Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2865 Rule Seed

Chapter 2865 Rule Seed!

Ye Xinghe suddenly thought that his blood rule had a great desire for bloodline level.

Moreover, it is best to have a high-level bloodline.

There must be many high-level bloodlines in Lieyang Imperial City.

"And I must go there!"

His eyes looked firmly towards the sunset in the distance.

"Chu Qingqiu is still waiting for me there!"

"Chu Qingqiu, give me a little more time!"

"Soon, my strength will grow to the point where I can rescue you!"

In the evening, Ye Xinghe was practicing.

At this time, a strange feeling suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Xinghe was stunned for a moment, and his spirit invaded the sea of ​​consciousness.

In his sea of ​​consciousness world, the source stone of rules originally surrounded the rules of time.

Time rules are being enforced.

But at this moment, Ye Xinghe saw it.

The source stone of rules is hanging next to it intact.

And the time rules are the same as before.

Obviously, this reinforcement failed.

Ye Xinghe frowned.

"Why is this?"

He knew that he couldn't get any answers, so he immediately entered Dantian.

His voice immediately sounded in Dantian.

"Why can't I use this Rule Source Stone to improve my time rules?"

His question was about the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

Ye Xinghe knew that the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron itself also had spiritual intelligence.

Can communicate more or less.

It knows many secrets that it doesn't understand.

There are too many secrets that it cannot explain clearly.

But a simple explanation like this should get a response.

Sure enough, as Ye Xinghe expected.

After the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron was silent for a moment, fonts slowly appeared next to it.

Ye Xinghe pondered for a while before smiling bitterly.

Only then did I understand the real reason why the time rule could not be improved.

the reason is simple.

Because I don’t have time rules yet.

That's right, that particle was suspended in his sea of ​​consciousness and had always been regarded as the rule of time by Ye Xinghe.

In fact, it is just a seed of time rules.

It is just a seed, but it is not an actual time rule.

Among the rules, time rules are of extremely high level.

Condensing it is ten times and a hundred times more difficult than other rules.

So, this thing is actually just a time rule seed.

It hasn't grown into a time rule yet.

It can still only be called Small Universe Art.

It’s just that Ye Xinghe misunderstood before.

I always thought that my time rules had been condensed and completed.

However, Ye Xinghe was not surprised but overjoyed.

The rules of time cannot be condensed and completed, which means that its level is very high!

Ye Xinghe doesn't know if it has reached the level of god-level rules!

But he speculated that it should not be far different.

"It's just that."

Ye Xinghe's heart moved slightly, and his brows couldn't help but frown.

"If the time rules cannot be condensed and completed, will it affect my ability to condense the Nascent Soul in the future?"

"Right now, I have a few more complete rules in my body. I don't know if it will have any impact."

He couldn't tell for sure.

The Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron has no way to give an answer.

Ye Xinghe was ready to go back and ask Elder Han Yun.

Now, the rule source stone cannot improve the time rule for the time being.

Ye Xinghe faced two choices.

One, use it to enhance the ice rule, or the one-hit rule.

The second is to keep it temporarily.

Ye Xinghe finally chose the second option.

The source stone of rules is too precious. I don’t know when I will get one next time.

He is not facing a lot of pressure to survive for the time being.

There is no need to improve the strength so quickly, so just keep it for now.

The next day, the residence of the White Lotus Sword Immortal.

Ye Xinghe asked: "Uncle, Senior Sister, are you willing to go to Moonlight Holy Land with me?"

The White Lotus Sword Immortal was silent for a moment and said: "Ye Xinghe, why are you worried?"

Ye Xinghe really wanted to bring them into the Moonlight Holy Land.

First, after going to Yuehua Holy Land, the opportunity will be greater.

The strength there is stronger, and there are more inherited treasures of all kinds.

When they go there, they get more opportunities.

Moreover, he has the prestige of his own connections in Yuehua Holy Land.

In Yuehua Holy Land, they will definitely be focused on training.

The upper limit in the future will be much higher than staying in Qingyang Holy Land.

Secondly, he was a little worried about these people from Qingyang Holy Land.

They were afraid that after they left, they would be angry with White Lotus Sword Immortal and others.

At that time, they will enter a dangerous situation.

After expressing his concerns, White Lotus Sword Immortal nodded and said, "You are absolutely right."

He looked at Nangong Lv'e and Si Qingchen.

"You two go with him to Yuehua Holy Land."

Nangong Lv'e asked in astonishment: "Master, aren't you going?"

"If you don't go, I won't go either!"

The White Lotus Sword Immortal had a rare look of anger on his face.

He slapped the table hard.

"I am the master, or you are the master!"

"You can go as you are told, there are so many words to say!"

Nangong Lv'e and Si Qingchen were frightened.

Immediately I didn’t dare to say anything more.

The White Lotus Sword Immortal sighed and his voice became softer.

"You are still young. Follow Ye Xinghe to Yuehua Holy Land. You will have greater development in the future."

"I'm different. I'm old. That's all for the rest of my life. Just stay here. The inheritance of the Fifth Peak cannot be lost." "Not to mention."

At this point, his voice suddenly dropped.

He stood up slowly, walked to the door and looked at the mountains in the distance.

"In the unlikely event that Junior Brother can come back safely one day, and find this place, the building will not be empty of people!"

Ye Xinghe knew that it was difficult for him to leave Qingyang Holy Land after hundreds of years there.

He did not force himself to say any more, nodded and clasped his fists: "Uncle, if you encounter anything, or if you have any news about Master Qinglian, you must send me a message to Yuehua Holy Land, and they will contact me automatically. !”

The White Lotus Sword Immortal nodded and looked at the few people with relief.

He suddenly smiled.

"When you first came to Qingyang Holy Land, you were so weak and seriously injured."

"I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, I would have grown to this level!"

As parting approached, Nangong Lv'e and Si Qingchen also felt sad.

Tears could not help but fall from his eyes.

The White Lotus Sword Immortal laughed.

"Stop acting like a child, it's a great thing to be able to go to Moonlight Holy Land!"

"If you miss me, come back and see what a bad old man I am!"

As soon as these words came out, Nangong Lv'e and Si Qingchen burst into tears.

Parting is sad, but we must say goodbye eventually.

Half an hour later, Ye Xinghe took Jiang Xiaomi, Nangong Lv'e and Si Qingchen and quietly left the place.

The flying boat flew across the sky.

He turned back and looked at the rolling green mountains with a bit of despair in his heart.

Half a month later, the entrance to Yuehua Holy Land.

It was still quite busy on the cliff.

From time to time, a flying boat rises and falls.

Ye Xinghe saw many big chambers of commerce and flying boats from big forces inside.

In comparison, the spaceship they were on seemed quite inconspicuous.

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