Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2887 Wuming unsheathes his sword and kills him instantly

At this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly raised his head and slapped the Wuming Broken Sword with his hand.

In the light of the dragon's roar, the nameless broken sword was suddenly unsheathed.

Everyone felt that a bright white light flashed in front of their eyes.

The nameless broken sword slashed hard at Shen Nanchen.

The power of rules lingers on it.

The next moment, it collided hard with Shen Nanchen's Nascent Soul.

The powerful power of rules collided violently in an instant.

At this moment, the nameless broken sword was in the air, stagnant for a moment.

Ye Xinghe knew that it was making a rule determination.

Determine the strength of the opponent's rules.

After a moment, the rule judgment was already clear.

Although Shen Nanchen was in the Nascent Soul realm, he only understood one rule.

Moreover, this rule is just an ordinary rule.

Moreover, the current level is only Grade 1!

Therefore, his power of rules is actually quite weak.

On top of the nameless broken sword, there is one ordinary rule and one incomplete rule.

That is equivalent to a grain and a half of ordinary rules, but it is superior to Shen Nanchen.

The criteria for judging the Nameless Broken Sword are very simple.

If your rules are not as powerful as mine, then I can kill you!

Therefore, the unsheathed killing rule of the Nameless Broken Sword directly forms the power of the rule.

In an instant, it became extremely thick, and it immediately crushed Shen Nanchen.

There was a loud bang.

The power of rules above Shen Nanchen's Nascent Soul was directly blasted to pieces.

Then, the Wuming Broken Sword slashed the Nascent Soul into two pieces.

The next moment, a severe chop fell on his body.

Shen Nanchen didn't even react yet.

His proud look was still frozen on his face.

The sword had already fallen on his body.

The next moment, despair just appeared in his eyes.

The entire figure had been cut into pieces and gone with the wind.

Shen Nanchen was killed with a sword!

All of this was completed in just a blink of an eye, in the flash of lightning.

At this moment, the Wuming Broken Sword shattered the rules, shattered the Nascent Soul, and then killed Shen Nanchen!

The next moment, the nameless broken sword circled in the air, making a light and exciting dragon roar, and then returned to its sheath.

Ye Xinghe straightened his body at this time and looked at everything calmly.


The scene was as silent as death for a moment!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Most people believe that Shen Nanchen is a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Naturally, it can easily crush this Ye Xinghe.

Only a few people think that Ye Xinghe can win.

But even they didn't expect that Ye Xinghe could kill Shen Nanchen instantly!

Shen Nanchen is a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm!

Ye Xinghe slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, lowered his head to look at the Wuming Broken Sword, and smiled to himself.

"It seems that the power of the Wuming Broken Sword exceeds my expectations!"

Its determination of the power of this rule is too strong.

As long as the power of the rules is not as good as its own, it can kill with one strike!

"In that case."

Ye Xinghe immediately made a decision in his heart.

One month later, it will be the main competition of the Guanghan Dao Sect Selection Competition.

He must improve his cultivation level as quickly as possible within a month.

The improvement of the Nameless Broken Sword is immediate.

As long as the power of the rules of the Nameless Broken Sword is enhanced, its lethality can be immediately increased!

With a slight thought in his mind, the Rule Origin Stone quietly appeared in Ye Xinghe's hand.

Then, press the source stone of the rules on the nameless broken sword.

In an instant, the nameless broken sword trembled slightly.

There was a feeling of joy in it.

It seems that he is very much looking forward to his next improvement.

After Shen Nanchen's life and death.

His grain of rules is suspended in place.

Ye Xinghe quietly absorbed Shen Nanchen's rules.

Ye Xinghe temporarily named this rule the sand painting rule.

This rule entered Ye Xinghe's dantian.

Regarding this rule, Ye Xinghe only felt that it was quite useless and did not want to quantitatively absorb it.

But it can be used as fuel.

After entering Dantian, Ye Xinghe also took a look.

At this time, the rules of the cloud were still being refined in the Temple of Devouring Heavens.

This cloud rule has been refined by about 70%.

In a few days, it should be completely refining.

The green-robed man's pupils shrank, and a flash of horror flashed across his eyes.

He smiled bitterly and murmured to himself.

"I didn't expect that Ye Xinghe would be so ruthless and kill Shen Nanchen directly. Shen Nanchen didn't even have a chance to regret it. This guy is amazing!"

"Is this the top genius who fought in the wild world? He is so fierce and domineering!"

"Ye Xinghe actually killed Shen Nanchen with one sword. It was so fast. Did you see clearly just now?"

"I vaguely saw the sword in Ye Xinghe's hand unsheathed, and then, in an instant, he killed Shen Nanchen instantly!"

Everyone's faces were filled with shock.

After a brief silence, there was a sound of exclamation like a stormy sea.

"Ye Xinghe actually killed Shen Nanchen instantly in a single encounter. This must be too strong!"

"Yes, Shen Nanchen is a strong person in the Nascent Soul realm no matter how you say it, but he was killed by him in an instant!"

Chu Qingqiu's face was full of surprise and he shouted: "Ye Xinghe, you, your strength has become so powerful!"

She felt that Ye Xinghe was becoming more and more mysterious, almost incomprehensible to her.

When the two separated, he was not very strong in the Martial God Realm.

As a result, when they met again, he was able to kill a powerful Nascent Soul Realm man!

The rapid development of this kind of strength is simply terrifying!

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly: "If I don't have the strength, what can I do to save you?"

Chu Qingqiu looked at him blankly, feeling crazy for a moment.

And those servant maids, guard knights, etc. of the God of War Mansion.

The eyes of everyone looking at Ye Xinghe were also filled with complex expressions in an instant.

The previous contempt and disdain was gone, but there was only strong shock!

At this time, in the void above, Lin Xianfeng smiled.

"Chu Xiaoming, it seems that Ye Xinghe is much more powerful than you imagined!"

"Are you sure you don't want to recruit this kind of young prodigy for the God of War Palace?"

Chu Xiaoming's face turned livid, and he said coldly: "If the God of War Mansion is humiliated, even if he is a genius, I will destroy him!"

And suddenly, at the place where Shen Nanchen died just now.

But there was a handful of something like black gauze, appearing in the void and slowly pouring down.

The fine sand expanded rapidly and became like mud.

The amount of soil continues to increase in the air, slowly condensing into shape.

In the end, it turned into a clay doll.

Then, the clay doll transformed into Shen Nanchen's appearance.

He struggled out of the void and stood stumbling on the spot, breathing heavily.

"He actually came back to life!"

Ye Xinghe's brows also jumped slightly, a little surprised.

He thought to himself: "These top-level disciples of Lieyang Imperial City are indeed quite capable."

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