Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2845 Reversal

Chapter 2845 Reversal!

Many people suddenly raised their heads and looked at the bloody magic circle.

Then came the shocking discovery.

At this time, the situation in the bloody magic circle had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, everyone saw Tantai Changye, who was already covered in blood and seriously injured.

At this moment, there was a strong glow of blood all over his body.

The blood was so bright that the light and shadow flickered and spread outward.

In an instant, it was hundreds of feet in size.

And Tantai Changye's body, shrunk in this bloody light and shadow, began to recover rapidly.

In an instant, he returned to his previous peak state.

However, his eyes were closed tightly and his expression was calm, as if he was deep in cultivation.

The bloody light and shadow on his body was so huge.

So much so that the bloody magic circle was directly stretched open.

Seeing this scene, Princess Pingliang seemed to realize something.

A rare look of fear appeared on her face, and she backed away in confusion.

But it was too late now.

The blood-colored light and shadow that was a hundred feet high shrank rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it became about ten feet tall.

Draped around Tantai Changye.

It's like a humanoid bloody armor.

At this moment, following Tantai Changye's movements.

This human-shaped blood-colored armor reached out and grabbed Princess Pingliang's neck.

Princess Pingliang desperately exerted the power of the curse and borrowed the power of the formation.

But still no use.

This humanoid blood-colored armor seemed to be completely immune to all her attacks.

Breaking the curse rules, he grabbed her slender white neck and lifted her up high.

The terrifying bloody power instantly spread to Princess Pingliang's body.

Princess Pingliang instantly felt that her blood was boiling.

Her powerful bloodline inherited from the Ice and Snow Dynasty royal family seemed to be stripped away.

Being absorbed into this humanoid bloody armor!

Princess Pingliang said in a harsh voice: "You, you actually control part of the power inherited from the Blood God!"

Tantai Changye opened his eyes at this moment and laughed.

"You didn't expect it, my real trump card is this!"

The next moment, he tightened his right hand, and the suction force came suddenly.

Visible to the naked eye, Princess Pingliang's bloodline is slowly transferring into the humanoid blood-colored armor.

It turned out that Tantai Changye had actually controlled part of the power inherited from the Blood God.

But he had been hiding it until now.

Instead, Princess Pingliang thought that his trump card was just the Yin Yang Divine Armor.

Then, when Princess Pingliang had no defense.

Take action suddenly.

Sure enough, the situation was reversed.

At this time, Princess Pingliang was struggling hard.

He screamed with the last of his strength and issued orders one after another.

The giant bloody monster had been standing beside him blankly.

At this time, after getting her order.

Then he roared angrily and charged towards Tantai Changye!

Tantai Changye was not afraid at all.

The humanoid in blood-colored armor stretched out his other hand and turned his palm into a fist.

With a 'bang' sound, it collided with the giant bloody monster.

The moment of impact.

On the palm of this human-shaped blood-colored armor, there is an extremely sharp blade.

It penetrated hard into the body of the giant bloody monster.

After the sharp blade entered its body, it stretched forward crazily.

In an instant, it pierced its body.

And this giant bloody monster suddenly twitched all over.

In fact, Tantai Changye also began to absorb the Blood God inheritance in his body!

Tantai Changye was one against two, but he still had the upper hand.

He laughed wildly.

"How can I, who has taken control of the blood god's inheritance, be rivaled by you?"

"Be good and be absorbed and refined by me!"

Princess Pingliang and the giant bloody monster were still holding on for dear life.

But anyone can see that it is only a matter of time before Princess Pingliang loses!

In just a few moments, Princess Pingliang and the giant bloody monster were sucked and seriously injured.

It is already less than 30% of its peak strength and is dying!

The Lord of Zhenbei City and others roared angrily, wanting to go and help.

But for a while, how could I get away?

At this time, Qian Renxiao slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

He stayed behind Tantai Changye from beginning to end.

The eyes observe the nose, and the nose observes the heart.

His expression was calm, without any change.

But at this time, it felt like he was relieved.

He whispered to himself: "You finally played this trump card!"

"Your Highness Princess Pingliang, I am very grateful to you for finally forcing him out!"

The next moment, he flew into the air and charged forward.

He shouted loudly: "Master Tantai, let me help you!"

Tantai Changye was overjoyed and said to himself: "Qian Renxiao, you are really my confidant!"

"I know this is the most critical moment, but I can't speak. He can actually communicate with me!"

In an instant, Qian Renxiao was close to the battle group and struck out with a palm.

On the palm of the hand, the power of rules lingers.

The strong power of rules shocked Princess Pingliang.

The addition of this person is enough to change the entire situation!

She felt that Qian Renxiao's strength was not inferior to Tantai Changye.

"Am I going to lose just like that?"

But in the next moment, everyone was filled with shock and disbelief.

Princess Pingliang's eyes widened with shock and ecstasy.

Tantai Changye's body froze.

It turned out that just now, Qian Renxiao came directly behind Tantai Changye.

Then, he slowly pushed forward with his right hand.

His movements seemed extremely slow.

It seemed that his palms were moving forward inch by inch.

But in fact, it is almost reaching its peak.

Tantai Changye, on the other hand, was completely defenseless.

In an instant, the right palm penetrated the humanoid blood-colored armor.

He pressed down on Tantai Changye's back.

Tantai Changye trembled violently all over.

He turned around and looked at Qian Renxiao in disbelief.

He said in a trembling voice: "Qian Renxiao, you, you would actually take action against me!"

His eyes were full of horror.

In an instant, the scene where the two met since they got acquainted ran through his mind.

It was ten years ago that he first met Qian Renxiao.

At that time, the two hit it off immediately, practicing together, living together and traveling together, becoming each other's confidants.

Later, Qian Renxiao said goodbye to him.

He said he wanted to go out to practice, improve his cultivation, and break through bottlenecks.

When I returned, it was a month or two ago.

After not seeing each other for ten years, Tantai was extremely happy to meet his old friend again at night.

Moreover, this time Qian Renxiao came back.

Regardless of strength, scheming, and knowledge, they have all been greatly improved.

It has become his right-hand man.

He asked Qian Renxiao to work for him and treated him with great courtesy.

Bringing him here is also to enable him to take action for himself at the critical moment.

He knew very well that Qian Renxiao's strength was enough to turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment.

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