Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2832 The Thunder Temple Attacks

Chapter 2832 The Thunder Temple is coming!

Princess Pingliang's voice was clear and cold.

"If you know it's me, then suffer death!"

As soon as her curse rule was launched, Chen Fei's rule power was shattered.

Then, these black threads spread towards Chen Fei.

Obviously, her strength completely overwhelmed Chen Fei.

Its rules are also stronger than Chen Fei's rules.

When everyone around heard the words "Princess Pingliang", their hearts suddenly jumped.

For them, Princess Pingliang is the core figure of this mission.

It is also the strongest existence they can come into contact with in this world.

Who would have thought that she would appear here!

Everyone looked at Ye Xinghe with a sense of awe.

"Being able to invite Princess Pingliang here, this person's relationship with Princess Pingliang should be very deep!"

"Yes, his background is beyond our imagination!"

"How on earth did this person manage to have such a deep relationship with Princess Pingliang!"

While everyone was guessing, their eyes were filled with fear.

Some people who had secretly harbored evil intentions before now still have lingering fears.

I secretly rejoiced that I had held back.

Otherwise, he would have to face the wrath of Princess Pingliang.

And they looked at Chen Fei with a bit of schadenfreude in their eyes.

"Chen Fei is going to be finished this time!"

Chen Fei was also filled with despair at this time.

He knew very well the strength of Her Royal Highness Princess Pingliang.

He retreated quickly and fled outside.

But it was too late.

The power of the curse suddenly wrapped around his body like a spider web.

The next moment, it seeped into his body at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, his body turned black.

His face also became stiff.

Countless black mist appeared above the body.

The mist is thick, as if waiting to condense into fonts.

Princess Pingliang stared at him, her voice was cold, and she spoke every word.

It seemed that whatever she said would come true.

"You will bleed to death from your seven orifices within three breaths!"

The next moment, the black mist on Chen Fei's body condensed into a huge and mysterious font.

As sinister as a snake.

It was Princess Pingliang who said those two words just now.

At this time, these words resounded crazily in Chen Fei's mind.

In front of him, these words kept floating around.

This sentence suddenly rang in his ears.

In an instant, Chen Fei let out a shrill scream, almost going crazy from the torture.

And sure enough, after three breaths.

His body suddenly froze, black blood flowed from his seven orifices, he fell heavily to the ground, and died!

Princess Pingliang glanced at everyone and said nothing.

But everyone was silent.

Princess Pingliang's exposed hand instantly shocked everyone.

Looking at everyone, Chen Fei can be regarded as a master.

But he was instantly killed by Princess Pingliang with one move!

The figure of Princess Pingliang then disappeared.

The next auction was also very smooth and fast.

The tenth one has also been auctioned.

But at this moment, everyone suddenly saw the hall above their heads and the wall in front of them.

Everything around him shook violently.

The next moment, it shattered and was revealed again, its true face.

This is just a rundown courtyard.

Those previous scenes were all illusions.

But illusions can be confused with reality.

Everyone was shocked. This offensive was much more powerful than Chen Fei's before.

He was able to break this illusion in one fell swoop.

And, more importantly, the attack was silent.

No one noticed it at all, the fantasy was shattered.

It shows that this person is not only extremely powerful.

Moreover, the control of strength is also very powerful.

It can only attack the phantom formation without disturbing the people inside.

"This person's strength is as strong as that of Nascent Soul!"

"That's right. None of the Nascent Soul Realm experts I knew before felt that he had such strength."

"Which Nascent Soul Realm master took action?"

"There are only a handful of people in the Nascent Soul Realm in their town in Beicheng!"

Everyone speculated.

At this time, a solemn sneer came.

"Ye Beichen, a bereaved dog dares to be so arrogant. Are you really not afraid of death?"

Then, more than a dozen powerful auras appeared around everyone.

It actually vaguely surrounded this place.

Everyone also saw a dozen figures appearing in the void, all wearing the same clothes.

He is actually from the Thunder God Temple!

Thunder God Temple had previously pursued Ye Xinghe and suffered a big loss.

The city lord's mansion was littered with casualties.

At that time, when I was playing, I didn’t feel anything.

After retreating, the Lord of the Seventh Hall thought more and more that something was wrong.

In the end, I found out that I and others had been deceived by this kid and used him as a gun.

Everyone in the Thunder Temple hated Ye Xinghe until their teeth itched.

But for a while, he couldn't be found.

They had heard about the auction before.

As soon as the auction started, news came from their internal response.

It is said that this auction was hosted by Ye Beichen before and Ye Yunshen now.

As soon as they heard this, everyone in the Thunder Temple couldn't hold it back and immediately came to kill them.

"This is someone from the Thunder Temple!"

"It's them, no wonder there are so many masters!"

"I heard that the Thunder Temple is extremely powerful. The person leading the team this time is the Lord of the Seventh Temple, but he already has the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm!"

"What is he doing here? Is he here for one of us?"

At this time, the arrival of everyone from the Thunder Temple also caused an uproar in the scene.

Many people suddenly stood up, their whole bodies tense.

There was a bit of caution on his face, and he looked at them warily.

There are more than a dozen strong men brought by Thunder Temple.

Moreover, every strength is very strong.

Gives people a strong sense of oppression.

After these trial immortals entered this world, they also collected information.

Naturally, they knew about the existence of many powerful men in the Thunder Temple.

Although, Thunder God Temple entered here this time to hunt down Ye Xinghe.

But the problem is, others don’t know!

Since the Thunder Temple entered this world, it has posed a huge threat to many people.

Moreover, they will inevitably collide with other trial immortals.

Apart from anything else, many of the trial immortals in the field had conflicts with them.

I was afraid that they were coming to seek revenge.

Therefore, everyone is on guard.

After seeing Ye Xinghe, the Seventh Hall Master showed excitement.

Finally caught this kid!

He laughed excitedly: "Ye Beichen, oh no, I should call you Ye Yunshen, right?"

"I let you escape last time, I'll see where you go this time!"

"This person actually came to trouble Ye Yunshen!"

"Haha, I'm afraid he's going to kick the iron plate this time. Ye Yunshen now won't even be able to offend the God of Thunder!"

"Yes, I'm afraid this Thunder Temple doesn't know how many people are standing behind Ye Yunshen!"

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