Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2847 Do you still want to regret it?

Chapter 2847 Do you still want to regret it?

Qian Renxiao laughed loudly: "Why don't you dare!"

He had a grand plan, not just to kill Tantai Changye.

Even Princess Pingliang is his target!

Today he wants to take all the Blood God inheritance here into his own pocket.

Regular wire cutting.

In an instant, wounds were made on Princess Pingliang's body.

There were several threads that shot directly towards her throat, heart and other vital parts.

Princess Pingliang gritted her teeth to resist.

But she found that her curse rules were completely ineffective against this kind of rules.

This kind of rule seems to be able to tear apart space directly.

It's obvious that her curse rules have blocked the thread.

But this thread is strange, appearing behind the curse rules again and shooting towards me again.

And it's not like penetration, and it's not like bypassing.

It's like being reborn from space.

Princess Pingliang exclaimed: "Your rules are related to space. These are terrifyingly powerful rules!"

Qian Renxiao smiled and said: "It seems a little stronger than your curse rules!"

As you can see, this terrifying space thread is spreading.

The next moment, it seemed like he was going to die.

Princess Pingliang could not care about anything else.

She gritted her teeth and thought slightly.

So the next moment, the giant bloody monster was directly in front of her.

This space thread penetrated the giant bloody monster fiercely.

It caused fatal damage to it and caused him to let out a shrill roar.

But it still blocked it with all its strength, preventing Princess Pingliang from being harmed at all.

Princess Pingliang took advantage of this opportunity and quickly retreated.

At the same time, she said sternly: "All the people in Zhenbeicheng City Lord's Mansion, all the ice and snow guards, come and protect me!"

These masters who belong to the Ice and Snow Dynasty do not dare to neglect.

Quickly step back and surround her.

With these dozens of expert guards, Princess Pingliang felt a little more at ease.

Qian Renxiao’s eyes were sharp.

What I saw was that the best opportunity to kill Princess Pingliang was lost.

He poured all his anger on this bloody monster.

His hands vibrated continuously like playing a harp, and threads from space poured out crazily.

Then fatigue appeared on his face.

For him, this violent attack was obviously very costly.

But in this terrifying void rule attack.

This giant bloody monster had numerous wounds cut out on its body.

Eighty percent of them are concentrated on its vital points.

Its body trembled violently.

The next moment, it fell apart, turned into blood-colored particles, and disappeared instantly.

He was directly killed by Qian Renxiao!

At this time, Princess Pingliang chose to absorb this giant bloody monster in exchange for her own life!

Qian Renxiao moved forward and caught the blood god inheritance in the bloody monster!

At this time, the cruel and fierce competition for the Yin Yang Divine Armor has come to an end.

After more than ten people paid the price with their lives, the Thunder God Temple actually obtained this treasure.

The Lord of the Seventh Hall was covered in blood and held the Yin-Yang Divine Armor.

Around him, many powerful guards from the Thunder Temple were staring outside.

The Lord of the Seventh Palace roared ferociously: "I, the Thunder Palace, have taken this thing, who of you dares to disobey?"

The Thunder Temple is the largest force among all the Trial Immortals.

There are senior people whose strength has reached the Nascent Soul realm.

But after all, he was alone, and now he could only bite the bullet and give in, not daring to fight with him anymore.

For a while, the scene became quiet.

At this time, there was a confrontation between the three parties in the field.

On one side is the eldest princess of Pingliang.

On one side is the Thunder Temple.

The other side is Qian Renxiao.

Qian Renxiao suppressed the entire crowd with one person.

Showing extremely terrifying strength!

Among the five Blood God inheritances in Lingtian World, in fact, there are already three that appear here.

Princess Pingliang has two blood god inheritances.

Although there is only one copy of Tantai Changye.

But his part is the most powerful and the first to produce spiritual intelligence.

Moreover, he has already initially refined it.

In fact, using their talents and cultivation as resources.

If you quietly refine these two Blood God inheritances slowly.

It will definitely reach an extremely terrifying level.

But unfortunately, both of them are extremely greedy people.

We must never allow the Blood God inheritance to fall into the hands of others.

That's why today's scene and the current result are possible.

It made many people feel a little sad.

At this time, Qian Renxiao held two copies of the Blood God's inheritance, and felt extremely proud. He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, feeling extremely happy.

After many years of forbearance, I finally waited for today’s harvest.

At this time, Ye Xinghe suddenly spoke slowly.

"Qian Renxiao, don't forget the agreement between you and me."

Qian Renxiao suddenly turned around, stared at him, and said sinisterly: "Boy, what's the agreement?"

Ye Xinghe sighed.

Qian Renxiao's reaction was not unexpected.

He said calmly: "It seems that you are going to default on your debt?"

Qian Renxiao laughed wildly and said, "I just want to default on my debt, so what will you do?"

It turned out that Ye Xinghe and Qian Renxiao had made an agreement that day.

Qian Renxiao revealed the details of Tantai Changye to him.

Ye Xinghe, on the other hand, has a way to bring Princess Pingliang and Tantai Changye into a deadlock.

This allows Qian Renxiao to harvest.

Ye Xinghe only had one copy of the Blood God inheritance he received afterwards.

Everything else belongs to Qian Renxiao.

Now it seems that Qian Renxiao clearly wants to default on his debt.

Do not give this Blood God inheritance to Ye Xinghe.

The next moment, a sharp look flashed in Qian Renxiao's eyes, and he went straight to kill Ye Xinghe.

This man has a deep scheming mind and vicious methods. He is a serious problem that cannot be eliminated until he is eliminated!

He made a prompt decision to kill Ye Xinghe here.

But at this moment, Ye Xinghe raised his head leisurely and said lightly to the sky.

"Lord Taixu, Qian Renxiao doesn't abide by the contract with me and wants to kill me. How should I be punished?"

The sound is not loud, just like a mosquito buzzing.

But it was enough for both him and Qian Renxiao to hear clearly.

Qian Renxiao's heart suddenly trembled before he could speak.

Suddenly, he felt an extremely large and majestic aura pressing towards him.

It seemed that there was an extremely terrifying existence in the dark, casting its sights on him.

Then, that majestic aura came.

Suddenly, a piece of golden light appeared between Ye Xinghe and Qian Renxiao.

Connected to both of them.

Then, the golden light was interrupted, and a golden scroll appeared.

The golden scroll is clearly a contract.

At this time, cracks appeared in the contract.

Then, the majestic voice of Lord Taixu came.

But only Ye Xinghe and Qian Renxiao could hear it.

The content of that voice made Qian Renxiao feel cold all over, and his heart fell into extreme fear.

"Taixu Immortal Disciple Qian Renxiao tore up the contract. According to the provisions of the contract, he should suffer the pain of being burned by five thunders!"

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