Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2827 Questioning

Chapter 2827 Questioning!

There are also some very powerful people who maintain their identity, clasping their fists and closing their eyes to rest.

Suddenly, a gaze came over and stared at the four of them.

"I let the four of you escape yesterday. I didn't expect that you would still have the guts to come out today!"

Zhou Qiwei and others' eyes were also blood-red, and their canthus was about to burst.

It turned out that this person was the one who chased them to death yesterday.

However, although this person said a few harsh words, he did not actually take action.

He was a little confused about the strength of the auction owner and did not dare to act rashly.

All the people who can hang out here are human beings.

Therefore, I just said a few words and said harsh words.

If nothing else, there are quite a few people here who are stronger than him.

He wasn't sure what the consequences would be.

Suddenly, a pleasant bell rang.

Noon has arrived.

At this time, on the second floor of the east wing of the abandoned house.

Ye Xinghe and Zhang Chenzheng stood there, looking down indifferently.

At this time, they were only dozens of steps away from everyone, so close.

But unfortunately,

I can't even feel their breath.

This is due to the shielding of the magic circle.

The array around this house is extremely complex.

It is divided into nine small magic circles, forming a large magic circle.

A small house is covered in layers.

It's like there are thousands of households.

It is very difficult to enter it and leave smoothly.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "It's almost time."

The two figures flashed.

When he reappeared, he had already reached the middle of the huge hall of the illusory formation.

At this time, a high platform has been raised here.

Ye Xinghe was standing on that high platform.

He looked at everyone with a smile and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you. Let's go to Ye Yunshen!"

His appearance immediately silenced the hall for a moment.

Everyone looked at this tall and handsome man, slightly stunned.

Because they couldn't feel a very powerful aura from this person.

They thought about organizing such an auction.

Once again, with more than a dozen Blood God Tokens in hand, this person's strength should be extremely terrifying.

At least he has reached the half-step Nascent Soul realm, and he is probably a strong Nascent Soul realm.

Moreover, they even have a few candidates already.

I feel like it was just one of these people who did it.

Unexpectedly, the person who appeared was someone they had never seen before.

I have never heard of his reputation in the Taixu Holy Realm.

There was a lot of doubt in everyone's mind and they were talking about it.

They all questioned: "How come he has a new face, and he looks like he has average strength!"

"Yes, he is not one of those people as we speculated. Does this guy have the strength to organize an auction?"

"Yes, he also said that he has more than a dozen Blood God Tokens in his hand!"

"How is it possible that with his strength, he can do it?"

Everyone was very suspicious.

For a time, the place was noisy.

Ye Xinghe smiled and pressed down with his hands.

"Everyone, this auction is indeed organized by me, and I do have the Blood God Order here!"

A man with triangular eyes sneered: "Fuck you, anyone can brag. If you say you have the Blood God Token in your hand, we will believe it!"

"If you have the ability, show it to everyone!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head helplessly.

There was a flash of light in his hand, and a bloody light shone out.

A token was spinning slowly on his finger.

The whole body is blood-colored, exuding a gleaming brilliance.

Although most people do not have the Blood God Order, they have generally dealt with it.

Naturally, I can recognize this thing.

"He actually has the Blood God Token in his hand. It seems that this guy is not lying. How did he get it?"

"Then don't worry about it, he might be really capable!"

Ye Xinghe looked at the man with triangular eyes and smiled: "I said yes, just believe it, why bother if you force me to take it out and slap you in the face?"

There was a burst of laughter in the crowd.

Hearing the joking and hooting around him, the triangular-eyed man's face became a little confused.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Having a Blood God Token means nothing. Who knows if you got this Blood God Token by chance and just got lucky!"

"You took out a Blood God Token to trick us. Do you think we are so easy to deceive?"


After he said this, many people nodded.

There is only one Blood God Order, which is not very convincing, so it is possible.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and looked at him with a bit of teasing.

"Then if I have more than one Blood God Token here, what will happen to you?"

The man with triangular eyes rolled his eyes and suddenly took out something and raised his hands high.

Everyone saw that this was a flying knife.

The flying knife is only seven or eight inches long, and its whole body is as bright as jade.

One look at it and you'll know it's extraordinary.

It is a spiritual treasure of not low grade.

Moreover, there is also the power of rules lingering on it.

"This thing is pretty good. It's at least a second-grade spiritual treasure, right?"

"Absolutely, this thing is quite extraordinary."

"I didn't expect that this guy actually has such a spiritual treasure!"

Many people have greed in their eyes.

The man with triangular eyes smiled proudly and said proudly to Ye Xinghe: "This is my weapon, it is a second-grade spiritual treasure, and it carries rules, and its rules are called triple sharpness!"

"Blessed by the power of rules, it is extremely sharp!"

Everyone was stunned after hearing this.

The so-called triple sharpness should actually be a relatively common rule, very general.

It can only increase the sharpness of Lingbao by three times.

The man with triangular eyes said: "If you can come up with more Blood God Tokens, I'll give you these!"

"If you can't take it out"

His eyes were greedy as he looked at the Blood God Token in Ye Xinghe's hand.

"You have to give me this Blood God Order for free!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

This guy is very smart.

This thing is incomparable to the Blood God's Order, which can save everyone's lives.

The value of a Blood God Token made everyone willing to buy it with all their money.

But it is far from comparable to a Lingbao flying knife!

But what everyone didn't expect was that Ye Xinghe directly agreed.

He smiled and said, "Okay!"

I don’t know why, after seeing Ye Xinghe agree so simply.

The man with triangular eyes immediately panicked.

Ye Xinghe acted too confident.

The next moment, blood-red lights lit up one after another, catching everyone's eyes.

It also made everyone exclaim in surprise one after another!

Fourteen Blood God Tokens appeared in Ye Xinghe's hand at once!

Including the previous one, there are a total of fifteen Blood God Tokens!

Fifteen Blood God Tokens were twisted between Ye Xinghe's fingers.

Everyone was extremely shocked.

"He actually has fifteen Blood God Tokens. Why?"

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