Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2833 Let’s talk business with you

Chapter 2833 Let’s talk business with you!

When everyone heard this, they realized they were here to find Ye Yunshen.

Suddenly everyone showed an expression of watching a good show.

And soon, the seventh hall master also discovered that something was wrong.

Everyone looked at him as if he were a fool.

The Lord of the Seventh Palace was suddenly stunned and immediately became alert.

"Is it possible that this kid is playing some tricks?"

He stared at Ye Xinghe and narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, the ears of the person beside him moved slightly.

Apparently, someone had sent him a message.

After hearing this, the man's expression changed drastically.

He walked up to the seventh hall master and whispered a few words.

The seventh hall master's face was uncertain, showing a look of disbelief.

"How is it possible that Her Royal Highness Princess Pingliang is here?"

"Her Royal Highness Princess Pingliang wanted to kill him before, how could she cooperate with him now?"

He growled in a low voice: "I'm afraid we've all been deceived by this kid!"

He had made up his mind today to kill Ye Yunshen no matter what.

Without giving him any time to talk nonsense, he waved his hand directly and led everyone forward to kill.

"Boy, if you dare to offend our Thunder God Temple, today is your day of death!"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly came.

"I have offended your Thunder God Temple, so what?"

As this voice came out, infinite light and shadow spread forward.

Spread in an instant.

This illusion formation was restored again.

Everyone returned to the splendid and luxurious hall again.

A figure also walked out.

It is Princess Pingliang!

The moment he saw Princess Pingliang, the Lord of the Seventh Palace immediately became frightened.

Who is he most afraid of in this Zhenbei City? There is no doubt that it is this being!

Not only is she strong, but she is also powerful!

These masters in Zhenbeicheng City Lord's Mansion, as well as the ice and snow guards, are all under her command.

With just one order from her, the Thunder God Temple could no longer have a foothold in this Zhenbei City, or even the Ice and Snow Dynasty!

Moreover, the Thunder God Temple was already in her hands and suffered great losses.

The last time, there was a fierce battle between the Thunder Temple and the City Lord's Mansion, and I lost a lot of money.

It also brought huge losses to the city lord's palace.

After Her Royal Highness Princess Pingliang returned, she immediately gathered all the masters in Zhenbei City.

Look around for traces of the Thunder Temple.

He successively captured several of their strongholds and killed several masters.

The God of Thunder was forced to have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

Just like a dog chasing a rabbit, it runs away everywhere.

He immediately realized that behind Ye Xinghe was Princess Pingliang.

Today, I'm afraid I can't move him.

He was also quite a decisive person, and he bowed to the eldest princess of Pingliang from afar.

"Your Royal Highness, Princess Pingliang, since you are here, I dare not make any mistakes among the inferiors, so I will take my leave now!"

After that, he turned around and left.

Everyone was more and more amazed at the reputation of Princess Pingliang.

Even the Thunder Temple has to retreat three feet!

At this time, Ye Xinghe suddenly smiled and spoke.

"Come when you want, leave when you want, what do you think this is?"

The seventh hall master's body froze slightly.

He slowly turned his head, gritted his teeth and stared at Ye Xinghe, and said ferociously: "What do you want?"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly.

"I didn't think anything of it, I just wanted to have a chat, don't be so hostile!"

"Since we don't have to fight for life or death, how about we sit down and talk business?"

The Lord of the Seventh Palace sneered: "What's the point of talking to you unless you hand over your things!"

Ye Xinghe did not answer.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he invited them to enter the second level of the magic array.

Everyone in the Thunder Temple is also very courageous.

Ye Xinghe is no match for them, and I don’t think he can pull off any tricks.

The Seventh Hall Master looked calm and followed Ye Xinghe as he took a step forward.

In an instant, the scenery in front of him changed.

We have already arrived in a flower hall.

This is still an illusion.

It's just the second level of this illusory magic circle.

At this time, it was completely separated from the auction hall.

There is no movement here either outside.

Ye Xinghe glanced at the people in Thunder Temple and suddenly sighed.

He shook his head and said, "What a pity!"

The Lord of the Seventh Palace frowned and said, "What's the pity?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "What a pity!"

"With so many masters, most of them will die in two days!"

"Besides, it is still the punishment of dying from the Lord of Taixu, which is worthless!"

The seventh hall master suddenly changed his expression.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean!"

Ye Xinghe said in a calm voice: "There is no need to pretend to be confused because you understand!"

This sentence is heartbreaking.

Suddenly, the eyes of many people in the Thunder Temple became a little strange.

Obviously realized something.

The Lord of the Seventh Palace gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, what do you mean?"

Ye Xinghe smiled: "You know exactly what I mean."

"In order to hunt me down, your Thunder God Temple used so many people to enter this world this time."

"Although Taixu Holy Realm can find some loopholes and find flaws in the rules, there are some rules that must be followed!"

Ye Xinghe stared at them and said solemnly: "Since you have entered this world, you must take on the tasks of this world."

"Presumably, if you don't get the Blood God Order within the remaining two days, you will be judged to have failed the mission."

"When the time comes, there will naturally be no place for burial!"

In fact, the Lord of the Seventh Hall also came today to resolve this matter.

He heard that a large number of Blood God Tokens were auctioned at the auction here.

I was ready to grab it directly.

But I didn't expect that Ye Yunshen would be hosting the auction.

Behind Ye Yunshen was the eldest princess of Pingliang, so he had no choice but to return home and think of other ways.

Suddenly, a strong man from the Thunder Temple said: "Your Highness, aren't there still five Blood God Tokens here that haven't been sold yet?"

"Could these five Blood God Tokens give me the Thunder God Temple?"

Many powerful men from the Thunder Temple looked at Ye Xinghe expectantly.

This is what they are saying, no one wants to die.

Before the Thunder Temple, several Blood God Tokens had been collected.

If you add the five Blood God Tokens now, it will be a lot easier!

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Yes, I have five Blood God Tokens here."

"But do you want it?"

The powerful man from the Thunder Temple nodded and said: "If you want it, please show me your noble hand!"

Ye Xinghe's face had a hint of joking: "Please beg me?"

The expression on the face of the strong man from the Thunder God Temple turned blue and white.

In the end, with a face full of humiliation, he leaned down and saluted: "Please be kind to Mr. Ye!"

The same is true for several other powerful men from the Thunder Temple.

Under the tremendous pressure to survive, they had to bow their heads.

Ye Xinghe didn't say anything, and just focused his gaze on the Seventh Hall Master.

His intention was very obvious, that is, to make the Lord of the Seventh Palace bow his head.

The Lord of the Seventh Hall was filled with humiliation at this moment, and his face turned red.

At this time, I have to say in a low voice: "You are selling to them, and you are selling to us. We just have to pay a high price!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Okay, then let's see what price you are willing to pay!"

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