Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2823 The Ultimate Mission

Chapter 2823 The ultimate mission!

If this son is not eliminated, there will be no limit to the future!

In the end, the two finalized a plan to jointly seize the blood god's inheritance.

When the time comes, Qian Renxiao will take away 70%, and Ye Xinghe will take away 30%.

Then, after discussing some details.

Qian Renxiao left with Qin Zhichang.

Nowadays, the relationship between the two is very different from before.

There is already some basis for cooperation.

Therefore, at least for the time being, you don’t have to worry about the other party being behind your back.

Of course, it's only temporary.

Looking at Qian Renxiao's back, Ye Xinghe's eyes were heavy with thoughts.

In fact, Ye Xinghe knew it very well.

How difficult it is to obtain the Blood God inheritance.

And he didn't go through any channels, he simply deduced it based on the mission of Lord Taixu.

First of all, this is a mission world with a very high mortality rate.

Let everyone's expression change.

That means that the tasks in this world are extremely difficult.

Moreover, it is progressive layer by layer.

The first task is to survive, and the second task is to obtain the Blood God Order.

In other words, for most of the trial immortals.

Obtaining the Blood God Order is already a narrow escape.

Ye Xinghe's mission is more difficult, and he still needs to unlock the secret of the Blood God.

What do we need to face to unlock the secret of the Blood God?

He is a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Who can do this except a freak like Ye Xinghe!

It is many times more difficult to obtain the Blood God's inheritance than to unlock the Blood God's secret.

In other words, even in the cognition of Lord Taixu.

Able to obtain the Blood God Token and reveal the secret behind the Blood God Token.

It was already a narrow escape, an extremely difficult task.

It's already difficult to complete.

Therefore, he did not give any more orders to Ye Xinghe.

For example, get the blood god inheritance.

Because, even in his opinion, this is simply impossible to accomplish.

There is no need to give this task at all.

Because even if everyone dies, it may not be possible to complete it.

The blood god is inherited in the hands of Princess Pingliang, and it is her most cherished thing.

Even better than her life!

Princess Pingliang is surrounded by countless masters.

There are dozens of ice and snow guards, including all the elites in Zhenbeicheng City Lord's Mansion.

She could even call in countless masters from the Ice and Snow Dynasty with just one order.

what does that mean?

This means that if you want to get the Blood God inheritance, you will be the enemy of the entire Ice and Snow Dynasty!

What a terrifying difficulty this is!

How arrogant are people who do such things!

At this moment, Ye Xinghe actually wanted to challenge this task and get the Blood God inheritance!

It can be said to be crazy!

Ye Xinghe suddenly asked Master Taixu loudly: "Master Taixu, if I can get the Blood God inheritance, what rewards will I get?"

In the void, there is little sound.

Master Taixu didn't answer him at all.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm, not disappointed, but thoughtful.

Because, for him, the lack of an answer itself also means a lot of things.

"It's just as I guessed!"

"This mission should exist, but it is definitely not within the reach of people of our strength!"

In fact, Ye Xinghe had a good idea.

Get the Blood God Heritage quest.

It's not something that trial immortals of Ye Xinghe's level can get their hands on.

Want to get in touch and complete this task.

At least it takes top veterans who have experienced ten to fifteen mission worlds before they can touch it.

That’s right, touching, not finishing!

This means that trial immortals with such strength as Ye Xinghe and others.

Let alone completing this task, Lord Taixu will not issue this task to them at all!

Because, for their strength, death is inevitable!

Ye Xinghe also knew it very well.

Relying on your own strength alone, trying to obtain the Blood God's inheritance is just a fool's errand!

Therefore, he came up with the only solution.

That is to bring in powerful enough people to muddy the waters.

You may not be able to catch fish in muddy water.

But when the water is clear, you definitely can’t touch it!

By muddying the water, there is still a slight possibility of seizing the Blood God's inheritance.

The person Ye Xinghe thought of before for cooperation was not Qian Renxiao.

After all, Qian Renxiao was too domineering and his methods were treacherous.

Ye Xinghe had no intention of cooperating with him.

But Qian Renxiao suddenly made a sneak attack at this moment.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Ye Xinghe thought of this plan when he captured Qin Zhichang.

This is an alternative.

But for Ye Xinghe, he has no choice now.

He could only choose Qian Renxiao as his partner.

And when Ye Xinghe discovered that he had peeked into some of Qian Renxiao's secrets, he realized it.

Perhaps Qian Renxiao is the best candidate for cooperation.

"Not only Qian Renxiao, it's not enough!"

Ye Xinghe's eyes showed a bit of madness.

"Since we are already dragging everyone into the water, those who drag us into the water will naturally get better and better!"

"You arrogant Trial Immortal disciples have always been arrogant. Now prepare to use them all for me!"

An hour later, Ye Xinghe was waiting for someone in a hidden place.

Dressed in white, she looks like a fairy and has a tall figure.

He was also wearing a snow-white cloak, covering his face.

No snow today, clear skies.

But the weather was extremely cold, and a biting north wind was blowing.

This person landed next to Ye Xinghe, looking leisurely and relaxed.

And the reason for this is because she possesses extremely terrifying and powerful fighting power.

There was a hint of teasing in the corner of her mouth: "You have figured it out, are you ready to serve under me?"

The voice was crisp and somewhat majestic.

It was the voice of Princess Pingliang.

It turned out that when Princess Pingliang left that day, she still gave Ye Xinghe something.

This is a small item unique to the Ice and Snow Dynasty royal family.

After crushing this object, you can contact her.

Princess Pingliang’s original intention was to recruit Ye Xinghe.

She really felt that this man was an unparalleled genius with a mysterious origin.

It will bring you considerable value.

No matter what, I don't want to give up trying to win over him.

So, I left this thing for him.

But she also knew it very well.

With this person's arrogant nature, it is impossible to get him to work for him.

This was just a casual back-up move.

She didn't expect that Ye Xinghe would contact her.

Unexpectedly, I received a contact from Ye Xinghe today.

It really surprised her.

Ye Xinghe looked at her and felt that she had returned to her peak condition.

Obviously, the Ice and Snow Dynasty’s magic medicine is definitely not weak.

He laughed.

"Princess Pingliang is joking, I still think I can be of more use to you outside!"


The eldest princess of Pingliang said with a faint smile: "It seems that you have heard some news?"

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