Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2715 Time Rule Deduction

Chapter 2715 Deduction of Time Rules!

Therefore, he just bluffed them.

Otherwise, they would have just killed each other together.

Ye Xinghe is afraid that he will have to confess here.

Patriarch Luyun walked up with an apologetic look on his face.

"Mr. Ye, I am so confused that I almost killed you!"

Ye Xinghe waved his hand.

"This is none of your business. They have their own plans and they can't escape them no matter what."

After a while, people from Yuehua Holy Land arrived in a hurry.

The leader is Qiu Jingshan.

At this moment, his face was pale, and his eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and fear.

He received the news not long after Ye Xinghe left.

Ye Xinghe was invited to the place where these demon gods live.

Moreover, it is suspected that a fight took place here.

He immediately guessed something.

It should be the revenge of Zuoshanjun and others.

He immediately rushed over with his strong men, feeling unspeakable fear in his heart.

The headmaster and Liang Zizhen entrusted this matter to him. If something goes wrong with him, he will die forever!

When he came closer, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Ye Xinghe was fine.

"Mr. Ye, it's great that you're okay. This is my blessing for Yuehua Holy Land!"

Ye Xinghe roughly explained the process.

Qiu Jingshan's eyes were full of evil spirits.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, in this barbaric world, I, Yuehua Saint, have the final say, they can't escape!"

"I will crush them all to ashes and let them know the consequences of offending the young master!"

As he said that, he started to leave with murderous intent and led the people to hunt down those demon gods.

After all this trouble, everyone was no longer in the mood for a banquet and dispersed.

Resurrecting the True Green Lotus is destined to be a long and boring process.

In fact, even Ye Xinghe could completely revive this Qinghua True Lotus in a short period of time.

Nor would he choose to do so.

It's not that he has any ideas, it's just that he must be on guard against others.

Now, Yuehua Holy Land can use him and treat him with respect and courtesy.

When the time comes, Qinghua True Lotus will be completely revived, and Yuehua Holy Land will no longer need him.

In other words, they were trying to prevent the secret of Qinghua Zhenlian from being leaked.

There may be other things that can be done.

Ye Xinghe has always known that the most unpredictable thing is the human heart.

Therefore, it is better to extend this time a little longer and recover slowly.

In the next few months, Ye Xinghe absorbed spiritual veins every day and restored Xuanhuang's divine power.

Seven days later, he recovered to his peak, and then came to the forbidden area.

Facing the Qinghua True Lotus, he used another move to destroy the Black Lotus.

Just like last time, the Black Lotus of Annihilation is still submerged into the Qinghua True Lotus.

And the stamen of the Qinghua True Lotus revived once again.

But the difference is that this time, I finally have the previous experience.

Ye Xinghe used it more smoothly.

Although the power has not increased, it is quite smooth.

There is a sense of understanding and success.

And his injury was a little lighter than last time.

However, he still needs a Ten Thousand Life Pill to heal his wounds.

Ye Xinghe naturally wouldn't use his own.

This all-things-prosperity elixir comes from Yuehua Holy Land.

Ye Xinghe does things for them, so naturally he needs them to repay him.

A month later, the stamens of this blue and white true lotus had recovered to seven.

When Ye Xinghe used Black Lotus of Annihilation on Qinghua True Lotus for the fifth time.

It is a sword that can be used casually, and it is easy to use.

Moreover, after it was used, although Xuanhuang's divine power was exhausted, he was not injured.

I just have a slight pain in my body and feel weak.

Just take some healing elixirs.

There is no need to swallow the Ten Thousand Thousand Life Pills anymore.

Ye Xinghe slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

During this month, he practiced every day and took a lot of pills.

The number of Xuanhuang divine powers has directly reached more than 1,300!

It has already reached the middle stage of the twelfth level of the Martial God Realm.

Of course, these elixirs are naturally provided by Yuehua Holy Land.

Moreover, Ye Xinghe's Black Lotus of Annihilation has become more and more proficient after repeated use.

Now, it has surpassed the realm of Dacheng and continues to climb!

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land smiled and said: "There are only three stamens left and all of them can be restored!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

This Qinghua True Lotus is divided into four parts.

Stamens, petals, fallen flowers, flower branches.

There are ten stamens, nine petals, and one flower branch.

Of course, if you think about it, you will know that if the flowers fall and the branches recover.

I don’t know how much power is needed!

He turned his head to look and suddenly smiled: "Is the Holy Son here?"

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land sneered: "I'll invite him, but he still dares not to come!"

After the words fell, a leisurely voice came.

"Speaking ill of me behind my back again!"

In the void, the Holy Son stepped out with a smile on his face.

The gloominess he felt after being defeated by Ye Xinghe that day was gone.

Today is also the day that Ye Xinghe and Shengzi agreed to fulfill their bet.

The two of them made a bet before the third level that day.

If Ye Xinghe loses, he will lose his life.

If the Holy Son loses, he must show Ye Xinghe his time rules!

With a period of one month, today is the day of realization.

Although the Holy Son is cunning and cruel, he will do whatever it takes.

But he is also a very proud man.

He didn't even bother to break the contract.

Therefore, he promised to come.

Moreover, he must do it and cannot refuse.

The Headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land will force him to fulfill his bet that day!

The Holy Son looked at Ye Xinghe and said calmly: "Watch it, I will only demonstrate it once."

After saying that, a shallow black light lingered around his body.

With him as the center, it began to rotate.

In that black light, there are countless lines.

In an instant, in this moment.

Everyone suddenly felt that the Holy Son's whole person had become different.

He seemed to exist both in the present and in the past.

In him, there is actually the vicissitudes of time, a feeling of ten thousand years in one glance.

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land and Liang Zizhen both frowned instantly.

They suddenly felt.

If he were to attack the Holy Son at this time, he would not even be able to cause any harm to him.

Because, the person he is now may not be the person he is now.

But the past him.

What does hurting him in the past mean to the present?

Or, if it hurts him in the present, if he moves time forward, he returns to the past.

So how can it be hurt?

The two looked at each other with horror on their faces.

Is this the terrible time rule?

Both of them control the power of rules and have already transcended the Martial God realm.

But I still feel uneasy about this.

And Ye Xinghe's reaction was even greater.

At this moment, there was a storm in his heart.

Because, at the moment when the Holy Son casts the rules of time.

In Ye Xinghe's mind, the words of Small Universe Jue.

Suddenly, it appeared in his mind.

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