Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2859 Ye Xinghe asks you to take action

Chapter 2859 Ye Xinghe, please take action!

"If we destroy our cultivation, is there any way to survive?"

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land said: "You have no choice!"

"If you don't agree, I will kill three of them now, and then you!"

Ye Xinghe looked at him and suddenly smiled.

"Teng Haoyang, you are the only one who has power, and you are the only one who has helpers, right?"

An unpleasant feeling suddenly arose in the heart of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land.

He said coldly: "What do you mean?"

Ye Xinghe looked up to the sky and roared: "I'm Ye Xinghe, please take action!"

His voice was like rolling thunder, rolling out in all directions and rumbling in the sky.

Many people in Qingyang Holy Land disapproved and ridiculed him.

"Are you calling for help?"

"Haha, Ye Xinghe, with your level of cultivation and status, how many powerful people can you know?"

"That's right. The few people you know are not worth mentioning at all. You still want to compete with my Qingyang Holy Land!"

Before they finished speaking, they suddenly felt something.

From the horizon in the distance, there were bursts of piercing sounds.

Then, countless flying boats came.

There are hundreds of flying boats in front of them, with countless powerful warriors on board, and giant flags flying.

A voice came: "We, the 3,400 strong men from Great Void Lost City, are here to help Brother Ye!"

Countless powerful men appeared on the flying boat.

There was a sudden commotion among the people in Qingyang Holy Land.

"The people from Daxumi City are here. There are many masters in Daxumi City!"

"They dispatched more than 3,000 strong men. It can be said that they have exhausted their combat power!"

Someone wondered: "How does this Ye Xinghe know the powerful people in Daxumi City?"

But some people disagree.

"Harm, so what?"

"The strength of Great Sumeru City is slightly inferior to that of our Qingyang Holy Land. With these people coming, we have a good chance of winning!"

Si Qingchen said in surprise: "Ye Xinghe has helpers. His helpers have arrived. We are saved!"

The White Lotus Sword Immortal shook his head, with deep worry still in his eyes.

"It's not enough. These strong men from Great Sumeru City came and died in vain."

"There is a lack of Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses among them, and none of them will be the opponent of the Lord."

The light in Nangong Lu'e's and Si Qingchen's eyes immediately went out.

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land was slightly stunned.

But then he thought to himself: "There are many strong people in the Great Sumeru City, but no one has my strength!"

"I alone can suppress the entire Great Sumeru City, so there is no need to worry about it!"

He had a somewhat teasing smile.

"Ye Xinghe, is this your trump card? I don't think so!"

Before he finished speaking, another voice came.

"The leader of Yuehua Holy Land, lead all the masters of Yuehua Holy Land to come!"

"If you dare to lay a finger on me, Little Friend Ye, I, Yuehua Holy Land, swear that I will slaughter all of you in Qingyang Holy Land!"

The face of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land changed drastically.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "How about this trump card?"

If we say, when many strong men appear in Great Sumeru City.

These people in Qingyang Holy Land still looked quite calm.

If you don't really care.

Now, when the people from Yuehua Holy Land appeared, they were completely panicked.

Dashumi City gathers all the strong men, and its strength is slightly inferior to Qingyang Holy Land.

It doesn't pose any big threat to them.

But it’s different in Yuehua Holy Land!

Moonlight Holy Land is the strongest force that suppresses the entire wild world!

Speaking of Moonlight Holy Land, its power is at least five times more powerful than Qingyang Holy Land!

It would be easy for them to destroy Qingyang Holy Land!

Moreover, all the powerful men from Yuehua Holy Land came out in full force.

Even the leader personally leads the team!

"This, this, how can we fight?"

The faces of everyone in Qingyang Holy Land were as pale as dirt, and they were instantly panicked, with fear on their faces.

The master of Qingyang Holy Land was also dumbfounded and couldn't even react.

I don't know what to do next.

There was only one voice echoing in my head.

"Why are the people from Yuehua Holy Land here?"

"Are the people from Yuehua Holy Land so close to Ye Xinghe that they actually go to war for him?"

"He just went to Yuehua Holy Land for a few months. How is that possible!"

There was incomparable chaos in his mind.

At this time, both he and the other people in Qingyang Holy Land had a trace of luck in their hearts.

I hope that the people coming to Yuehua Holy Land are really bluffing.

"Actually, they are not from Yuehua Holy Land at all!"

"Maybe this was sent by Ye Xinghe to bluff and deceive us!"

But the next moment, their delusions were shattered.

In the sky, hundreds of flying boats appeared.

Each flying boat has a shape unique to the Moonlight Holy Land.

The breath and the magic circle are exactly the same.

This kind of thing cannot be faked.

And, more importantly, everyone in Qingyang Holy Land can sense it clearly.

On top of the hundreds of flying boats with the flag of the Moonlight Holy Land, countless figures of powerful men emerged.

The aura on their bodies was extremely terrifying.

Especially the dozen or so powerful men at the front.

Everyone's aura is stronger than that of their own Lord!

This aura cannot be faked!

Moreover, there are also people from Qingyang Holy Land who have been to Yuehua Holy Land. Even though some people shouted in shock: "It is indeed the strong men from Yuehua Holy Land, they are all here!"

"I've seen that person before. He's the leader of Yuehua Holy Land. I've seen him from a distance a few times before, but they actually only stood up for Ye Xinghe!"

"How deep is the relationship between Ye Xinghe and Yuehua Holy Land?"

Everyone in Qingyang Holy Land felt like their spirits were about to collapse.

"What the hell is going on?"

What happened today completely subverted their understanding!

White Lotus Sword Immortal and others were filled with joy.

The White Lotus Sword Immortal said in a trembling voice: "We can be saved, we can be saved now!"

"Everyone from Yuehua Holy Land is here. How is it that Ye Xinghe can know so many powerful people, and the relationship is so deep!"

Nangong Lv'e smiled and said: "Ye Xinghe is always so magical!"

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land trembled all over and swallowed, his voice was hard.

He wanted to say something, but before he could speak.

In the distance, an old voice sounded.

"I am alone, so there is nothing snobbish about me."

"I, Guanghan Taoist Sect Han Yun!"

"Can these six words suppress your Qingyang Holy Land?"

Originally, the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land and others were hit by this series of sounds.

Already feeling a little dazed.

At this time, when I heard that an old man was coming alone, I instinctively felt happy.

It felt like he was alone like this, so what could he do.

But the next moment, after hearing the six words "Guanghan Daozong Han Yun".

But their expressions all changed drastically.

Even the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land felt a cold and cold feeling in his heart.

My whole body felt stiff and I couldn't speak.

As for the senior elders of Qingyang Holy Land, and even the peak masters of each peak.

Their expressions changed drastically and became extremely ugly.

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