Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2660: I just want to be acquainted with you

Chapter 2660: I want to be acquainted with you!

"how did you do that?"

Ye Xinghe shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I don't know either, I was just practicing there, but for some reason, the profound veins dried up and the magic circle was broken, and then they arrived."

As he spoke, he pointed at the temple guards.

No one can say anything about the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

Ye Xinghe could only bear everything on himself.

"It shouldn't be!"

Elder Han Yuan frowned.

"This profound vein, when I originally looked at it, still had at least about 50% of its spiritual energy left, which is quite abundant."

"No matter what you do, you can't suck it dry."

He frowned and said, "From the time you started practicing to the time you sucked it dry, how many Xuanhuang divine powers have you gained?"

Ye Xinghe said: "From more than four hundred ways, there are now six hundred ways."

"In other words, you have added about two hundred levels of Xuanhuang divine power, which is not too much."

At first, Elder Han Yun did not take this number seriously.

But suddenly, he seemed to realize something, and his eyes widened suddenly.

He shouted in horror: "How long did it take you to use two hundred black and yellow divine powers?"

Ye Xinghe's face was full of innocence: "Less than a month."

"One month" and "two hundred black and yellow divine powers".

When these two numbers reached everyone's ears.

For a moment, everyone was quiet.

They are all senior disciples of Yuehua Holy Land, and everyone knows it very well.

What do these two numbers represent?

This means that his cultivation speed is extremely fast!

This means that his talent is unparalleled!

You know, even the speed of their cultivation.

That is a few tenths of this number, or one hundredth!

At this moment, Wu Gengxiao suddenly had an idea in his heart.

"He is a little weaker than me now, but it may not take long before he can crush me. His cultivation speed is too fast!"

At this moment, Wu Gengxiao suddenly felt an unspeakable sense of regret in his heart.

"This Ye Xinghe is a genius with unparalleled talent!"

"The cultivation speed of about ten rays of Xuanhuang divine power per day is almost unmatched by anyone even looking at the Moonlight Holy Land!"

"Even the legendary lord and the backer behind him may not have been able to practice as fast as he did when he was in the Martial God Realm!"

A word flashed through his mind.

"This means that I have offended a peerless genius whose future is limitless!"

But his eyes instantly became cold and hard again.

"It's useless to regret, it's better to make amends in time!"

He opened his mouth and said: "Elder, this is the key criminal wanted by the person behind me. Please raise your hand and let us take him away."

Elder Han Yun completely ignored his words.

He pointed at Ye Xinghe and laughed: "Okay, what a piece of jade!"

"I didn't expect that when I was about to die, old man, I would still meet such a person. God has eyes!"

Elder Han Yun glanced at Wu Gengxiao and others lightly.

"I took Ye Xinghe away, who of you dares to disobey?"

As he said that, he waved his hand.

A force enveloped Ye Xinghe.

He turned around and prepared to take Ye Xinghe away.

Wu Gengxiao was naturally unwilling to let Ye Xinghe go.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Of course we don't dare to dissent, but we are all small characters, so naturally someone will talk to you, elder!"

Wu Gengxiao's words are like a needle hidden in the cotton, and there is no leakage.

Although, he didn't have much fear of the old man in white robe.

The backer behind him is also amazing!

"Okay, then let him come and talk to me!"

Elder Han Yuan sneered.

Then, his figure suddenly froze for a moment, and then slowly turned back.

Following his move, everyone froze in place, not daring to move.

Even his breathing stopped.

Elder Han Yun stared at Wu Gengxiao and said calmly: "You mentioned the backer behind you again and again, just because you think that as long as he is around, I won't dare to touch you, right?"

Wu Gengxiao felt an unspeakable fear in his heart.

He forced a smile and said: "Junior doesn't dare. Junior talks about Meng Lang. I hope senior Haihan doesn't have the same experience as me!" "Haihan is a piece of shit!"

Elder Han Yuan sneered: "I want to meet you today!"

After saying that, he waved casually.

Wu Gengxiao suddenly felt a sense of extreme danger in his heart.

He frantically tried to escape, but found that he was frozen in place and couldn't escape at all!

It seems that the surrounding rules have changed.

All his power, strength, magic weapons, trump cards, etc., can't be used!

Because the rules have changed.

Everything he has now has been reduced to zero, which is equivalent to having no strength at all.

Really like ants.

He could only stand there, roaring miserably, closing his eyes and waiting to die!

The next moment, I felt cold in my legs.

Then, severe pain came.

When everyone saw this scene, their eyelids jumped wildly.

It turned out that Wu Gengxiao's legs were cut off at the root, and he fell directly to the ground, blood spurting out wildly.

There he was howling and writhing.

Several temple guards nearby did not dare to step forward at all.

For fear of being angered by Elder Han Yun.

Wu Gengxiao is really a ruthless person,

At this time, he actually stood up, kowtowed heavily and gritted his teeth: "Thank you, elder, for sparing my life!"

"You hate me, right?"

Elder Han Yun smiled and said: "I know you hate me so much, but you still dare not show it. This is the feeling I want!"

Elder Han Yun said calmly: "I will cripple your legs and let you have a memory as a punishment."

"You are just like a dog, you are worthy of talking to me like this!"

Ye Xinghe, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but feel furious.

Elder Han Yun is not an easy person to get along with!

This person looks plain and gentle, but in fact, he has a very violent temper!

Wu Gengxiao and others did not dare to say a word and helped him away.

Elder Han Yun waved his hand without even looking at them.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe felt his eyes blur.

When he reappeared, he was already in a bamboo forest monastery.

At this time, the spiritual wind whistled outside and the spiritual rain fell on the lake.

The wind rustled the bamboo leaves, quiet and leisurely, but also a bit sad.

Elder Han Yuan leaned back in his seat and pointed in front of him.

"Tell me, kid, what is it about you that sucked up the profound veins?"

Ye Xinghe remained calm on the surface, but a flash of vigilance flashed through his heart.

This Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron is his core secret, and it is also related to the Eternal Emperor.

This kind of information must not be disclosed to anyone.

He smiled bitterly and said: "As I said just now, it is indeed my own strength!"

Elder Han Yuan chuckled, waved his hands, and said with a bit of fun: "Boy, you can use your rhetoric to deceive others, but to deceive me, old man, you are a little too young!"

"You sucked up all the mysterious veins and only refined 300 strands of mysterious power?"

"Let me tell you, that mysterious vein can produce more than three thousand mysterious and yellow divine powers!"

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