Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2661: Earn a life for me

Chapter 2661: Save my life!

He smiled half-heartedly and said, "I just looked at that profound vein, and there were two forces that sucked it dry."

"Less than 10% belongs to you, and the rest is the breath left by another force!"

Ye Xinghe's heart suddenly suddenly knew.

He has already discovered that there is a strange treasure in his body.

"But, you don't have to worry."

Elder Han Yun said: "Old man, I am not interested in your secrets."

"I just successfully erased the traces. No one will know the news except you and me."

Ye Xinghe was stunned and silent for a moment, then suddenly bowed and said sincerely: "Thank you, elder!"

Although, I don’t know what Elder Han Yuan’s purpose is.

But it solved his biggest trouble at the moment.

Elder Han Yuan stared at him and waved his hand and said, "I don't care about those things."

"Let me ask you, I value your talent and character very much. Are you willing to join the Moonlight Holy Land?"

Ye Xinghe was stunned. He did not expect that Elder Han Yuan would actually recruit him.

But it’s normal to think about it.

He'd heard it before.

Yuehua Holy Land will select some of the disciples who come to study, who are good in all aspects.

Take them under your wing.

To be honest, Ye Xinghe was a little excited at that moment.

But then, his heart became firm.

"It is impossible for me to leave Qingyang Holy Land, let alone the Fifth Peak!"

"I promised my master and uncle, but I haven't done it yet."

"I said that we will bring the Fifth Peak back to the peak of Qingyang Holy Land so that they will no longer be looked down upon by others!"

"What if I just leave like this!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said: "Elder, I'm sorry, I don't want to join Yuehua Holy Land."

Ye Xinghe was a little embarrassed.

After all, I just benefited from him.

In the blink of an eye, she rejected his invitation to her.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe refused to enter Yuehua Holy Land.

Elder Han Yuan was not angry but happy. He laughed, patted his shoulder and said, "You're not wrong. You're very angry, kid!" He changed the subject and said, "Boy, look, I saved your life today. ,right?"

"If it weren't for me, I'm afraid you would be arrested by the Templar Guards and put in jail."

"At that time, the secrets in the body will be exposed, and even people will die!"

Ye Xinghe nodded and said sincerely: "That's what the elder said!"

Elder Han Yun then said: "Then look, how do you want to thank me?"

After saying that, he stretched out his fingers and rubbed them in the air.

That expression looked like he was asking for a favor.

Ye Xinghe was immediately stunned.

"You, old man, were acting like an immortal just now. This change is too fast!"

He smiled bitterly and said, "Tell me, how should I thank you?"

Elder Han Yun was still smiling, but the look in his eyes became particularly cold.

"Thanks for having one in my way."

"Let me ask you, are you willing to do something for me and earn a life for me?"

Ye Xinghe's heart was slightly shaken.

His eyes were calm and he stared at Elder Han Yun without fear.

He said slowly: "Whose life do you want to earn, your life or mine?"

"Good question!"

The smile on Elder Han Yuan's face disappeared completely, he stared at him and said: "Earn a life for me, of course it will be my life!"

Ye Xinghe nodded and said very simply: "Okay, I agree!"

Now, it was Elder Han Yun's turn to be surprised.

He was stunned for a moment and said, "Don't you want to ask what the specific matter is?"

Ye Xinghe laughed and said: "Why ask!"

"You save my life, and I'll save yours. It's fair!"

Elder Han Yun's eyes flashed with light.

"good very good!"

"Boy, I appreciate you more and more!"

When Elder Han Yun said it just now, Ye Xinghe understood it instantly.

This is a deal that Elder Han Yun wants to make with him.

And he is also very scheming.

He most likely guessed that he would not join Yuehua Holy Land.

Therefore, I asked the first question and asked myself if I wanted to join.

And after I rejected him on the first question.

So, for the second question, I’m embarrassed to refuse again.

Or to be more precise, I couldn’t say no anymore.

If you refuse again, it will be disrespectful!

More importantly, he didn't want to say no.

Ye Xinghe asked: "How can I earn this life for you?"

Elder Han Yun did not answer directly, but looked into the distance and said softly: "Although I saved you today, you don't need to thank me too much."

Elder Han Yun said calmly: "I saved you today for two reasons."

"First, I love you so much. I don't want you to perish or fall into the hands of those people."

"Secondly, it is to allow you to complete the deal with me."

Ye Xinghe was full of curiosity about the specific content of this transaction.

But Elder Han Yuan seemed to not want to mention it anymore, and just said: "You will understand later of course. When the opportunity comes, I will tell you, and you can practice with peace of mind first."

Ye Xinghe smiled bitterly and said: "My profound veins have been destroyed, how can I still practice!"

"Harm, what a big deal!"

Elder Han Yun waved his hand, grabbed Ye Xinghe again, and left the place in an instant.

Ye Xinghe looked back and saw the scenery of this small lake in the mountains and the bamboo forest.

Elder Han Yun explained: "The spiritual energy here is too strong for you to absorb and refine, so you can't practice here yet."

After saying that, he took him to one of the Taoist temples.

Ye Xinghe saw that this was Tianzi No. 3 Taoist Academy.

It is far away from the previous Tianzi No. 9 Taoist Temple.

When Elder Han Yun came here, he did not hide his aura at all.

Soon, the Yuehua Holy Land disciple in charge of Tianzi No. 3 Taoist Academy.

And in this Taoist temple, other people who were cultivating were awakened.

Come out quickly and worship with sincerity.

Elder Han Yun said carelessly: "I see that your Tianzi No. 3 Taoist Academy still has two free profound veins, right?"

The Yuehua Holy Land disciple quickly said: "Elder Mingjian, it is true that there are still two empty profound veins."

"It's just that one person will come tomorrow and the day after, and this profound vein has been reserved."

"I don't care about reservations or not."

Elder Han Yun sneered: "There are so many bullshit things, go and push them away, these two profound veins belong to him!"

As he said that, he pointed at Ye Xinghe next to him.

The Yuehua Holy Land disciple had a bitter look on his face, but he didn't dare to refuse and could only nod in agreement.

Then, Elder Han Yun flicked his fingers.

The next moment, the palace above the two profound veins was blown to pieces.

And with a wave of his hand, those masonry and giant trees seemed to have spirituality.

It was actually built and assembled by oneself.

In an instant, it re-condensed into a great hall.

It is twice as big as other magic circles and halls.

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