Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2824 The plan begins

Chapter 2824 The plan begins!

"Let me listen, what's the use to me?"

She didn't take it seriously at first, it was just a somewhat joking gesture.

But when Ye Xinghe said those words, her expression immediately became solemn.

Ye Xinghe just said one sentence: "I'm afraid your plan will fail. The Rule of Blood may be taken away by Tantai Changye of the Gaochang Empire."

"Tantai Long Night?"

After hearing this name, Princess Pingliang's eyes suddenly turned cold.

She stared at Ye Xinghe and her tone was no longer polite.

"How did you know his name?"

"You know what he will do next?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I know that he is a young genius, and his strength is also extremely strong. He is not weaker than you."

"I also know that the power behind him is not weaker than yours."

"I know better that he came prepared this time to seize the Rule of Blood!"

"Your Highness Princess Pingliang, I'm afraid you won't be able to get what you want!"

Ye Xinghe revealed part of the information Qian Renxiao said to Princess Pingliang.

Of course, he wasn't stupid and didn't tell everything.

But this information is enough to prove that what Ye Xinghe said is true.

Princess Pingliang's face became a little gloomy.

She really wanted to lay a dragnet.

Catch all those who are ready to come to seize the Rule of Blood.

Strip away their blood and make it your own.

But unexpectedly, he caught a big fish that he couldn't control at all.

At that time, the big fish started to struggle hard.

I'm afraid that the net I set and the plan I set will be shattered!

Ye Xinghe spoke at the right moment: "Maybe I can help you."


Princess Pingliang frowned and looked at him, then shook her head and said: "Ye Yunshen, you are very capable and thoughtful, but you are not able to participate in a battle of this level."

"You have no idea how terrifying that long night in Tantai is!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "If you rely solely on my words, of course it won't work."

"But I still have some partners. These people are not weak in strength. Many of them are better than me."

"If they help, Princess Pingliang, you won't have to worry anymore!"

"Oh, those buddies of yours?"

Princess Pingliang frowned.

Suddenly, he thought of the tragic battle at the City Lord's Mansion that day.

"Are they similar in strength to those who attacked the City Lord's Mansion that day?"

Ye Xinghe nodded: "You are no weaker than them, and some of them are even part of them!"

Princess Pingliang frowned and said: "They and my city lord's palace are already life-and-death enemies, how can they help me?"

Ye Xinghe laughed.

"The bustle in the world is all for the benefit of the coming, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for the benefit of the going!"

"I'll settle this, so you don't have to worry, Princess!"

Princess Pingliang thought for a moment and said, "If there are really such powerful masters and there are enough of them, then it would be feasible."

She looked at Ye Xinghe and asked, "Tell me, what do you want?"

She knew that nothing in the world was that cheap.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "What I want is just a piece of cake for Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"I only need one thing, the Blood God's Order!"

"Blood God Order?"

Princess Pingliang frowned.

Ye Xinghe said: "If my friends want to help you, they have to enter the City Lord's Mansion."

"To enter the City Lord's Mansion and participate in the Blood God Conference, you need the Blood God Order."

"To be honest, Your Highness the Princess, the number of Blood God Orders you issued before was too small."

"Many of my companions have not yet obtained this item."

"If the princess is willing to give out more, then this matter will be done."

Princess Pingliang was suddenly stunned.

For her, it was too easy.

Anyway, she still has a lot of Blood God Orders.

Previously, only fifteen were issued to control the number of people coming.

She was also afraid that too many people would come and be too powerful.

She couldn't refine all her bloodlines at once.

Moreover, she didn't want to let out too much, so that all kinds of cats and dogs could come in and waste her energy.

She asked in surprise: "That's it, nothing else?"

Ye Xinghe nodded: "That's the condition."


Princess Pingliang immediately said: "I agree!"

She thought for a moment and said, "Right now, I only have about thirty Blood God Tokens that I can send out."

Ye Xinghe gave a high-five.

"Thirty pieces is enough!"

"It's just that you have to give me fifteen of them and let me control them!"

The remaining fifteen can be sent out by yourself.

Princess Pingliang stared at him, suddenly pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You little naughty boy, your so-called partners, I'm afraid they also broke their heads in order to grab the Blood God Token, the fight was very fierce!"

"With these fifteen Blood God Tokens, you can get a lot of benefits, right?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and didn't hide it from her.

"I work for Her Royal Highness the Princess and get some benefits in the process, that's what I should do!"

Princess Pingliang chuckled, stretched out her hand and tapped him, but did not refuse.

This is the largest restaurant in Zhenbei City.

There were people drinking and drinking, and people coming and going.

Moreover, this place is not far from the city lord's mansion.

The dishes here are extremely expensive.

Not an ordinary person can afford it.

At this time, on the sixth floor of the restaurant, there was a private seat next to the window.

Several people ordered a large table of delicious food, but they sat opposite each other in silence, with very ugly faces.

No one moved their chopsticks.

After a while, someone said softly: "Brother Zhou, it has been a long time since we came to this world."

"There are only three days left before the Blood God Conference."

"We four brothers haven't obtained a single Blood God Token. What should we do?"

"If you wait three more days, if you still can't get the Blood God Order, the time will expire, the mission will fail, and all of us will die!"

As soon as he said this, several people around him trembled slightly.

Apparently, for them.

This ending is unacceptable under any circumstances.

Zhou Qiwei took a sip of wine, sighed, and his eyes were slightly sore.

He suddenly said: "Brothers, I can't help you!"

"The eldest brother is incompetent and has harmed everyone!"

"Brother, you said this, how can I blame you for this?"

A strong man sighed and said with a bitter look on his face: "Only fifteen Blood God Tokens have been released in total, but there are so many people fighting for them."

"There are several Blood God Tokens that are missing, and I don't know who snatched them away."

"The remaining ones, those who fell on the bright side, were taken away by those top-level seniors."

"The worst of them all have reached the half-step Nascent Soul realm!"

He growled angrily: "Why should we fight with them?"

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