Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2950 Wishes

He gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Master Qian, why is this so?"

"I don't understand if we just let him go like this, how can we have any dignity in the future?"

Mr. Qian had already turned around and was about to leave, but when he heard these words, he suddenly turned around.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled: "Are you questioning my decision?"

At this moment, seeing Master Qian's smile, Xie Fei instantly felt an extreme chill.

I immediately regretted it.

He stammered quickly: "Master Qian, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Then, the sound turned into a scream.

His left arm had been severed.

Qian Tianfeng said calmly: "Next time you dare to talk to me like this, kill yourself."

Xie Fei's painful forehead broke out in cold sweat, but he did not dare to say any more nonsense.

He covered his wound and thanked him repeatedly.

"Thank you Master Qian for your life!"

Everyone was even more surprised.

"For Ye Xinghe, Master Qian even cut off Xie Fei's arm!"

"What is Ye Xinghe's origin and background that makes Master Qian so fearful?"

Everyone speculated.

There was also a bit of awe in the eyes looking at Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe took Gu Changyu and left quickly.

Qian Tianfeng also quickly disappeared here.

When Ye Xinghe took Gu Changyu and left the building outside the building.

In a dark secret room in the deepest part of the building outside the building.

Qian Tianfeng stood there with a respectful expression on his face.

He looked down at his toes and stood there respectfully, not daring to say a word.

It is unimaginable that he was so arrogant and powerful in front of everyone just now.

Everyone was afraid of Qian Tianfeng and did not dare to look directly at him.

At this moment, he was so humble and petty.

For a long time, there was no movement in the secret room.

Qian Tianfeng did not dare to be impatient and just waited quietly.

After a while, a thick voice came out from the darkness in front of him.

"You are right, is it really that aura?"

Qian Tianfeng nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, Master. After you told me before, I have been carrying this thing in my arms for more than a hundred years. I dare not leave my body day and night, and I carefully feel the breath on it."

"Therefore, I am very sure that the aura above the Ye Xinghe I just saw is exactly the same as this one!"

As he spoke, he took out a bamboo slip from his arms.

No more than a foot long and about two fingers wide.

There are still traces of perforation on the edges.

It seems to be taken from a bamboo slip.

Qian Tianfeng's face was full of excitement.

"I was stunned when I saw it just now. I didn't expect that after searching for a hundred years, I finally found it!"

"Master, what should we do next?"

His excitement was palpable.

A suction force came, and the yellowed ancient bamboo slip in his hand was sucked into the darkness.

Vaguely visible, a figure stood up in the darkness and stroked the bamboo slips.

It can be seen that his figure is shaking slightly.

Although darkness obscured his expression.

But it was still clear how agitated his mood was.

After a moment, he said with a bit of urgency: "Immediately send out the people. Within one day, I want to know all the news about him. I won't allow any omissions!"

"Then, go and confirm for me a few more times whether his aura matches the one above!"

"As you command!"

Qian Tianfeng said loudly.

The master's long-cherished wish for hundreds of years has finally come true, and he is extremely happy!


The voice in the darkness ordered: "Don't alert others. Only the two of us are allowed to know about this matter. Otherwise, you will know the consequences!" Qian Tianfeng suddenly felt awe-inspiring and trembled all over.

Think of the methods of the person in front of you.

This King of Darkness couldn't help but feel frightened in his heart.

He quickly said: "Master, don't worry!"

After Qian Tianfeng left.

In the darkness that was so thick that it couldn't be broken, a figure slowly walked out.

It was different from his thick and aged voice.

This turned out to be a young man who looked to be no more than twenty years old.

His face is like a crown jade and his appearance is handsome.

He looks ordinary, with no trace of cultivation on his body.

He looks like the most ordinary boy next door.

But the look in his eyes was extremely vicissitudes of life.

With the breath of time and wind and frost, and a strong sense of fatigue.

It seems as if countless years have passed.

He whispered to himself: "Nine deaths and nine lives, ten thousand years of reincarnation, madam, have I finally waited for you?"

When Ye Xinghe came back with Gu Changyu.

Gu Yunfu and Gu Qingyi both cheered.

Gu Qingyi pounced directly.

When the brothers and sisters met, they hugged each other and cried again.

Knowing Gu Yunfu's situation, it can no longer be reversed.

Gu Changyu was surprisingly calm, as if he had expected this scene.

Just salute to Leaf Star.

"Thank you, young master!"

Ye Xinghe didn't know what to say for a while.

Suddenly asked: "Yunfu, do you have any other wishes?"

Gu Yunfu suddenly raised his head and looked at Ye Xinghe with some embarrassment.

He whispered: "Young Master, I, I want to have a delicious meal, okay?"

Ye Xinghe felt sad after hearing this and almost shed tears.

His dying wish turned out to be just to have a delicious meal.

You can imagine how miserable they have been in these years.

He winked at Wang Feng.

Wang Feng agreed, left quickly, and soon came back.

He was already holding a red lacquer food box in his hand.

The aroma of wine and meat wafted out from inside.

He opened the food box and took out a dozen dishes.

The small and simple table was filled to the brim.

He also took three pots of jasper-colored wine.

He smiled and said: "This wine and meat are all made from the best restaurants in Lieyang Imperial City. They are all top-quality monster meat. They can replenish your cultivation level and are extremely delicious."

"The wine is five hundred years old!"

Gu Yun thanked him, and then said: "Eat quickly, eat quickly!"

The three siblings had not eaten such delicious food in an unknown amount of time.

One by one, they wolfed down the food and ate so much that their mouths were full of oil.

Gu Yun held a large piece of meat in his mouth, chewed it in big mouthfuls, and swallowed it slowly.

Sighing comfortably.

He leaned against the bed and narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the setting sun outside, I feel full of happiness.

"It's been a long time since I've had such delicious food. The last time was more than ten years ago!"

Gu Qingyi and Gu Changyu were crying, laughing, and eating with big mouthfuls.

It seems that the way he eats is a bit indecent.

Gu Yun smiled and said: "Young Master, I have made you laugh, let's eat together!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said with a smile: "You guys can eat, I'm not hungry."

He walked out of the room and went outside.

For a moment, my heart was so full of emotions that I could hardly control myself.

After a long time, I finally calmed down my emotions.

Wang Feng walked up to him, sighed softly, and whispered: "This is not your responsibility. The fact is that it is unpredictable."

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