Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2866 Arrogant

Chapter 2866 Arrogant!

Regardless of its size, the magic circle carved on its surface, or the flag on it.

There's nothing outstanding about either.

Many people also noticed this ordinary little flying boat.

After taking a few glances, a look of disapproval appeared on his face.

"Which force's flying boat does this belong to?"

"Yes, he is mediocre and even a little shabby. Can such a person come to Yuehua Holy Land?"

"I'm afraid they don't understand the rules and want to enter the Moonlight Holy Land."

"Haha, let's see how unlucky he will be later!"

At this time, a huge and gorgeous flying boat was on top.

There was also a young man wearing Chinese clothes.

He averted his gaze and shook his fan, with a somewhat mocking look on his face.

"Is this kind of pariah allowed to come to Yuehua Holy Land?"

"Moonlight Holy Land is really failing to make any progress!"

Next to him stood a man dressed as a blue-robed butler.

He smiled and said: "After all, it is a force in the wild world."

Their words were full of disdain for the people here and this world.

At this time, the flying boat that Ye Xinghe and others were riding on had arrived.

On the deck, Jiang Xiaomi, Nangong Lv'e, and Si Qingchen were curiously looking at the world in front of them.

Jiang Xiaomi's dark eyes moved around wildly.

Having been apprenticed to Ye Xinghe for a long time, her daily food and clothing expenses are naturally of the highest quality.

I also took a lot of various supplements, and I never stopped using Tian Ling Di Bao.

But his face is still sallow, and he looks sallow and thin, with a bit of a disheveled look.

I don’t know why, but her ears are also pointed.

Hearing what the handsome young man said, he immediately became unhappy.

She raised her head and looked at him and said loudly: "This young master is so rude. We met by chance and have no grudges. Why do you call us untouchables?"

"Besides, my master is a distinguished guest of Yuehua Holy Land. Why can't we come to Yuehua Holy Land?"

As soon as he said this, there was a burst of laughter all around.

"Haha, this little girl really doesn't know the bounds of heaven and earth, she dares to contradict Mr. Zhou!"

"This is a distinguished guest from Lieyang Imperial City!"

"That's right, Mr. Zhou said that she is a pariah. Is that wrong?"

"Returning to the distinguished guests of Yuehua Holy Land, they are worthy of being called distinguished guests!"

Next to Zhou Hongyu, the handsomely dressed young master, a green-robed butler sneered: "What do you know? My young master is the real distinguished guest!"

Jiang Xiaomi is sharp-tongued and unwilling to admit defeat.

She sneered: "Oh, since you are a distinguished guest, why are you still waiting here?"

"Why don't you see people from Yuehua Holy Land carrying eight sedans to carry you in?"

The handsome man's face suddenly changed slightly.

Jiang Xiaomi's words just touched his sore spot.

He does have a great background, and he came here on behalf of a certain big shot.

However, in Yuehua Holy Land, they dare not make mistakes easily.

The power of Yuehua Holy Land is not inferior to that of the big shot behind him.

Moreover, the other party also has a lot of desires for Yuehua Holy Land.

Therefore, Yuehua Holy Land was only lukewarm towards him.

Of course, in his eyes, this was considered a neglect.

After all, looking at Lieyang Imperial City, he is also a person walking sideways!

Few people dare to neglect him, or to be precise, dare not neglect the person behind him.

Therefore, he was quite dissatisfied with Yuehua Holy Land for leaving him here.

But he didn't dare to explode.

At this time, his eyes glanced at Jiang Xiaomi coldly.

"Kill the untouchables who don't know etiquette."

The sound was an understatement, but it decided a person's life.

Next to him, a burly man walked over.

He was wearing heavy black armor, with the magic circle shining brightly on it, and his face was stern.

"If you dare to offend my young master, you deserve to die. I will sentence you to death now!"

After that, he dropped a blood token and threw it in front of Jiang Xiaomi.

On this thing, there is actually the power of rules shining.

With a 'pop' sound, the bloody token fell to the ground.

At the same time, as the voice of the black heavily armored man fell.

A burst of rule power shone in the air.

In an instant, the nickname was enveloped.

In an instant, Jiang Xiaomi's face turned pale and her whole body was trembling.

She felt that her life force was draining away at an extremely fast rate.

Being sucked into the bloody token.

In an instant, she felt that she was going to die next moment.

Incomparable pain and despair, like falling into an abyss.

Next to them, Nangong Lv'e and Si Qingchen were also at a loss.

None of them have been exposed to the power of rules, so how can they have the strength to solve this problem.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Hongyu's eyes looked down even more, like looking at ants.

But at this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"If you dare to touch my people, you are so tired of living!"

The next moment, a faint blue light spurted out from the cabin.

The bloody token was immediately frozen in it.

The ice spread inwards.

In an instant, the bloody token was frozen hard and brittle.

Then, a tyrannical force surged in and hit the bloody token hard.

Just blow it to pieces.

A strange force of rules is lingering in the same place, not knowing where it is going.

Then, a figure walked out of the cabin.

It was Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe has been cultivating in the cabin these days, stabilizing his realm and figuring out these rules.

To better integrate them.

Hearing the movement outside, he felt Jiang Xiaomi's pain and the strange murderous intention.

Ye Xinghe woke up from his training and suddenly shot it to pieces.

He quickly came to Jiang Xiaomi's side and put his hand on her shoulder.

A gentle and mellow power entered her meridians.

Then, he took another pill for her.

Jiang Xiaomi's lost vitality was quickly replenished.

This elixir can bring her back from being seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Not to mention the current situation.

Seeing Jiang Xiaomi return to normal.

Ye Xinghe lowered his head and glanced at the strange rule that was constantly lingering in the air.

His eyes were slightly cold, and he casually collected it into his Dantian.

This rule can be used as fuel to refine other rules.

It just so happened that he was still worried about having no fuel!

Zhou Hongyu had a look of astonishment on his face.

This bloody token is a spiritual treasure rich in the power of rules, and its level is not low.

The power of rules surges above it and can absorb all the vitality of people.

It can be said to be an evil treasure, extremely vicious and evil.

He destroyed countless lives with this thing.

But he didn't expect that he would be directly crushed by someone's palm today.

This person's cultivation cannot be underestimated.

He couldn't help but feel a little more fearful.

Then, he saw Ye Xinghe coming out and looked towards this place with cold eyes.

Zhou Hongyu was stunned at first, then shook his head.

A disdainful smile appeared on his face, and he said lightly: "Who am I? It turns out that I haven't even entered the Nascent Soul Realm. I'm afraid the Nascent Soul Seeds haven't condensed yet!"

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