said.

"This person is indeed extremely powerful and can actually summon so many masters from the Demon God Palace!"

A figure surrounded by many masters from the Demon God Palace.

At this time, he looked over and said with a half-smile: "These brothers under you are really a mixed bag of good and bad!"

Ye Xinghe didn't care, he laughed and said: "I only have so many people, I have to take care of them."

"Everyone wants to come and earn some contribution, so I'll bring them here."

The person who just spoke was naturally the Demon God Palace Master.

At this time, if the high-level powerhouses of the Demon God Palace outside or the top trial immortals know about it.

This demon palace master actually appeared here, and I was so shocked that my jaw dropped.

After Ye Xinghe finished speaking, he nodded to her and said, "I'm ready!"

The Demon God Palace Master waved his hand.

The next moment, a black mist filled the air.

In an instant, everyone was covered.

This black mist can not only cover the figure, but also shield the breath.

In an instant, everyone in this huge space seemed to have disappeared, leaving only Ye Xinghe.

Then, Ye Xinghe took out the eight-door golden lock array and threw it on the ground.

Then five talismans were played at once.

These talismans entered the formation and disappeared instantly.

This was the transmission signal that he and Shen Zhenkun agreed on that day.

Once the signal is transmitted, Shen Zhenkun will confirm that it is safe and sound.

We will send a large number of manpower here.

At this time, thousands of miles away, in the frontline camp of Five Elements Immortal Sect.

Shen Zhenkun was sitting in the big tent, closing his eyes and relaxing.

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