Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2957: Poison that Destroys Yuan

"Every time Mr. Ye comes to ask for something, it's really weird and extremely difficult to get!"

Suddenly, the chief steward seemed to have thought of something. He gave a high-five and said with a smile: "I do have a poison here that is suitable for your situation!"

After that, he knocked on the copper bell on the table and whispered a few instructions.

After about a moment, a maid delivered a box.

After opening it, there was a white jade bottle about one foot high inside.

It can be seen through the almost translucent white jade bottle.

There was a pool of liquid inside, which was completely black in color.

The chief steward introduced: "This poison is called Yuan-breaking poison, and it is specially targeted at those who are strong in the Nascent Soul Realm."

"Once an attack occurs, even a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm will be directly contaminated by the Nascent Soul and penetrate deep into his soul, making it difficult for gods to save him!"


The chief steward frowned and said, "For this kind of poison to work, the conditions are very harsh and it requires blood."

"If you just smell it, or if it gets into your eyes or mouth, it won't have any effect. You have to see blood."

When he said this, his confidence gradually decreased.

I feel a little sorry for Ye Xinghe.

Because, to be honest, this kind of poison is relatively useless.

It only works when you see blood.

Although it can work on those who are strong in the Nascent Soul Realm.

But the problem is that it is too difficult to let a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm see blood!

In fact, this kind of poison that can hurt the strong people in the Nascent Soul Realm is rare.

But it’s not completely impossible.

For many people, this thing is actually quite useless.

Because, if you want to hurt a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm, the key is not how to get the poison.

But how to let this poison hurt them.

The latter is the most difficult to solve!

The chief steward felt a little sorry for Ye Xinghe.

The poison may have little effect.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe's eyes showed a burning color.

He laughed and said: "Okay, this toxin meets my requirements!"

For Ye Xinghe, it would be too easy to break through the Nascent Soul Mirror's defense and let them see blood!

A cow hair needle can do it!

The combination of these two is a match made in heaven!

Ye Xinghe put this object away.

"This is it!"

When he walked out of the Shenlong Chamber of Commerce, Ye Xinghe played with the purple gold card in his hand.

Suddenly there was a wry smile.

His Purple Gold Card has a limit of one thousand.

At this point, all was used up.

It was used once in the previous auction, plus the fine needle for making ox hair, and this Yuan-breaking Poison.

Plus a purple spirit pot.

Completely used up all the quota.

It was equivalent to smashing his entire net worth into it.

The cost of this thing is quite high!

Moreover, this fine needle can be reused.

But the Yuan-popping poison tempered above is a one-time consumable.

This means that he has to consume hundreds of Lieyang Spirit Jade in one use!

This price is not small.

Ye Xinghe is ready to use it as a trump card.

It will never be used until the most critical moment!


Ye Xinghe's mouth curled up.

“The efforts are all worth it!”

After having these things, his realm has not improved.

The actual combat effectiveness has increased tremendously.

At the third level of Nascent Soul Realm, he is also confident that he can counterattack and kill him!

Time passed by every second.

At noon on the third day, Ye Xinghe was practicing in the small courtyard.

He suddenly felt something and opened his eyes suddenly.

The next moment, Elder Han Yun appeared in the small courtyard.

And arriving at the same time as him, there was an old man.

The old man's beard and hair were white, he looked old, and his figure was a little rickety.

But the aura on his body is not weaker than that of Elder Han Yun.

Even better!

Ye Xinghe hurriedly went out to greet him.

The old man glanced at Ye Xinghe and said in a calm voice: "Is this a little guy you asked me to see?"

There was a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Elder Han Yun lowered his voice and said, "This is my best friend. We have known each other for hundreds of years, so you can absolutely rest assured!"

"I explained your situation to him, and he was quite curious and wanted to come over and take a look."

"Maybe he can solve your rules problem."

Ye Xinghe felt grateful after hearing this.

Before, he mentioned to Elder Han Yun about his time rule seeds.

Elder Han Yun was also at a loss.

Unexpectedly, someone was invited for him.

Elder Han Yun was able to invite this old man here only because he spent a lot of favors and sacrificed a lot.

You know, these elders of Guanghan Dao Sect are all powerful.

He is also very busy and has no time to meddle in other people's business.

Seemingly knowing what he was thinking, Han Yun patted him on the shoulder.

"Just call him Mu Chengfeng, you're welcome!"

How could Ye Xinghe be so rude.

He saluted respectfully and said, "I have met Elder Mu."

Several people entered the house.

Elder Han Yun introduced it, and Ye Xinghe just found out.

It turned out that Elder Mu Chengfeng was famous for his extensive knowledge and knowledge in the Guanghan Taoist Sect.

He is said to know everything.

Mu Chengfeng put his hand on the center of Ye Xinghe's eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Now activate your rule."

Ye Xinghe nodded.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the seeds of time rules quietly rotate.

A ray of light, invisible and shadowless, quietly came out.

Mu Chengfeng outside felt it immediately.

He looked very relaxed.

In his opinion, it is just a rule.

Moreover, the level of rules this young man understands cannot be very high.

It should be very simple to solve.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to it.

After a moment, Mu Chengfeng's originally calm face showed a trace of nervousness and solemnity.

His brows also wrinkled slightly.

Suddenly, Mu Chengfeng felt a vague premonition in his heart.

By the end, his face was full of horror.

The next moment, he suddenly yelled, took several steps back, and his face turned red.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

He gasped for air.

After a while, he finally calmed down.

He looked at Ye Xinghe, his eyes filled with horror.

"This seed of rules of yours is so terrifying!"

Ye Xinghe was still at a loss at this time.

He couldn't feel what happened just now.

After Mu Chengfeng explained it, the two of them found out.

It turned out that after Mu Chengfeng came into contact with Ye Xinghe’s rule.

For a moment, he actually felt as if a huge pupil appeared in front of his eyes.

That pupil just glanced at him and almost shocked Mu Chengfeng out of his wits.

Had to be terminated forcefully.

Even so, the spirit was severely damaged.

Elders Ye Xinghe and Han Yun showed horror in their eyes.

Ye Xinghe also never expected that his time rule seeds would be so powerful!

After taking a breath, Mu Chengfeng said softly: "You are a branch of the rules of time."

Ye Xinghe was a little surprised.

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