Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2895 The layout 30,000 years ago

Chapter 2895 The layout 30,000 years ago!

"Madam, is this my mother?"

Ye Xinghe asked.

Du Yuanzhi nodded: "That's right!"

Ye Xinghe's eyes revealed a probing look.

"What kind of person is my mother? Do you have any description in your memory?"

Du Yuanzhi thought about it carefully, scratching his stomach and frowning.

After a while, he said: "No, we only know that we are the pawn left here by Madam."

"But I don't know who the lady is, where she comes from, or even what she looks like."

"As long as you think about it, it's just a blur."

Ye Xinghe nodded, understanding in his heart.

It is estimated that when the mother laid out these chess pieces, she deliberately limited their memory.

So as not to reveal your identity.

He just said: "Go on."

Du Yuanzhi said: "Madam probably laid out several chess pieces thirty thousand years ago, and our family is one of them."

"There was no Lieyang Dynasty at that time, and the ancestor of our family was a divine pharmacist with a very high level, already reaching the eighth level!"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of guilt in his eyes.

"My generation is really full of ungrateful children and grandchildren. Their talents are average and they are only second-grade divine pharmacists."

"How many chess pieces did my subordinates have from 30,000 years ago?"

Ye Xinghe's brows furrowed even deeper.

"Did mother come to this incident as early as 30,000 years ago?"

"What is the purpose of these chess pieces?"

He expressed his doubts.

Du Yuanzhi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I can't answer this question."

"Originally, if nothing happened to these chess pieces, we would wake up together at the same time. After recalling it, we should be able to guess the madam's thoughts back then."

“But it’s a pity”

Du Yuanzhi sighed softly: "It's just that a big change happened later, which disrupted all Madam's plans back then."

Ye Xinghe frowned slightly and asked, "What happened?"

Du Yuanzhi stared at Ye Xinghe and said word by word: "Among the four chess pieces that Madam left behind, one of the four powerful forces betrayed Madam."

"My wife left behind a lot of cultivation resources, various treasures, etc., so that the young master can one day put them to use."

"And the treasure house where these things are stored is guarded by the four major forces in turns."

Ye Xinghe seemed to have guessed something at this time, and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"One of the forces betrayed my mother, right?"

Du Yuanzhi nodded.

"When their force was guarding the treasure house, they took the opportunity to sweep away all the cultivation resources in the treasure house, and used them crazily to improve their own strength. They also refined many of the treasures left by the madam."

When Ye Xinghe heard this, his eyes became cold.

Du Yuanzhi sighed and continued: "It would be fine if it was just like this, but after they did this, they were afraid that the other three forces would find out, so they gathered the other three forces on the pretext of discussing important matters. Let’s set up an ambush together.”

"At that time, their force was already extremely powerful, and their strength completely surpassed the other three major forces."

"After a fierce battle, almost all the masters and strongmen of the other three major forces were killed."

"Moreover, they were afraid that this matter would spread, so they deliberately burned all the records among the four forces that were used to pass on to the next generation."

"If it hadn't been for the secret method you just used, young master, to stimulate the memory in my blood to revive, I'm afraid I wouldn't have remembered these secrets."

Ye Xinghe's eyes were cold.

"They deserve to die!"

"Who are they, and where is that force now?"

Du Yuanzhi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "We don't know any of this. They disappeared mysteriously after doing this."

"As time went by, there was no news from the other two major forces."

"And because our family is a hidden force, they know very little about us."

"But even so, in that war, 90% of our ancestors died in the battle, and only one person survived in the end, and he was seriously injured."

"After he returned to the family at night, he told the family members not to leak any information about him, and he has been living here to this day."

Ye Xinghe fell into deep thought.

He didn't expect that his mother's hand would be so great, and she would directly move four chess pieces.

But unfortunately something happened.

But even so, he also got some very important information.

The top priority is to find the other three major forces.

We must find out what the mother's intention was when she laid out these four chess pieces.

Ye Xinghe knew very well that this was extremely important to him.

The backhand left behind by her mother sent her to this mysterious world.

This is definitely not aimless.

The key to getting to this big black and yellow world lies in these four chess pieces.

He asked: "Have you found a way for the other three major forces?"

Du Yuanzhi thought for a moment and nodded.

"Yes, but it's extremely restrictive."

"I need to get very close to them and feel the breath of their special bloodline before I can tell."

Ye Xinghe shook his head slightly.

It's better to feel it yourself.

He asked softly: "How famous were you when you were deployed here 30,000 years ago? Were you deliberately told to keep a low profile?"

Du Yuanzhi shook his head.


"Madam also specifically told us that as long as we can keep the secret and wait for the return of the young master, she will not care about anything else. We can develop on our own."

"The ancestors of the four major forces back then were all top talents, so they were all very famous."

Ye Xinghe knew clearly in his heart that he had already made plans.

"But young master, in addition to that treasure house, each of our four major forces has also preserved something."

"This thing is in good condition and is still in my hands."


Ye Xinghe suddenly became excited after hearing this.

That should also have a great effect.

With that said, Du Yuanzhi carefully took out a sandalwood box from under the bed.

Opening it, there was a small iron box inside.

He dropped his blood into the iron box.

After a moment, the seemingly flawless iron box was quietly opened.

Du Yuanzhi explained: "This object can only be opened by our bloodline. If it is opened forcibly, the contents inside will directly self-destruct."

As he spoke, he took out an object shaped like amber and about the size of a baby's fist.

The whole body is orange-yellow in color.

He handed it to Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe held this object in his hand, but for a long time he didn't find any clues.

He dripped his own essence and blood on it and found that it was useless.

Du Yuanzhi said: "This object is called the Dead Soul Stone. It is said that the powerful soul is sealed inside, but it needs to be opened with something called the Dead Soul Key."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

He suddenly thought of the time when Elder Han Yun gave him the note.

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