Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2860 Is this the attitude of asking for help?

Chapter 2860 Is this the attitude of asking for help?

Some Qingyang Holy Land disciples didn’t know what these words meant and were still asking in low voices.

"Where is Guanghan Dao Sect?"

"So what about Han Yun? Is he very powerful?"

There was a bit of excitement in the voice of the master of the second peak.

"Guanghan Daozong Han Yun, this man was born in our wild world. Later, with one man and one sword, he dominated the wild world for thirty years. He is a peerless genius and has unrivaled strength!"

"Only the leader of Yuehua Holy Land can compare with him."

"Later, this person disappeared, but unexpectedly he went to Guanghan Dao Sect!"

"One man and one sword can dominate for thirty years."

Hearing these words, all the disciples of Qingyang Holy Land felt a chill rise.

In an instant, the place became dead silent.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind.

"How could Ye Xinghe know such a terrifying existence? Moreover, this person is so close to Ye Xinghe that he would rather take action for him!"

A ridiculous idea suddenly flashed through the mind of the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land.

He suddenly wanted to say something to Han Yun: "Actually, you don't have to come. We are already too weak to fight back!"

A tall old man floated up from the air, stood directly in front of Ye Xinghe, and patted his shoulder heavily.

"Haha, you kid, I feel like I can't see through it. Your strength has improved again!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

“I can’t live up to your expectations!”

Elder Han Yun laughed loudly: "I am not late, am I not being bullied?"

Ye Xing shook his head.

"I'm not being bullied. Now that you're here, you can bully others."

Elder Han Yun sneered: "Whoever dares to bully you, I will kill him!"

After saying that, he slowly turned around and looked at the people in Qingyang Holy Land, his voice was extremely domineering.

"You just want to bully Ye Xinghe?"

No one dared to look at him!

It turns out that it was long before entering the mission world.

Ye Xinghe has already sent news to all the forces with which he has deep friendship.

Ye Xinghe estimated that it would be during his mission to the world.

No matter what, it was enough for them to come here.

Sure enough, it was similar to what Ye Xinghe had estimated.

All forces from Yuehua Holy Land, Elder Han Yun, and even Great Sumeru City have arrived!

As a result, the situation immediately reversed.

The strength of Ye Xinghe's side has been able to completely crush Qingyang Holy Land!

At this time, the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He forced a smile and looked at the headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land.

"Master Headmaster, Qingyang Holy Land and Yuehua Holy Land have been close friends for thousands of years. Is there any misunderstanding between them?"

"This traitor has committed a major crime against our Qingyang Holy Land. This is a matter for Qingyang Holy Land. Can you please give me some face and not get involved in this matter?" The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land looked down at the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land indifferently.

His eyes suddenly became calm.

"Who do you think you are, worthy of me giving you face?"

Everyone in Qingyang Holy Land was even more frightened.

And the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land was rejected directly and without face in front of so many people.

I can't stand it on my face either.

He gritted his teeth and said: "It seems that you all have to fight with me, Qingyang Holy Land, today?"

Elder Han Yun smiled and shook his head.

"There must be a battle. Who are you? You are worthy of letting us fight you!"

He stared at the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land and at the same time looked at all the people in Qingyang Holy Land.

He said word by word: "I'm telling you, listen clearly, today it's us who are going to kill you, not a battle, do you understand?"

The faces of all the people in Qingyang Holy Land were burning.

Humiliation, this is the ultimate humiliation!

The other party didn't take them seriously at all.

But the person who said this was Elder Han Yun of the Guanghan Dao Sect.

He is the top powerhouse who has dominated the barbaric world for thirty years with one man and one sword!

They don't dare to fart!

The Lord of Qingyang Holy Land gritted his teeth and his eyes gradually became ferocious.

He was already planning to fight tooth and nail.

He has been a hero all his life, and he also has the courage to fight!

The headmaster of Yuehua Holy Land waved his hand, and many powerful men from Yuehua Holy Land slowly approached.

The war is about to break out.

The Supreme Elders behind the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land looked at each other.

But they all saw deep worry and fear in each other's eyes.

What they care about most is not the Lord of Qingyang Holy Land, nor Ye Xinghe.

It is the foundation of Qingyang Holy Land.

But they know better that if they fight today, the foundation of Qingyang Holy Land will be completely destroyed.

They will be the sinners of Qingyang Holy Land.

They will never allow this to happen!

A skinny elder came out.

He looked down on Ye Xinghe and said: "Ye Xinghe, no matter how the sect treats you, you should not treat me like this in Qingyang Holy Land!"

Ye Xinghe was immediately happy.

"Then what do you think I should do?"

The Supreme Elder said calmly: "We will resolve the matters regarding Qingyang Holy Land ourselves and let them all retreat."

"Since they are your friends, they will naturally give you this face."

There was a hint of command in his voice.

It seemed that if he said this, Ye Xinghe would have to do this.

Ye Xinghe sneered.

"When you were shouting at me just now, why didn't you say that I am from Qingyang Holy Land?"

"Now that we are facing a desperate situation, please beg me!"

The Supreme Elder frowned and said coldly: "Ye Xinghe, what do you mean?"

"You are my disciple of Qingyang Holy Land. It is natural that I, Qingyang Holy Land, should deal with you!"

"You collude with outsiders and betray the master, you deserve to die!"

Ye Xinghe tilted his head and clicked his tongue twice.

"It's been a long time since I've seen someone like you. You can ask for help so confidently. You're very stubborn!"

"Okay, since you are so stubborn, don't beg me!"

He waved his hand and said calmly: "Please kill them all!"

Everyone in Qingyang Holy Land was filled with despair.


At this time, another Supreme Elder came out.

He was very polite, clasped his fists and said, "Your Excellency, Wu Zhengfeng, just now Grand Elder Yang Yao was very offended by his words, please don't blame me!" His voice was hard and hoarse.

"Ye Xinghe, how can you let go of my Qingyang Holy Land?"

Ye Xinghe tilted his head, with a hint of teasing.

"You want me to spare you, okay, please beg me!"

He had no sympathy for these people at all.

Where were these people when they were yelling at themselves to be beaten and killed?

Where were the relatives and friends of the Fifth Peak when their bones were pierced and their cultivation was ruined?

Giving in now is just because I am stronger than them!

Wu Zhengfeng said in a trembling voice: "Okay, I beg you!"

"Ye Xinghe, please let go of my Qingyang Holy Land!"

For him, who is in a high position, these words are extremely difficult.

Ye Xinghe stared down at them and said word by word: "When you ask for help, you must have a begging attitude!"

Supreme Elder Wu Zhengfeng stared at Yang Yao hard and took a deep breath.

He suddenly fell to his knees.

A 'bang' sound is a ringing sound.

Really knocking.

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