Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2949 Let’s go

Let them surround him.

Seeing this scene, Xie Fei was relieved immediately.

More than a dozen strong men who had advanced to the half-step Nascent Soul stage surrounded him.

What kind of storm could he stir up!

The dozen masters also thought they had a sure win.

The leader sneered: "Boy, you didn't know how to run or fight when you were surrounded by us. Are you waiting to die?"

Ye Xinghe suddenly smiled and said: "Do you know why I didn't stop you just now?"

The man instinctively asked: "Why?"

Ye Xinghe roared loudly.

"Because, if you gather together, it will be easier for me to catch you all in one fell swoop!"

The next moment, Ye Xinghe roared and his figure suddenly rose.

The next moment, everyone felt a thick fog rising in front of them.

There were thick clouds spreading.

In an instant, it completely enveloped the place.

For a moment, the surroundings were blurred and nothing could be seen clearly.

The masters who besieged Ye Xinghe were also like this.

In an instant, they were all a little flustered.

At this moment, there were countless flying knives in the clouds.

They rushed forward silently.

They came in front of them in an instant.

They just found out when they got close.

They wanted to dodge, but it was too late!

The screams suddenly sounded and ended almost at the same time.

When the clouds dispersed, everyone was shocked to see.

The dozen masters who besieged Ye Xinghe were all lying on the ground and lost their fighting power.

Xie Fei's pupils shrank sharply and he said in a lost voice: "This, how is this possible!"

These dozen masters are the strongest fighting power of his Louwailou.

They are the foundation for him to dominate here.

They were all killed silently in an instant!

For him, this shock was so huge that he couldn't believe it.

At this time, Ye Xinghe looked at him.

When he made eye contact with Ye Xinghe, Xie Fei's heart trembled fiercely.

An unspeakable fear surged.

He cried out, "Sir, you can take Gu Changyu away. I, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong!"

He hated Ye Xinghe very much at this moment.

But he didn't dare to fight him.

His strength was only comparable to that of the stronger masters here.

He was no match for this man at all.

Ye Xinghe sneered, "It's too late to know your mistake now!"

The next moment, the rules of cloud surged.

Endless flying knives densely wrapped around him.

He was also seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Ye Xinghe pulled Gu Changyu and walked forward.

At this time, no one dared to stop him.

Everyone was full of awe and made way.

Coming in front of Xie Fei, Ye Xinghe lowered his head and smiled at him.

"This is Louwailou. I can leave if I want. What can you do to me?"

After saying that, he took Gu Changyu's hand and strode forward.

He stepped directly over Xie Fei's body.

And Xie Fei lay on the ground, his face as pale as paper, unable to move at all.

There was only an expression of extreme humiliation on his face.

There is no doubt that this was to trample the face of him, the owner of Louwailou, on the ground and crush him into the mud!

Ye Xinghe took Gu Changyu's hand and came to the door of the hall, ready to go out.

But at this moment, his figure suddenly froze.

Then, he blocked Gu Changyu behind him.

He took a deep breath, his face was solemn, and his body was tense.

The few rules on his body could be used at any time.

It turned out that at this moment.

A person appeared silently in front of him.

This was a man who looked ordinary.

He belonged to someone who would not be noticed if he was thrown on the street.

He was not strong, his face was ordinary, and his clothes were very ordinary.

He even looked sick and coughed slightly from time to time.

He looked like he was suffering from a long-term illness and was very weak.

But the moment he appeared here, Ye Xinghe was extremely nervous.

Because he didn't know when this person appeared.

This means that his strength should have far exceeded his own!

Moreover, this person gave Ye Xinghe a great sense of pressure, like a mountain and a moon!

Even Elder Han Yun did not give him such great pressure.

This person's strength is imaginable!

After seeing him appear, Xie Fei and others were like seeing a savior.

"Master Qian, you are here!"

"Master Qian is here, this is good, this kid is no match for him no matter what!"

"Master Qian is the Dark King, one of the strongest giants in the underground forces. Even the patriarchs of those first-class forces are only about the same as him. How could this kid be his opponent!"

Facing Qian Tianfeng, everyone was in awe.

Because this person is not only extremely powerful.

Moreover, it is said that in the underground world of Lieyang Imperial City.

He controls several extremely powerful forces.

There are many masters in it.

Even, it is not inferior to some first-class wealthy families!

However, he has been making a fortune silently, hiding in the dark, and not ostentatious.

Therefore, he does not have such a big reputation.

Ye Xinghe's heart was also shaken.

"So, this person is Qian Tianfeng!"

But he did not retreat, and his eyes showed a strong murderous intent.

He still made up his mind.

If Qian Tianfeng was unwilling to give him this face and was unwilling to let him take Gu Changyu away.

Then, even if you risk your life, even if you use all your cards, even if you pay any price.

He will turn this place upside down and take Gu Changyu away, no matter the consequences!

This is Ye Xinghe's promise to Gu Yunfu.

It was Ye Xinghe who helped Gu Yun to support them, the one who had the greatest respect from the family that had served him and his mother for more than 30,000 years!

Qian Tianfeng's reaction was very strange.

He didn't get angry or speak.

He just looked at Ye Xinghe very calmly.

But after a while, he suddenly spoke and said lightly: "Let's go."


Ye Xinghe was stunned for a moment, almost unable to believe his ears.

This Qian Tianfeng is one of the kings of the underground world.

You actually let yourself go like that?

I don’t know what Qian Tianfeng’s intentions are.

He just looked at him warily and pulled Gu Changyu out.

At this time, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

No one expected Qian Tianfeng, the so-called King of Darkness.

Suppress the entire underground world of Lieyang Imperial City.

Even the first-rate forces dare not offend easily.

Even if the head of a first-class powerful family meets, he must call him "Master Qian" for his terrifying presence.

When facing Ye Xinghe, he actually retreated!

Xie Fei had a look of astonishment on his face.

He said in disbelief: "Master Qian, what are you doing?"

Mr. Qian gave him a cold look and said in a cold voice, "No need to say more."

Xie Fei was still a little unwilling to let Ye Xinghe go and let him take the people away.

After all, Ye Xinghe had greatly humiliated him just now.

His outer building was thrown into disarray.

If he just let Ye Xinghe go, where would his face be?

How can he hang out in this Lieyang Imperial City in the future? Who will take him seriously in the future!

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