Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2826 Auction

Chapter 2826 Auction!

Moreover, this does not include, for example, the Thunder Temple.

This kind of killing came in for some special reasons.

Moreover, there are quite a number of trial immortals.

Currently, the number of trial immortals near Zhenbei City is close to two hundred.

Even if a lot of them were killed through cannibalism, the remaining ones are all there to seize the Blood God Order.

More wolves but less meat!

And, everyone found out.

The number of Blood God Tokens that actually appeared was not as many as thirty.

There are probably only half of them, just fifteen pieces.

The other fifteen were missing.

Soon, these trial immortals made a desperate discovery.

The appearance of these fifteen Blood God Tokens has a huge impact on the already very large group of trial immortals.

It's just a drop in the bucket, and it won't fall on them at all.

It was still snatched away by those trial immortal disciples whose strength was in the first echelon!

At this time, for these trial immortals.

The feeling of despair is even stronger than before the news came out.

Because they saw hope.

Now, this hope has been shattered!

But at this moment, an even more exciting news quickly spread among the trial immortals.

In a hidden part of the pagoda forest behind a temple, the ground was stained with blood.

This blood is also filled with powerful power.

Several figures were sitting on the side of Talin, breathing heavily.

Breathing is heavy, like a bellows.

Their clothes were torn and there were many blood stains on their bodies.

Even revealing hideous wounds.

The arm of one of them was even more unnaturally twisted.

It's like it's been broken.

These people are none other than Zhou Qiwei and others.

Not far from where they were before, a Blood God Token was dropped.

In ecstasy, several people joined the fight.

And they were lucky.

Those who competed with them for the Blood God Order were average in strength.

In the end, the four of them won the Blood God Order.

The four people left happily.

But they were not happy for a moment.

A trial immortal disciple who came after hearing the news suddenly ambushed and took action.

The strength of this trial immortal has reached the half-step Nascent Soul realm.

It's stronger than the four of them combined.

He made a sneak attack and first severely injured Zhou Qiwei, the strongest man.

Then, calmly deal with the other three people.

In the end, everyone was seriously injured and luckily escaped with their lives.

But the Blood God Token had been snatched away.

The four people hurriedly fled here and had a moment of respite.

Several people were gray-faced and silent, not wanting to say a word.

Several people were already desperate.

But at this moment, suddenly, a look of astonishment appeared on the face of the strong man.

Then, there was a flash of shock.

He felt it carefully and confirmed again and again that there was no problem. His face turned into ecstasy.

Zhou Qiwei asked: "What happened?"

This sturdy man is the think tank and the main person in their team's external liaison.

The best news.

The strong man looked strange and said: "Someone just sent me a message, saying that an auction is about to be held, and it is only for the trial of immortals."

Zhou Qiwei Jincha asked: "Is it possible that there is a Blood God Order in this auction?"

The burly man's expression became even weirder, he nodded and said: "Not only does it have the Blood God Token on it, but there are also more than a dozen Blood God Tokens!"

Everyone was stunned after hearing this.

After a while, Zhou Qiwei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "How is that possible? I'm afraid I'm lying to you!"

Several people looked like this, obviously not believing it.

"You shouldn't lie to me."

The big and muscular man said: "I have a relationship with this person. This person is very well-informed."

"Besides, the price is quite reasonable."

"Brother Zhou, do you still remember the news about the Blood God Order from the Baicheng Chamber of Commerce that day?"

Zhou Qiwei nodded.

Of course they all remembered the news.

They arrived a little late, and when they arrived, they found that the Blood God Token had been snatched away.

The strong man said: "The last news was from him."

"Moreover, the price he gave was very low. It only cost one thousand Taixu Jade Slips."

Zhou Qiwei fell into deep thought.

"If he can get such hidden information, then the news this time may be true."

"It's just that I still feel like, how could more than a dozen Blood God Tokens appear in the hands of the same person?"

He asked: "When will the auction start?"

The strong man said: "Tomorrow at noon."

"Okay, let's go take a look!"

Zhou Qiwei said: "It is still a hope!"

At this time, it was not just Zhou Qiwei and others.

Many trial immortals in the northern city of this town received extremely surprising news.

That is, someone has more than fifteen Blood God Tokens in hand.

And this person will hold an auction at noon tomorrow.

At that time, these more than ten Blood God Tokens will be put up for auction, and the one with the highest price will get it.

It has nothing to do with your strength and status, how many mission worlds you have experienced, or whether you are a veteran.

It has nothing to do with any of this.

As long as the bid is high enough, you can get the Blood God Token!

Many people scoffed at the news and didn't believe it at all.

But more people choose to go and see what's going on tomorrow.

Even if his whereabouts are exposed for this, he will not hesitate.

In a day or two, their death is approaching.

Now, any life-saving straw will be firmly grasped!

The next day, at noon.

An abandoned house is located in the north of the city.

This place had long been abandoned and dilapidated, and few people visited it.

But something was strange today.

Outside the house, powerful cultivators continued to arrive.

The aura on his body is quite extraordinary.

Looking at Zhenbei City, they are definitely considered top-notch masters.

After they arrived, they looked around and then carefully entered the house.

Then, he lost his breath.

Obviously, there are magic circles around to cover the atmosphere.

Since ten o'clock yesterday evening, people have been arriving one after another.

It’s even more crowded during the day.

Every once in a while, someone comes alone or in a group.

When it was close to noon, there were already close to a hundred people entering.

After a while, Zhou Qiwei and others also arrived.

Several people looked around carefully.

Not finding any unusual smell, he gritted his teeth and stepped into the house.

As soon as they entered, they felt like their eyes were filled with flowers.

But then, it quickly returned to normal.

It was discovered that this place was already an extremely expanded palace.

It is simple and solemn, with a radius of thousands of meters.

Obviously not that one, it looks like it can be accommodated in a small house.

Obviously, a magic array has been set up here.

Moreover, the level of this illusion array is quite high, and there are no flaws at all.

At this time, there are nearly a hundred trial immortals here.

Everyone gathered together in small groups, discussing something in low voices.

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