Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2963: Opportunity in the clouds, mountains and foggy sea

Elder Qiao Tianhui floated in the air, facing everyone and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I will now officially announce the rules of the Guanghan Dao Sect's competition."

He stretched out his finger and said: "You have only one mission, and that is to explore the clouds, mountains and fog in front of you."

"The wider the scope of exploration and the clearer the understanding of the clouds, mountains and fog seas, the higher the score you can get. Do you understand?"

Everyone frowned upon hearing this.

This exploration is a bit too broad. How can we prove that the scope of exploration is wide?

As for cognition, it is a rather nihilistic concept.

Someone asked loudly.

"I said that I just explored the clouds, mountains, and seas of fog. What if you don't recognize me?"

Suddenly, laughter burst out from the crowd.

Qiao Tianhui also smiled and nodded at him.

"Don't worry, we are already prepared."

He cleared his throat.

"This Yunshan Mist Sea has been roughly explored by Guanghan Dao Sect. We divided it into levels one to five according to its degree of danger."

"The first outermost layer is the safest. There are almost no powerful beasts to encounter."

"The fifth floor at the bottom, even the top experts from the Guanghan Dao Sect dare not enter!"

"And we put some things in the first to fourth floors."

He waved his hand, and the four-color flag appeared in the air.

They are white, blue, red and green.

He said in a deep voice: "There are a thousand white flags placed on the first floor, and each white flag represents ten points."

"There are three hundred blue flags placed on the second floor. Each blue flag represents forty points."

"On the third floor, eighty red flags are placed. Each red flag represents two hundred points."

"On the fourth floor, there are ten green flags placed. Each green flag represents two thousand points!"

Everyone was stunned.

This approach is indeed fair.

The more command flags you get, especially high-level command flags, the wider the scope of exploration.

Of course, everyone has experienced intrigues and knows it very well.

Sometimes, the place you explore doesn't have to be large enough to get enough flags.

Just steal it from others!

And this just proves the combat effectiveness!

Qiao Tianhui raised his voice and said: "There are more than 800 disciples participating, and our Guanghan Dao Sect will select the first 300 for recruitment!"

"And those who finish in the top ten will be rewarded!"

Everyone's eyes were burning, and they were all eager to try.

I can’t wait to enter the clouds, mountains and foggy sea,

At this time, Qiao Tianhui suddenly smiled slightly and added: "Everyone, you must know that the purpose of letting you enter this cloud, mountain and mist is not to torture you, but to give you a great opportunity!"

A disciple asked out of curiosity: "Sir Elder, what is the opportunity?"

"Don't they all say that the clouds, mountains and fog are extremely dangerous, and there are very scary beasts? Where is the opportunity?"

"Is it possible that those wild beasts actually produced exotic treasures?"

Qiao Tianhui smiled and shook his head, but said nothing.

Everyone was asking questions.

At this time, a lazy voice suddenly sounded.

It was filled with contempt and disdain.

"They are really a bunch of ignorant pariahs, they don't even know the secrets of the mountains and seas of mist!"

"Let me tell you, the great opportunities in the clouds, mountains and foggy seas are the rules!"

This sentence shocked everyone.

Everyone looked at the sound.

The person who spoke was not handsome.

He has a round face that looks quite harmless, and he has a lazy and proud air about him.

This is revealed from the bottom of one's heart, rather than being arrogant.

It seemed that deep in his eyes, he didn't take everyone into consideration at all.

Don't look at people seriously at all.

But everyone still endured this tone in order to obtain information.

Someone raised their voice and said: "Master Yuan, stop hiding it and tell us, what does this cloud, mountain and fog sea have to do with the rules?"

Yuankong Valley Lazy Yangyang said: "Okay, then I will tell you with great mercy."

"There are a lot of rules in the clouds, mountains and fog!"

"Your rules must have been found with a lot of effort. Moreover, many of the rules should be quite ordinary, but you have no choice!"

There was a strong sense of superiority in his words.

And many people nodded.

Their rules are extremely difficult to find.

Moreover, there is no choice at all.

If you can get even one rule, you are lucky!

Quickly condense it into Nascent Soul seeds and step into the Nascent Soul realm.

Yuan Konggu smiled and said: "This cloud, mountain and fog may give you a chance to make amends!"

"There are quite a few rules in the Yunshan Mist Sea, and the difficulty of obtaining them is much lower than outside. Maybe you can stumble upon one just by walking a few steps!"


Upon hearing this, everyone's breathing became heavy.

But some people asked quite rationally: "Although there are rules, we can no longer refine it!"

"The Nascent Soul we are waiting for has already taken shape!"

Yuan Konggu pointed at him and said: "You are really stupid!"

"Haven't you heard that, there must be an antidote to a poisonous thing within seven steps!"

"Next to these rules, there is a high probability that there will be treasures similar to the Rule Source Stone, which can allow you to condense one more rule or improve the existing rules!"

Now, everyone was completely excited!

This news is a huge stimulus to everyone.

And next to Yuan Kong Valley, there are several people who are also extremely powerful.

Moreover, men and women of extraordinary origin can be identified at a glance.

At this time, their faces were quite ugly and angry.

One person whispered: "Yuankong Valley, this news is worth at least 200 Lieyang Spirit Jade in Lieyang Imperial City. It is only spread among us people, how can they know it!"

A cold and charming woman also said in a cold voice: "If you reveal the news to them like this, wouldn't it completely disrupt our plans? What is your purpose?"

"Yuankonggu, you have gone too far!"

Several people denounced Yuan Konggu one after another.

But Yuan Konggu didn't care and said with a lazy smile: "It has no purpose, I just think it's more fun this way!"

"You all listen to me!"

Yuan Konggu suddenly raised his voice and said loudly: "Don't blame me for not telling you in advance. The rules inside are generally chaotic, evil, and extremely vicious!"

"And it's very weird, the kind you can't imagine!"

A meaningful smile appeared on his lips.

"It is very likely that you will be killed directly by this rule before you can get it!"

Of course, most people selectively ignore this.

Hear that you may get one more grain or even more rules in it.

Come to strengthen and perfect your Nascent Soul.

It can even directly improve the cultivation level of Nascent Soul Realm.

Everyone is almost crazy, how can they care so much.

During the whole process, Qiao Tianhui just watched with cold eyes and did not interfere.

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