Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2888: The Eldest Master of the God of War Mansion

Shen Nanchen felt extremely painful in his heart at this time.

He had just been resurrected, but he had already used a treasure.

It's not his own treasure, it's the Xuanming Sect's treasure.

This thing is not his, but is temporarily given to him by his father for use.

He could imagine just consuming this treasure.

After returning to the sect, what kind of punishment his father will give him!

In fact, he had just died.

If he hadn't just used the scapegoat to take his own life.

He is the one who dies!

There will be no trace of him in this world.

Thinking of this, Shen Nanchen's heart felt cold and he felt unspeakable fear.

The look he looked at Ye Xinghe was filled with fear.

Moreover, he discovered even more.

I practiced hard and spent a lot of money to find and refine the rule.

It has completely disappeared!

But this is normal, and he did not doubt Ye Xinghe.

He felt the complex expressions of contempt, pity, disdain and other complex expressions in the eyes of the people around him.

Shen Nanchen felt extremely humiliated and felt that he still had to fight for some face.

He gritted his teeth and spoke harshly.

"Ye Xinghe, just wait for me!"

"I am the young master of Xuan Ming, and my father is a senior master of Nascent Soul Realm. Just wait for me!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "It seems that I haven't developed a long memory. In this case, I will kill you a second time!"

After saying that, he stepped forward and the sword in his hand flew out again.

Shen Nanchen was suddenly frightened, screamed, and backed away.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

But he discovered that Ye Xinghe just made a gesture of drawing his sword.

The people around burst into laughter.

"This Shen Nanchen is so scared!"

"Yes, let's see if he still has the nerve to run rampant in Lieyang Imperial City!"

Many people also criticized Shen Nanchen.

At this time, seeing him eating turtles made me feel happy.

Shen Nanchen was disgraced and had no shame in staying here. He gritted his teeth and prepared to leave.

But suddenly, everyone felt horrified and suddenly raised their heads.

At this moment, everyone felt a strong killing intent.

The terrifying sword intent stretched out from the void and slashed downwards.

Although, this is not directed at them.

But everyone felt that their hair was standing on end and they had goosebumps all over their bodies.

There was an unspeakable chill in my heart.

Then, they saw a sword coming out of the air.

The whole body is red and yellow in color, bright and majestic, with extremely domineering and murderous intent.

When this sword falls, it feels like the sword of a king.

If I want you to die, you will die without any power to fight back!

The target of this sword is Ye Xinghe!

The red-yellow giant sword slashed down.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly felt a sense of despair and depression in his heart.

It felt like he was no match at all, and he even gave up hope of resistance.

Ye Xinghe showed a gentle and calm smile.

He closed his eyes and waited for death.

But at this moment, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the rules of time suddenly changed.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe woke up.

Ye Xinghe suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, feeling horrified.

"This sword light is so terrifying. Not only is it extremely powerful, but the power of the rules it covers is powerful, and it can actually affect the spirit!"

Ye Xinghe broke free from this influence, his eyes flashed, and he took a closer look at the sword light.

Then he saw that the power of rules lingering in this sword light actually had two types.

One is that the whole body is red and yellow, which is a powerful rule on his face.

The other kind of rule is that it is vague and colorful.

After this kind of regular eye contact, the spirit will be greatly affected.

So much so that Ye Xinghe just lost his will to resist.

However, now that Chu Xiaoming's characteristics have been analyzed.

Ye Xinghe naturally has a way to deal with it.

In his mind, the rules of time were quietly operating.

In an instant, two pictures appeared.

But Ye Xinghe's expression changed slightly.

Because, what is shown in these two pictures.

No matter how you deal with it, you will at least get hurt.

Ye Xinghe understood clearly.

Knowing that this person's strength far exceeds his own.

He gritted his teeth and immediately made a decision in his mind.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe unsheathed his nameless broken sword.

Although the unsheathed kill rule has been temporarily disabled.

But the Nameless Broken Sword itself is powerful, solid and sharp.

The next moment, Ye Xinghe swung his sword.

The rules of ice surge.

In an instant, blue light floated out.

Heading towards the red-yellow sword energy seal.

In an instant, a hundred meters of giant ice solidified in the air.

The crimson sword energy was sealed inside.

However, the red-yellow sword energy was too strong, and it was only sealed for a moment.

Then, he broke through the ice and came out again.

This moment was enough for Ye Xinghe to deal with it.

His figure quietly passed by and came to the side.

The nameless broken sword slashed out fiercely.

But it happened to hit the most vulnerable point of this red-yellow sword energy.

Suddenly, the red-yellow sword energy lost its balance and its power was greatly reduced.

At the same time, the Black Lotus of Nirvana fell quietly.

The powerful power of the red-yellow sword energy was offset by about 80%.

But the remaining 20% ​​could not be offset no matter what, and fell heavily on Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe was slashed back several steps, covered in blood and already injured.

But in the end, this sword was resolved!

Chu Xiaomingqing let out a light sigh.

It seems that he did not expect that Ye Xinghe could catch his sword.

Moreover, it is only slightly inferior!

Lin Xianfeng next to him was also slightly shocked.

There was a hint of complexity in the eyes that looked at Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe looked into the void and smiled lightly: "The strength is not bad, but can it only be a sneak attack?"

With a cold snort, Chu Xiaoming and others stepped out of the air.

"Chu Xiaoming is here!"

"This is the eldest young master of the God of War Mansion, the number one of the younger generation. Now we are in for a good show!"

"Haha, I wonder how Chu Xiaoming will deal with Ye Xinghe!"

After Shen Nanchen saw Chu Xiaoming, he immediately felt confident.

He shouted loudly: "Mr. Chu, I have such a close relationship with your God of War Mansion, is this how you treat me?"

"Do you want me to fulfill my engagement with the God of War Mansion?"

Chu Xiaoming glanced at him, with a hint of invisible disgust flashing in his eyes.

He never liked Shen Nanchen very much.

But the problem is that Xuanming Sect is very important to the current God of War Mansion.

The God of War Mansion is also bent on wooing him.

He even didn't hesitate to marry Chu Qingqiu to him.

Chu Xiaoming could only comfort him at this time, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation."

He turned to look at Ye Xinghe and said lightly: "It's not bad for a pariah to have such strength as you, but it can't compare with me."

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