Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2618 Mysterious Black Robe

Chapter 2618 Mysterious Black Robe!

It turned out that he looked up to Ye Xinghe not because of his strength.

But because Ye Xinghe was a spirit refiner.

The spirit refiner was very useful at this moment.

But in his eyes, his strength was just that.

It was just that now he was needed to deal with the evil spirit.

Qu Yuankai was stopped and sneered at the side.

"Damn it, this shitty spirit refiner is good at dealing with evil spirits, but if he really fights with us, he is no match at all!"

"If you can't deal with the evil spirit, can't you deal with him!"

E Huazang glanced at him and said lightly: "Shut up!"

Some words are enough to know in your heart, and there is no need to say them out loud.

Qu Yuankai understood what he meant and smiled.

After resting for a while, several people continued to set off.

And it was strange to say.

There was no obstruction on the road ahead.

Qu Yuankai was a little surprised and asked, "Could it be that we have killed all the evil spirits just now?"

"Now we haven't encountered any!"

He was secretly calculating in his heart.

"If all these evil spirits are killed, then there is no need for Ye Xinghe, and we can just attack him!"

E Huazang's face was solemn, and he felt something was wrong in his heart.

But since we are here, there is no reason to retreat.

The few of them moved forward.

Soon, they had arrived at the core of the Kunlong Valley.

The large area of ​​spiritual medicine fields in front of them had reached the end.

In front of them was a high ground.

On the high ground, a huge building was built.

There were many protrusions on it, like a tower.

But in fact, they were towering chimneys.

Everyone was refreshed.

Zhen Feibai had mentioned this building to them.

It was the alchemy workshop here!

Arriving here is equivalent to arriving at the core of the Kunlong Valley.

The secret of the Kunlong bone incident can be found.

Of course, the most important thing is.

For them, this is the biggest purpose of their trip.

Those pills!

Qu Yuankai lowered his voice and said, "Boss, do you really want to give him 70%?"

"We only take the remaining 30%, are you willing to do that?"

E Huazang signaled him to shut up for the time being, and whispered, "Observe first!"

Just when the four people came here.

Suddenly, there was a dense sound of footsteps and shrill roars.

There were gusts of cold wind around, and the temperature seemed to drop a lot in an instant.

It became indescribably cold and chilly.

Everyone was startled, and then a look of fear and even despair appeared on their faces.

It turned out that at this time, in all directions.

In an instant, countless zombies, evil spirits and evil ghosts came!

The number reached a full thousand!

Three layers inside and three layers outside, surrounding them tightly.

They roared madly, but did not attack.

Instead, they stopped about a hundred meters outside the crowd.

It's just that these terrifying creatures everywhere make people feel desperate.

Why didn't everyone encounter any danger along the way.

At this time, there is also an answer.

It turns out that they are all waiting here!

E Huazang shouted in shock: "This is impossible!"

"These terrifying creatures have no consciousness and act entirely on instinct."

"And our living breath is the most tempting food for them."

"How could they resist attacking us and wait here!"

Pu Shishuang's voice was trembling.

"Moreover, this is obviously an ambush!"

"They consciously led us into this place and ambushed us here!"

Qu Yuankai's teeth chattered, and he said with a sad face: "It's over, it's over, there is no doubt that we will die!"

"How can we deal with these thousands of terrifying creatures? We are dead now!"

At this time, a voice sounded faintly.

"They are naturally unconscious, but if I control them, it will be different!"

As this voice sounded, everyone saw two green lights.

He also saw the black-robed figure standing on the high platform behind the many terrifying creatures.

His eyes stared at everyone leisurely.

Finally, his eyes fell on Ye Xinghe.

I don't know why, facing this gaze.

Ye Xinghe suddenly felt extremely dangerous.

At this moment, the small Qiankun Jue was quietly running.

Ye Xinghe instantly calculated the future.

He immediately got a very bad result.

If this goes on, I will die!

Ye Xinghe's heart was suddenly full of doubts.

His mind was running fast, and many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

"Why will I die?"

"Because of what?"

"Is it because of the siege of these evil spirit armies?"

"Or is it because of this black-robed strongman, or because..."

Ye Xinghe was very uneasy.

But he didn't know where this uneasiness came from.

But he knew very well that he could never keep the status quo.

If he continued like this, he would be in danger.

So, he shook his body slightly and kept intersecting with the other people.

The faint green light stared at Ye Xinghe for a few seconds. After noticing his movements, it laughed and suddenly pointed at him, its voice dry.

"It turns out that the soul I sensed is you!"

"Well, not bad, this soul is clean and powerful, like the fire of the sun!"

"Very good. Swallowing you will not only replenish what I have consumed, but will even increase my strength!"

E Huazang said in a deep voice: "Who are you, and what grudges do you have with Aotian Merchant?"

"Why do you want to kill all the people in the Trapped Dragon Valley?"

He also wanted to find out the details.

The strong man in black robe didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

He said calmly: "Are you worthy of talking to me?"

He waved his hand.

In an instant, these thousands of ghosts all pounced down.

In an instant, the four of them were caught in a bitter fight.

Those who rushed to the front were the zombies.

But this time, Ye Xinghe discovered that they were somewhat different from before.

The eyes of those zombies before were numb and dull.

Now, their eyes are still like this.

But there is a bit more flickering white light inside!

Originally, Ehua Zang and others didn't pay much attention to these zombies.

After all, they had killed many before.

I know that although their realm is not low, their IQ is low and their fighting instincts are very poor, so it is very easy to deal with them.

But as soon as he came into contact, he suffered a big loss.

In an instant, Ehua Cang suffered multiple injuries on his body.

Qu Yuankai's right arm was almost broken by a black zombie.

It turned out that they discovered it as soon as they fought against these zombies.

I can't move my body!

He froze in place for an instant!

In that instant, he lost the upper hand and immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Ye Xinghe understood something immediately.

He exclaimed in shock: "The white light in their eyes has the effect of restraining our figures!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt himself being struck by the white light.

In an instant, his body became stiff.

He was immediately hit by several black zombies and flew away, with a mouthful of blood spurting out.

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