Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2955 The main competition location: Yunshan and foggy sea

Chapter 2955: The venue of the main competition: Yunshan Wuhai!

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter?"

Elder Han Yun looked solemn.

"Now, the preliminary round of Guanghan Dao Sect's selection has begun, and those powerful disciples from all walks of life have already formed teams to fight."

"And the venue of the main competition has now been determined!"

Ye Xinghe was immediately refreshed.

Elder Han Yun gently uttered five words.

"In Yunshan Wuhai."

"Yunshan Wuhai!"

Hearing this place, Ye Xinghe was immediately refreshed.

He naturally would not forget the terrifying existence he felt when he passed Yunshan Wuhai that day.

And the information left by his mother also pointed the clues to Yunshan Wuhai.

This means that in Yunshan Wuhai, there is a high possibility that there is something related to him!

"Oh, there's one more thing."

Elder Han Yun frowned and said, "You'd better condense your Nascent Soul as soon as possible before participating in the main competition."

Ye Xinghe's heart moved slightly and asked, "But what's the situation?"

Elder Han Yun nodded and said softly, "This time, the opponent you are facing is very strong!"

"I went to watch a few preliminaries. There are quite a few tough guys in them. They were hiding their strength before and didn't show their strength. They just showed some ferocity in the preliminaries!"

Elder Han Yuan said solemnly, "Moreover, I have inquired a lot of information for you in the past few days, and many elders have brought back some extremely powerful Tianjiao!"

"Like Bai Hanzhou just now, and there are some people who are stronger than him!"

"There are also people with the second turn of Nascent Soul, and even several people with the third turn of Nascent Soul!"

"There are also a few people with very deep details, even I can't figure it out!"

Ye Xinghe's face also became very serious.

Elder Han Yun recognized the strong, so the strength is indeed very terrible.

Some people are afraid that they can't deal with it.

You know, with Ye Xinghe's current strength, dealing with the second transformation of the Nascent Soul is already the limit!

However, Ye Xinghe thought for a moment, and still shook his head and said: "Elder, I still can't condense the Nascent Soul now."

Elder Han frowned and said: "Why?"

Ye Xinghe calculated his own rules.

"Among the rules I have now, one of the time rules is still a rule seed, and it has not been condensed into the final rule."

"The second one is the rule of ice, the third one is the rule of cloud, and the fourth one is the rule of the heart demon."

"In addition."

Ye Xinghe patted the broken sword of Wuming in his hand.

"There are still two rules on this sword."

Elder Han Yun frowned and said, "Are you really not going to condense the Nascent Soul Seed yet?"

"You are in a very dangerous situation now!"

He looked solemn, staring at Ye Xinghe and said, "You know, more rules are good, but after a certain number of rules, it will become extremely difficult to condense the Nascent Soul Seed!"

"In the way of cultivation, too much is as bad as too little!"

"If you can't condense the Nascent Soul Seed by then, you won't be able to reach the next level!"

Elder Han Yuan's words also made Ye Xinghe fall into deep thought.

He thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind, saying in a deep voice: "When the seed of the time rule is completely transformed into the time rule, I will condense the Nascent Soul Seed."


Elder Han Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

What he feared most was that Ye Xinghe would go down this road of no return.

He didn't know what means Ye Xinghe used to get so many rules.

But there would be a disadvantage if there were too many rules.

It is possible that he would not be able to condense the Nascent Soul Seed, and he would stay in the current situation for the rest of his life.

On the contrary, it is harmful rather than beneficial.

After Elder Han Yun left, Ye Xinghe went to find Wang Feng.

When he arrived at the courtyard.

Wang Feng was practicing with Gu Qingyi and Gu Changyu.

Although it was only one or two days.

But Gu Qingyi and Gu Changyu's practice was already quite decent.

Seeing Ye Xinghe coming, the two hurriedly stood up and saluted.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Not bad, it's only been a short time, and you have achieved some cultivation!"

Gu Changyu turned his head away a little embarrassedly.

Gu Qingyi was very happy, and smiled carelessly: "Young Master, I just learned a martial arts move, show it to you!"

After that, she waved her hand casually.

More than ten steps away, a tree that two people hugged was cut directly.

Ye Xinghe laughed and applauded, saying: "Not bad, very good!"

They chatted for a few words, and then he and Wang Feng entered the inner room.

Wang Feng gave a brief explanation.

It turned out that after he brought the two back here, he observed their roots.

He found that their roots were quite strong and could be considered top-grade.

Although they were not yet at the level of a genius, they were still very valuable.

Wang Feng first gave them the foundation-building pills, and after they were refined.

He arranged martial arts techniques for them to practice.

With Wang Feng, their starting point was very high.

According to Wang Feng, it would not take long for them to enter the realm of martial gods.

This is a realm that many cultivators cannot reach in their lifetime!

Then, Ye Xinghe explained his purpose.

Wang Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Are you here to find out everything about Yunshan Wuhai?"

He was also a very smart person, and immediately asked, "Master, are you going to Yunshan Wuhai in the main competition of the Guanghan Dao Sect selection competition?"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

Wang Feng said: "Okay, leave it to me. I guarantee that no news will be missed when the time comes!"

Wang Feng is also very confident about this matter.

Now, Ye Xinghe has handed over forces such as Tianhu Society and Qingfeng Hall to him to control.

He can directly mobilize the power of these two gangs.

It was easy for him to get information.

In the next few days, Ye Xinghe stayed in the inn to practice.

Carefully figure out the time rule seeds.

I want the seeds of time rules to evolve into time rules as soon as possible and be completely controlled by myself.

Thus condensing the Nascent Soul.

But God failed to fulfill his wish, and there has been no progress in these days.

Soon, the time agreed with Xiao Ruyuan came.

Ye Xinghe went directly to the giant smelting plant.

Xiao Ruyuan saw Ye Xinghe arriving and nodded to him.

His eyes were calm, but his face looked tired

Even, a little gray.

He said softly: "We tried our best, mobilized all our hands, and finally completed it on time."

"Master Ye, fortunately you have lived up to your destiny!"

Ye Xinghe nodded and took the large box he handed over.

The box was about two feet long, one foot wide and one foot high, and was dark.

Xiao Ruyuan said: "Thirty thousand ox hair needles with extremely sharp and rule-breaking power are gathered together. Their power is so terrifying that ordinary equipment cannot be stored at all and will be directly broken by it."

"So, use this kind of box storage made of meteorite iron."

Ye Xinghe nodded and opened the object.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

The extremely sharp force almost blinded his eyes.

That feeling made him feel cold all over.

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