Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2956 Purple Spirit Pot

Chapter 2956 Purple Spirit Pot!

At this time, 30,000 fine ox hair needles slowly emerged from the black iron box.

Each one has terrifying lethality.

Ye Xinghe nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, if you think about it, this is already very scary.

Because each of these fine needles has actually reached the Lingbao level!

This also means that Ye Xinghe has a total of 30,000 spiritual treasures in his hands!

The next moment, Ye Xinghe's cloud rules were operating.

The clouds in the sky are gathering here.

In an instant, thick clouds formed around Ye Xinghe.

Hundreds of meters in radius were covered tightly.

Then, Ye Xinghe waved his hand.

These 30,000 fine ox hair needles immediately entered those clouds.

Soon, it became integrated with the thick clouds, as if it was part of it.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ruyuan was stunned.

He stammered: "So, it turns out you are going to use this method!"

That's right, an ordinary person cannot control so many spiritual treasures.

Not even Ye Xinghe.

No matter how strong his mental power is, he can't do this.

But he can combine them cleverly with the power of rules!

Although Ye Xinghe cannot control so many fine needles.

But he can control the rules of the cloud!

His cloud rules can control this large cloud layer.

These clouds are like the hair on each of his fingers, like an arm.

It's very easy to drive.

Then, he only needs to divide these clouds into pieces.

Then, in each small piece of cloud, a thin needle of cow hair was placed.

He doesn't need to control these fine needles.

You can achieve the same goal by simply riding the clouds.

When the clouds attack forward, these Lingbao cattle hairy needles will naturally attack forward too!

Ye Xinghe looked at these fine needles distributed in the clouds.

These are silver needles that are no longer than a finger and as thin as cow hair.

It has been specially treated by Xiao Ruyuan.

Its surface is dull and gray, making it look extremely inconspicuous.

At the same time, they were hiding in the same gray-white clouds.

It is even more invisible, and there is no trace of it at all.

He would only be aware of it if he was killed by these thin needles.

But by then it was too late.

Its concealment is indeed extremely strong!

Ye Xinghe's eyes moved slightly and his thoughts changed.

In an instant, the clouds were overwhelming and rushing forward.

As the clouds moved forward, the tens of thousands of gray-white fine needles hiding in them also moved forward quickly.

But it was covered up silently by the movement of the clouds.

Xiao Ruyuan looked on beside him and was dazzled.

It is conceivable that if there are enemies in the clouds.

At this moment, tens of thousands of spirit treasures will pass through the body in an instant, and he will die completely!

No matter how strong he is, he can't stop him!

Xiao Ruyuan was horrified and said: "Master, this move of yours is incredible, I'm afraid it will kill Yuan Ying at the third level!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

He combined these 30,000 fine ox hair needles with the rules of the cloud.

Tried it back and forth.

Excellent effect and very discreet.

Moreover, the extremely sharp power on its surface can break the rules.

In this case, Ye Xinghe would be able to deal with even a strong person at rank two or even rank three of Nascent Soul!

This will be his trump card!

But Ye Xinghe frowned, but he was still a little dissatisfied, feeling that something was missing.

He frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly clapped his hands in excitement.

"I know what's missing!"

Then, Ye Xinghe said goodbye to Xiao Ruyuan and went directly to the Shennong Chamber of Commerce to find the general manager.

As soon as they met, the chief manager smiled and said: "Mr. Ye, I have found that thing for you."

As he said that, he took out something.

But it's a small wine bottle.

It looks like it is made of clay.

The whole body showed a dark red color.

It's very compact, only about the size of half a palm.

It looks like an ordinary wine flask.

If you say, it is very special.

There is a strange symbol on the pot lid and spout.

There is a strangeness in the complexity.

The chief steward smiled and said: "This thing is called the Purple Spirit Pot."

"It is said that it is a magic weapon that has been cultivated by a senior spiritual master for more than three hundred years."

"Later, the spiritual refiner died in a catastrophe, and this thing was scattered around, and finally it came to our Shenlong Chamber of Commerce."

"I've checked with other soul refiners, and there are no remnants of other souls in it."


As he spoke, he raised the wine bottle and shook it. There was still the sound of water inside.

He smiled and said: "The half-pot of spiritual wine inside is refined using special methods and can warm and nourish the soul."

"The soul is in this purple spirit pot. Not only is it safe and sound, but it can also become stronger and stronger!"

There was a hint of excitement in Ye Xinghe's eyes.

After taking it, he felt it carefully for a moment and then nodded.

It's exactly what the chief steward said.

It can actually nourish the soul.

Transfer the souls of Gu Yunfu and Chu Shuangqiu into it.

Great benefit to them!

It may even be possible for Chu Shuangqiu to wake up as soon as possible!

Ye Xinghe said: "How much is this thing worth?"

The chief steward smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, you don't have to worry about the price."

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said solemnly: "No, favors are favors, rules are rules, you still have to give what you should give, don't mix it up!"

The manager was shocked at first, but then smiled and said: "Okay, since Mr. Ye said so, I will give you a cost price."

"The price we received for this item is three hundred Fierce Yang Spiritual Jade."

The price can be said to be extremely expensive.

Sure enough, this kind of soul-like spiritual treasure is often priced very high just because it is rare.

Ye Xinghe nodded and said: "Okay."

He took out the amethyst card.

This amethyst card has a limit of one thousand Fierce Yang Spirit Jade, so let the chief steward deduct the limit first.

Then, the chief manager's eyes moved slightly and he said with a smile: "Master Ye, I'm afraid that when you come here this time, you won't just get this spiritual treasure. Isn't it that simple?"

Ye Xinghe laughed and said: "Indeed, if you have nothing to do, I will go to the Three Treasures Palace. I am here to ask for help again!"

"It's easy to talk about. Since it is your request, Mr. Ye, then our Chamber of Commerce can naturally meet it!"

The chief steward said with a smile: "I don't know, sir, what do you want, and how much do you want?"

He was already prepared that this mission might be very difficult.

Unexpectedly, what Ye Xinghe said made him overjoyed.

Ye Xinghe said: "Is there any poison that is the strongest and most ferocious, one that even the Nascent Soul Realm experts cannot cure?"

When the chief steward heard this, he took a deep breath.

To be honest, in the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, there are all kinds of strange poisons.

Not to mention a thousand species, there must be six to seven hundred species.

Moreover, some are very toxic.

But it is a poison that can hurt the strong ones in the Nascent Soul Realm and make them unable to cure them.

That's so rare.

A wry smile suddenly appeared on his face.

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