Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2846 The inheritance is obtained

Chapter 2846 The inheritance is obtained!

Unexpectedly, Qian Renxiao did take action and turned the tide of the battle.

But he actually attacked himself, completely ruining all his hopes!

Qian Renxiao looked at him, but his eyes were cold and cruel, without any apology.

He smiled and shook his head and said: "Master Tantai, I have been planning for ten years, and today it exploded."

"You are lucky to have me plan for ten years!"

The next moment, his right hand instantly reached into Tantai Changye's body.

The tyrannical power of rules exploded in Tantai Changye's body.

Tantai Changye's entire body twisted instantly.

The power of rules exploded in his body.

Not only that, after the power of rules enters the body.

He felt that he could no longer resist the attacks of Princess Pingliang and the bloody monster.

Immediately caught between these two huge pressures, blood spurted out.

If it were at the beginning, he might not be so afraid.

However, the trump card has been revealed, and the power of the Blood God's inheritance has exploded.

He could no longer resist.

The next moment, the creature was directly transformed into nothingness by this huge power.

This man with great strength, heroic appearance, and unlimited future has fallen!

The black and white Yin Yang Divine Armor on his body also fell downwards.

This Yin-Yang Divine Armor has become ownerless!

Princess Pingliang's face showed the ecstasy of surviving the disaster.

I felt extremely weak, and my body flew outward softly.

She watched helplessly as the Yin-Yang Divine Armor fell, but she had no way to get it.

The fall of the Yin Yang Divine Armor directly changed the situation of the battle.

Countless trial immortals and local strong men.

Even many of the ice and snow guards and the powerful men of the City Lord's Mansion looked at the Yin Yang Divine Armor with greed in their eyes.

Who doesn't know that the Yin Yang Divine Armor has been passed down by the Tantai family for many generations and has been a treasure for thousands of years.

Forty to five percent of Tantai Changye's strength came from this Yin-Yang Divine Armor.

The level of this object has reached at least the fifth-grade spiritual treasure!

After getting it, the future will be limitless and the strength will increase crazily!

In an instant, many people gave up on their opponents and rushed towards the Yin-Yang Divine Armor!

A trial immortal got this Yin Yang Divine Armor.

But before he could rejoice, he was killed with a knife.

In an instant, the Yin Yang Divine Armor was held in the hands of another trial immortal.

This trial immortal is preparing to leave this world.

But to leave this world, you must not be in a state of combat.

As soon as he had this idea in his mind, he was surrounded by three or four people, who were also directly involved in life and death.

The Yin Yang Divine Armor was taken away again.

This time, it was a local master.

For the sake of the Yin-Yang Divine Armor, they were instantly killed again.

In an instant, several people were killed.

The Yin Yang Divine Armor has changed several owners.

Blood sprayed on it, staining it red.

The war is chaotic.

Even the Thunder God Temple and other forces joined the war.

Others are competing for the Yin Yang Divine Armor.

Only Qian Renxiao pounced on something else.

It turned out that the moment the Yin Yang Divine Armor fell.

In the gap between the Yin-Yang Divine Armor, there was a small light and shadow, rushing towards the side.

That light and shadow had a hint of blood in the void.

It's almost the same color as the sky.

Moreover, everyone was attracted by the Yin Yang Divine Armor.

Almost no one noticed.

Qian Renxiao seemed to have known that this thing would appear and waited nearby.

At that moment, a small cage made of the power of rules popped out of his right hand.

Appearing directly from the void, it directly enveloped this small speck of light and shadow.

That little light and shadow flashed left and right inside.

But no matter what, he couldn't struggle out.

It seemed to be anxious, and in the small blood-colored light and shadow, it made a shrill scream.

Then, it hit with the greatest force, 'bang bang'.

At this time, the cage formed by the power of rules actually had a crack.

Even Qian Renxiao's eyes narrowed.

He knew very well how powerful his rules were.

Now, it was actually knocked out of the gap, which shows how terrifying it is!

He immediately stretched out his hands, and the lines of regular power began to fill up again.

Seal the bloody light and shadow inside again, and then put it into your own bag!

Seeing this scene, Princess Pingliang shouted in horror: "Is this, is this the Blood God inheritance of Tantai Changye? It has actually given birth to wisdom!"

Her pupils shrank, with a look of great fear in her eyes.

It seemed like he had thought of something extremely terrible.

Qian Renxiao looked at her and smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. Although it has become conscious, theoretically speaking, it is possible to return to this world as a blood god in the future."

"But it's still very weak right now."

He lowered his head and looked at the blood god inheritance in his hand, which was rushing from left to right, resembling a bloody earthworm.

There was a bit of contempt in his eyes.

"It never gets a chance to grow!"

It seems that Tantai Changye has already absorbed the Blood God inheritance.

But it hasn't merged yet.

He could only rely on part of the blood god's inheritance, and felt that he had made a big deal.

As everyone knows, it has actually been used by the Blood God inheritance.

Over the years, the Blood God inheritance has been in his body, constantly absorbing essence, essence, soul, and his power.

While accepting his sacrifice, he kept part of his power for himself.

Lend the remaining power to Tantai Changye for use.

In these years, not only has he recovered some of his strength, but he has also developed consciousness.

The Blood God is indeed dead.

His spiritual soul has indeed disappeared into this world.

But because of the terrifying rules of blood.

In fact, every Blood God inheritance he left behind is a part of him.

He has practiced the rules of blood to the extreme, and he can be reborn with a drop of blood.

No matter how many times he dies, only one drop of blood exists in this world.

He can regain his life from this drop of blood.

At this time, although he has not yet practiced the rules of blood to the point of being reborn with blood.

It’s also very advanced.

Each of the five Blood God inheritances he left behind can actually possess him.

But it requires quite stringent conditions.

However, Director Tan also met these conditions.

Therefore, over the years, he accumulated strength and regained his soul.

At this time, he can even be said to have been reborn as the Blood God!

However, he is still very weak now!

Qian Renxiao sneered, without any nonsense, he went straight to kill Princess Pingliang.

The right hand is still held empty, and the power of rules explodes.

Moreover, it seems that he tried his best to deal with Princess Pingliang.

The Nascent Soul appears above the head, and the power of the rules is a bit stronger.

Those regular threads instantly formed a cage.

It shrouded Princess Pingliang and the bloody monster.

Princess Pingliang shouted in shock: "You still dare to attack me?"

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