Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2391 Calculation

Chapter 2391 It’s a plan!

His expression was half open and half closed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In front of him, there was the eight-door golden lock formation.

It's exactly the same as the one in Ye Xinghe's hand.

However, they are yin and yang to each other, and the lines on the outside and inside are slightly different.

Suddenly, several rays of light flashed past the eight-door golden lock formation.

But it's just a few small talismans.

He took a deep breath, knowing the time had come.

He looked calm and said calmly: "Let's get started."


Next to him, Wu Tianheng clasped his fists and nodded heavily.

At this time, there were already thousands of people outside the big tent, waiting there.

They looked excited and their faces were full of excitement.

Wu Tianheng drew out the long sword in his hand and shouted loudly: "Everyone, make your achievements today!"

"Everyone who enters the Demon God's main city will receive generous rewards!"

"If you perform well, you can directly become the core disciple of my Five Elements Immortal Sect!"

"The one who performs best will be accepted as a direct disciple by Master Shen!"

Everyone roared with excitement.

They are the masters from all walks of life who were personally selected by Shen Zhenkun during this period.

A lot of benefits have been given before, and everyone was rewarded with some magic pills.

He also promised them that after today's deed is accomplished, there will be a huge reward!

Everyone's eyes were red from the irritation.

Then Wu Tianheng waved his hand: "Everyone, line up and enter!"

Everyone immediately lined up in several lines and strode into the eight-door golden lock array.

After gathering thirty people, the eight-door golden lock formation immediately flashed with light.

Then, these people disappeared.

Then the next group of people continued.

They are methodical and extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, these two thousand people were teleported over.

But if you look carefully, you can find it.

About half of these people are disciples of the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

But there are only a handful of them who are disciples of the Raging Flame Sect.

Most of them are from other sects.

There are no truly valuable core disciples in the Fierce Flame Sect.

Shen Zhenkun just watched the whole process calmly.

After a while, when everyone walked in, there was a look of compassion in his eyes.

Then, his eyes became extremely cold and hard.

He looked into the distance and whispered to himself.

"Ye Beichen, I will send you this great gift."

"I'm looking forward to it. What will you give me in return?"

At this time, in this deep and dark space.

On the eight-door golden lock array, light suddenly flashed past.

Then, dozens of powerful men from the Five Elements Immortal Sect appeared.

They saw Ye Xinghe at a glance, and also saw the black mist around them.

Everyone was a little confused and didn't know what was happening now.

But they reacted immediately.

The dozen or so people suddenly rushed toward Ye Xinghe with ferocious expressions on their faces.

"Kill this demon first!"

"Why is he the only one around?"

"Humph, why do you care so much? Just kill him!"

"We will go out and kill everyone later. No one from the Demon God's Palace will be left alive!"

Everyone's face was full of bloodthirsty, and they started to kill Ye Xinghe crazily.

Ye Xinghe looked at them and said in a deep voice: "Didn't Shen Zhenkun tell you my identity before you came?"

The leader said ferociously: "Master Shen didn't say anything. He only said that after coming here, he would kill everyone he saw, and you are no exception!"

Ye Xinghe admired secretly in his heart.

"Shen Zhenkun did a great job!"

"If you say these words, no one in the Demon Palace will doubt me anymore!"

Ye Xinghe sighed lightly, stepped back, and stretched out his hands.

The next moment, the surrounding black mist receded like the tide.

Many strong men from the Demon God Palace who were waiting in full formation were revealed!

These powerful men from the Demon God Palace are not vegetarians.

He snorted coldly and killed him in an instant.

At this time, those who were recruited by Ye Xinghe and many of the trial immortals from the Demon God Palace also saw this scene.

Now they finally knew what Ye Xinghe meant by the mission.

They were all excited and roared. Ye Xinghe didn't need to say anything and just killed him.

What a joke, in this situation, how could you not take advantage of it!

The tough ones will be dealt with by the strong men of the Demon God Palace. They only need to pick them up and kill them.

There is no danger at all!

And it is exactly what Ye Beichen said.

There are so many enemies, and each of them has a contribution value of 10,000, which is probably less than that.

Half an hour later, the brutal shouts of death fell silent.

Most of the disciples of the Five Elements Immortal Sect did not die, but were captured alive by the masters of the Demon God Palace.

The meridians all over the body are sealed, and no effort can be exerted.

They were dragged away like dogs to death, and they didn’t know what the Demon God Palace was going to do with them.

Only the trial immortals from the Demon God Palace camp were left.

Everyone's face was full of excitement.

Just now, they had killed many powerful people from the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

They were all roughly calculating their achievements there.

At this time, a Demon God Palace protector stepped forward, it was the one who had a close relationship with Ye Xinghe.

He faced everyone and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, let me now count the contribution values ​​for you."

Everyone immediately rushed forward excitedly.

This is also the agreement Ye Xinghe reached with Demon God Palace before.

When his people come to participate in the battle, they must contribute immediately without delay.

The protector of the Demon God Palace calculated extremely quickly.

"Seventeen thousand contribution points."

"Fourteen, five hundred contribution points."

Numbers kept coming out of his mouth.

As expected, everyone's contribution value was not less than 10,000.

The lowest one reached more than 12,000.

After everyone was counted, everyone cheered.

At this time, their gazes looking at Ye Xinghe were filled with admiration and gratitude.

But this time, Ye Xinghe’s contribution value was 10% of the total.

He probably received more than 20,000 contribution points.

For Ye Xinghe, this number is small.

But that's not what he had in mind.

After seeing the looks in everyone's eyes, Ye Xinghe knew that his goal had been achieved!

What Ye Xinghe is doing is not just the Taixu Jade Slips, or the contribution value.

His plans are great.

Now it's just a sweet bait for everyone to bite.

Slowly, big fish will be caught.

In the distance, the Demon Palace Master, who was surrounded by everyone, also nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, many Demon God Palace masters were in high spirits and their morale was like a rainbow.

This is a scene that has not happened for many years.

Previously, the Demon God Palace had been suppressed by the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

This time there is a rare counterattack.

Just to boost morale, today is of great significance!

And soon, when Ye Xinghe and his party left this place and returned to the Demon God's Square.

The news they brought back shocked all the trial immortals in the Demon Palace camp.

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