Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2894 Do you know who I am?

Chapter 2894 Do you know who I am?

"Dad, it's true. He insists on letting me look after the store. Bah, bah, bah, that's bad luck!"

Obviously, she didn't take Ye Xinghe seriously at all.

I feel that it is impossible for Ye Xinghe to afford the prescriptions, elixirs, etc. here.

The attitude is very bad.

But Ye Xinghe didn't care about her attitude.

It turned out that the moment Ye Xinghe saw this person.

But suddenly he felt that the blood in his body suddenly stirred up a wave.

In the long river of thousands of miles, purple waves surged.

It seemed as if his blood was boiling instantly.

The reason for boiling is because he feels the breath of the other party.

Or to be precise, it was the blood on the opponent's body that stimulated Ye Xinghe's blood.

Ye Xinghe's heart immediately surged with excitement.

"It shows that this is indeed correct. The information given by Elder Han Yun is correct!"

This is indeed related to my own bloodline.

He looked at the other person calmly.

But I saw that there was nothing strange about this woman.

Obviously, she did not feel Ye Xinghe's bloodline.

Ye Xinghe understood clearly.

It’s normal to think about it.

If they are really their mother, or someone who left behind them.

Then, you can only sense them yourself.

They cannot sense themselves.

It is indeed the safest way.

This will also prevent traitors from appearing among them.

If someone really has a different intention and wants to use his own blood to sense him.

That is also impossible.

Ye Xinghe walked around here calmly.

Seeing the prices above, they are generally for one piece of Fiery Yang Jade, two pieces of Fierce Yang Jade, etc.

The various elixir prescriptions listed later are also relatively common.

Ye Xinghe shook his head slightly and thought to himself: "No wonder the business is so bad. The price is considered normal, but the elixirs he has here are too ordinary and the effect is average."

At this time, the woman's lazy voice came over again.

"If you don't buy it, don't touch it. Can you afford to pay for it if it gets damaged?"

Ye Xinghe frowned and ignored her. He just asked lightly: "Is your father here? Is he the owner of the medical center here?"

Naturally, there are some things you can't say to her.

You still need to find the person in charge of the family.

The girl looked at him suspiciously and chuckled.

"If you have anything important to tell my dad, just tell me!"

"You don't look like a powerful person. You're not here to show off, are you?"

"Yao'er, why are you talking to the guests? Don't be rude!"

came a hoarse voice.

Before he finished speaking, a person walked out from the back hall.

But he is a dark and thin middle-aged man.

His body was slightly stooped, his hair was gray, and he had a somewhat sad face.

And when he appeared, Ye Xinghe was even more convinced that he had made a mistake.

Ye Xinghe's bloodline surged again.

It was several times more intense than before.

And, most importantly.

At this moment, ripples appeared quietly in the long river formed by Ye Xinghe's blood.

A bubble floated out quietly.

Floating slowly on the surface of the thousands of miles long river.

Then, the bubble burst with a 'pop' sound.

A piece of information poured out from inside.

But it was to tell Ye Xinghe how to recognize these people with special bloodlines.

And, how to use means to convince them of themselves.

This piece of information quickly flowed into Ye Xinghe's mind.

Ye Xinghe was also inexplicably surprised.

He had never discovered this information before.

Now it appears suddenly.

It must be his own bloodline, which was inspired by meeting someone with this special bloodline.

Ye Xinghe scanned it once and understood it clearly.

The dark and thin middle-aged man raised his hands and said, "I am Du Yuanzhi, the owner of this Jishi Taoist Hall. I wonder who you are, little brother?"

For some reason, when he saw Ye Xinghe.

Naturally, there was an indescribable feeling of closeness in my heart.

It seems that this person is very important to him.

Moreover, there was an unspeakable awe in this closeness.

He was surprised.

"Why do I feel like this?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "This is not the place to talk. If it's convenient, how about we go and talk later?"

He obviously didn't want to say this in front of Du Yao.

Du Yao snorted coldly.

"What does my father have to say to you? I see that you have no money and no power. I don't know where you came from."

Du Yuanzhi glared at her.

"No rudeness!"

The feeling of closeness was very strong in his heart.

He smiled and extended his hand: "Master, please go to the back and talk."

Ye Xinghe nodded, and the two of them turned around and entered a secret room in the back hall.

Du Yuanzhi closed the door and said, "Sir, for some reason, I always feel close to you when I see you."

Ye Xinghe suddenly turned around and stared at him.

"Do you know who I am?"

At the same time, he moved his fingers slightly.

A drop of essence and blood bloomed in his fingertips.

It was as bright as a ruby, with a hint of purple on it.

Then, Du Yuanzhi didn't wait for his reaction.

His finger pointed at the center of Du Yuanzhi's eyebrows.

That drop of essence and blood seeped into Du Yuanzhi's body in an instant.

Then, Ye Xinghe exhaled and read out two words that were obscure and incomprehensible, like a mantra.

In an instant, Du Yuanzhi froze on the spot with a blank look on his face.

And his whole body was trembling slightly, and his eyes were moving crazily.

There seemed to be endless pictures in his eyes.

At this moment, Du Yuanzhi's blood boiled.

There were countless ripples in his bloodline.

Every ripple carries a string of bubbles.

In that bubble, there is countless information

The whole person felt as if something was suddenly opened in his mind.

Endless memories come from the broken void.

His expression changed, sometimes surprised, sometimes ferocious, and his whole body was trembling.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were calm.

The message conveyed to him in the bubbles of blood just now was made very clear.

This is the way to bring out their special bloodline.

Moreover, it can restore some of their memories.

After a while, Du Yuanzhi's eyes became clear.

It feels like a dream.

Then, with a 'pop' sound, he knelt down on the ground with excitement on his face.

He said in a trembling voice: "I have met the young master!"

"Little Lord?"

Ye Xinghe nodded slightly and asked calmly: "Have you remembered it all?"

Du Yuanzhi nodded.

"That's right, I remembered it all!"

"Some of the words passed down by our ancestors over the years have long been blurred and incomplete."

"I never knew where my ancestors came from and what their mission was."

"But now, I know everything!"

Ye Xinghe nodded, helped him up and sat down.

"Then tell me everything you know."

There are some things that Ye Xinghe himself doesn’t know.

Du Yuanzhi still had to come and tell him.

Du Yuanzhi said excitedly: "Young Master, the ancestor of our family is a chess piece set by Madam."

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