Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2714 Who is next?

Chapter 2714 Who is next?

But at this moment, he saw a flash of blue light in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe's mind moved slightly.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the ice-blue rune turned quietly.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe waved his hand.

An icy blue power spread out instantly.

He splashed directly towards the tiger.

This ice-blue power seems to have stars hidden within it.

It looks as soft as a gauze and seems to have no lethality.

But I don’t know why.

At this moment, Zuo Shanjun suddenly shivered intelligently all over his body, and his hair stood on end.

There was an unspeakable fear in my heart.

At this time, a voice in his heart was yelling crazily.

"I will die, I will die from his move!"

He didn't know why.

He didn't know why this seemingly ordinary attack gave him such a feeling.

But the animalistic instinct of the monster was warning him crazily!

Extreme fear surged in his heart, realizing that Ye Xinghe's move was extremely terrifying!

But facing this move, he had no choice but to hide and avoid it, so he could only bear it.

And he knew very well that his human body could never bear it.

So the next moment, he roared wildly and his body suddenly changed.

In an instant, his demonic beast body was transformed.

It was actually a gray vulture.

It's not that big, only seven or eight meters long.

But it gives people an extremely condensed feeling.

As the bodies of demon gods, they do not have divine bodies, but they have their own true bodies.

The demonic beast's body cannot increase their level of cultivation.

But it is stronger than the human form because it possesses almost infinite terrifying power and an extremely rough and extremely hard body.

This is their strongest strength.

Compared with the divine body of a strong human race, it is definitely not much better.

This is his greatest support.

In this life-and-death moment where he felt extremely dangerous and would die the next moment.

He directly transformed into his own body!

This giant vulture has sparse feathers on its body.

There is also a huge hemorrhagic sarcoma on the top of his head.

But despite its inconspicuous appearance, his feathers shone with a thick metallic light.

The skin under the feathers was even more green and black, and extremely hard.

His body can block even meteorites from the sky.

Even the strongest warriors at the top of the Martial God Realm couldn't do anything to him.

At this time, after he successfully transformed, his heart immediately settled down.

The voice was hoarse and a gust of wind was set off.

"Baby, although you have a trump card, you still can't do anything to me!"

He is very confident in his body.

Back then, he was besieged by more than a dozen strong men at the peak of the Martial God Realm.

This body was unscathed in the face of those people's attacks.

At this time, nothing will happen.

But the next moment, his proud expression froze on his face.

The power, as soft and graceful as a veil, spilled into his body.

In an instant, icy blue power enveloped his whole body.

His body was directly covered with a thin blue ice shell.

The blue ice shell was very thin, but he couldn't break free at all.

Moreover, the blue star power was still rapidly penetrating into his body.

In the blink of an eye, through his feathers, his thick skin.

Enter into his blood, bones and internal organs

Almost instantly, he was frozen into an ice sculpture from the inside out!

At the beginning, I saw this scene.

The other demon gods didn't care yet.

To them, this is just an ordinary ice power.

Moreover, it was just a thin layer of ice that froze the tiger.

He can break it into pieces with just a simple struggle.

But what surprised them was.

They waited for a while, but saw that the tiger still made no movement.

The charming woman was anxious and said loudly: "Brother, stop playing tricks on this boy, break free quickly and kill him quickly, we don't have time!"

Until now, they still haven't seen clearly what is going on.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said, "Are you waiting for him?"

"But I'm sorry, he can't come back to life!"

The next moment, he patted it casually.

As a result, everyone's eyes showed extreme fear.

Following Ye Xinghe's move, the ice sculpture transformed by the tiger suddenly shattered!

This strong man at the twelfth level of the Martial God Realm was transformed into an ice sculpture by Ye Xinghe's palm.

With a flick of the hand, it turned into nothingness and disappeared in the wind!

It has to be said that Zuo Shanjun is very powerful.

His reaction was also very quick, and he directly transformed into his demon god body.

But alas, it’s useless!

What he faced was not a question of more or less Xuanhuang divine power, strength or weakness.

What he faced was a level of power higher than Xuanhuang's divine power.

It is the power of rules!

In the face of this rule, it makes no difference whether he has one black-yellow divine power or a thousand black-yellow divine powers.

His physical body is either the fragile human body or his extremely powerful demon god body.

There is no difference either.

That's the rule!

Before the rules, everyone was treated equally. No matter if you were an ant or a beast, you would be killed!

Ye Xinghe's power of rules is not without its shortcomings.

It turned out that Ye Xinghe had been showing weakness to the enemy before.

At the same time, it gave him the feeling that he was bluffing.

The purpose is to make him despise himself.

What he wants is this close blow from the tiger!

In fact, if a tiger attacks from a distance.

Ye Xinghe really may not have any solution.

His current power of rules cannot hit that far.

You have to wait until the other party is close.

Seeing this scene, the charming woman and others were stunned.

Even Patriarch Luyun swallowed his saliva.

He said to Chu Zhenyang next to him in disbelief: "You are lucky, your friend is so strong!"

The charming woman and others finally came to their senses.

"The boss is dead like this?"

"The boss is a strong man at the peak of the Martial God Realm!"

"Yes, he was actually killed by this kid with just one slap!"

"What kind of background and strength does this kid have? It's terrifying, he's too strong!"

"We looked down on him before, but it turns out that he is powerful enough to crush us!"

"Yes, no wonder he was treated as a distinguished guest by Yuehua Holy Land and valued so much. It turns out he has such strength!"

There was no more contempt in their eyes when they looked at Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe shook his wrist with a half-smile.

"Who's coming next?"

No one answered, and no one dared to answer!

When Ye Xinghe took a step forward, they took a step back.

He was already frightened to death by Ye Xinghe.

Finally, the burly man roared wildly and ran away, never daring to stay again.

Others also fled one after another and scattered like birds and beasts!

Ye Xinghe did not pursue him either.

In fact, at this time, he had no strength to pursue him.

His power of rules can only be used once.

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