Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2619: Mastering the Power of Rules

Chapter 2619 Mastering the power of rules!

E Huazang was shocked and angry: "How can these ghosts have the power of rules?"

The black-robed figure did not take Ye Xinghe and others seriously at all, and was not afraid of leaking the secret.

He laughed wildly and said: "Of course it is because I gave them the power of rules!"

Everyone's heart sank instantly.

A soul controller who has mastered the power of rules!

How terrible that is!

His soul controller is different from other cultivators of the same level.

He controls ghosts, monsters, zombies, etc.

And because of the special nature of these things.

Therefore, the soul controller can add part of his consciousness to them.

What does this mean.

This means that the thousands of evil spirit zombies under his command.

Each one has a little power of rules!

Although this little power of rules is very shallow.

But it also greatly improves their strength!

When a little accumulates into a lot, it will definitely bring a fatal blow to this team!

Thinking of this, E Huazang and others were terrified.

At this time, the black zombies surged up again.

Several people were extremely experienced. After suffering a loss, they immediately began to change their methods.

So, they soon discovered.

The loopholes in the rule power of these black zombies.

That is, only when the eyes meet with them will they be fixed.

If you hit them with your head covered and don't look at them, you won't be bothered by this rule.

Obviously, although this is a rule, it is also a very low-end rule with great limitations.

After finding the rules, they progressed much more smoothly.

And I don't know why.

When these black zombies attacked, those evil spirits were watching on the side.

After half an hour, they finally killed all these zombies.

But they were exhausted and their injuries were not light.

At this time, Ye Xinghe was fighting and thinking hard.

"Since the power of rules of these ghosts makes our bodies frozen in place and unable to move."

"Then, what is the power of rules of this soul controller?"

"His power of rules must match the power of rules of these ghosts."

"In this way, the most powerful effect can be combined!"

"What is it?"

Ye Xinghe felt that he was only one step away from the truth!

He was about to break through this layer of window paper.

But no matter what, he couldn't think of it immediately.

After these zombies were killed.

Those evil spirits rushed over again.

The number of these evil spirits was hundreds.

E Huazang was anxious at this time. He stared at the black-robed strong man and shouted wildly: "What do you mean?"

"Kill if you want to kill, are you kidding me!"

The black-robed strong man laughed strangely: "You guessed it right!"

"I have gained a lot recently and comprehended some rules. It's just right to use you to test these rules!"

There was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

"It seems that the rule is scrapped and useless. It will not harm you, let alone those who are stronger."

"You can try my next rule!"

It turned out that he didn't take everyone seriously at all.

This is treating everyone as experimental subjects.

This is the fact.

Originally, his original purpose was to use these ghosts to devour each other.

Finally, he would refine the strongest one.

But he found a better goal.

That is the four newcomers!

The four newcomers are all very strong.

And the little guy among them is very interesting to him.

If they are made into ghosts, the effect will be better than the more than a thousand in front of him!

He also planned to let them experience the rules he had just comprehended before he died.

As his voice fell, those evil spirits and fierce ghosts surrounded him directly.

Soon, everyone was surrounded and couldn't move.

Ye Xinghe did not immediately use his own golden light soul-suppressing technique, but chose to endure.

And after a few breaths, everyone's pupils suddenly contracted.

It turned out that under their gaze, in their eyes.

Qu Yuankai's body suddenly separated, and his head flew up and down to the ground! He died without any warning! Everyone knew it very well, with previous experience. He could resist these evil spirits for at least a hundred breaths. Now, after just a few breaths, he died! And it was obvious that it was definitely not the evil spirits that killed him! Everyone thought of it instantly. This is probably the rule that the black-robed strong man said! The powerful rule that belongs to him! Everyone was terrified. Death is not scary, they have all been through mountains of swords and seas of fire, and they are people who lick blood on the tip of the knife. They have seen many lives and deaths in their lives. If they are really inferior to others, it doesn't matter if they are killed. But what is scary is this extreme weirdness! He was fine the moment before, and he didn't suffer any fatal attacks. But he died the next moment, and he couldn't even be saved! He couldn't resist or resist! What can he do? This scene directly made everyone feel powerless and desperate. The unknown is the most terrifying thing.

But now, they have no idea how Qu Yuankai died!

Then, Ye Xinghe suddenly felt something in his heart.

The feeling of thorns in the back suddenly became stronger again.

This time, the black-robed strongman turned his attention to Ye Xinghe again

The voice in Ye Xinghe's heart was roaring.

"here we go again!"

"That premonition that I feel like I'm going to die is here again!"

"why is that?"

"What do these two have in common?"

After all, Ye Xinghe is an unusual person. At this time, he can still remain calm.

I tried my best to find the common ground between these two premonitions.

Then, he discovered the pattern in an instant.

A thrill in his heart.

In order to verify his guess, Ye Xinghe forced himself to hold back and began to count the numbers silently.

He was counting the time it would take for that gaze to look at him.

"one two three four five six"

And when he counted to nine.

That feeling, all of a sudden, was extremely intense!

Ye Xinghe felt that he would die in the next moment!

Then, Ye Xinghe roared wildly and activated the Golden Light Suppressing Spiritual Technique.

Even the evil spirits around him were burned clean.

He flashed, activated the Shadow Killing Ghost Step, and came directly behind Ehua Cang.

And the moment he came to Ehua Cang.

The feeling of being stabbed in the back and about to die in the next moment disappeared in an instant!

Ye Xinghe gasped for air and felt relieved.

And he also understood at this moment what the power of rules of the black-robed strong man was!

In Ye Xinghe's heart, he was even more grateful.

"Fortunately, I have practiced the Small Universe Technique before, so I am extremely alert to this danger."

"I sensed what would happen to me, so I kept changing my body shape to prevent him from staring at me for too long."

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