Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2964 Team formation

After everyone calmed down a little, he said: "Okay, everyone, I will give you half an hour now. You can form a team freely, or you can go alone."

"In half an hour, those who are alone will enter this portal alone."

"Those who successfully form a team will enter the portal at the same time as a small team and be transported to the same location."

"This teleportation location is random."

Some disciples asked: "What if I am directly transported to the deepest part of the Yunshan Mountain and Sea of ​​Fog, wouldn't I be dead?"

Qiao Tianhui smiled and said: "Don't worry, this transmission is absolutely fair!"

"Although you fall randomly, you will all be transported to the first floor!"

In only half an hour, everyone started to form teams in a hurry.

In fact, during this period of time, many people have already established contacts.

Moreover, everyone thought that the clouds, mountains, and fog were extremely dangerous, and it would be better if there were more people to take care of them.

Of course, there are also some who don’t want to form a team.

They are generally stronger or have deep secrets.

For them, it's better to go alone.

Ye Xinghe also has no interest in forming a team.

He stood aside and waited for half an hour to arrive.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Everyone, I am Duan Huaishan. You should all have heard of my name."

Everyone was excited in their hearts and looked towards the figure above their heads.

It was a man wearing a golden robe, not very tall and burly.

But there was an unspeakable domineering air about him, as if he was telling the truth.

His eyes were domineering, and his behavior revealed a heart-wrenching feeling.

It seems that he wants to follow him.

This person looks like a born king.

"This is Duan Huaishan. I have only heard of it before. When I saw it today, it was indeed extraordinary!"

"Yes, this person is not only extremely powerful, but also very deep in the city. He is very fair in his actions and actions. He is good at controlling others and winning people's hearts."

During this time, many people have come to work for him.

At this time, Duan Huaishan was surrounded by several people.

Everyone's strength is quite strong.

It turns out that Duan Huaishan is recognized as the most powerful among all the disciples this time.

Rumor has it that he was born in Lieyang Imperial City, but it is unclear which force he belongs to.

All I know is that it is a top powerful force.

This person is not only powerful, but also very skillful and has conquered many people.

Ye Xinghe glanced away.

These people headed by Duan Huaishan are the strongest among all the disciples this time.

As for Duan Huaishan's strength, even Ye Xinghe couldn't see through it.

But he had a vague feeling that this person's strength might have reached the peak of the third level of Nascent Soul.

It is even possible to touch the edge of the fourth transformation of the Nascent Soul!

Duan Huaishan said loudly: "Our team has almost ten people, and there are still five spots left. Who wants it?"

If you hear it, whether it is a token disciple or a pre-selected disciple.

Then they all rushed forward diligently.

They all shouted loudly: "Master Duan, I am willing to do my best!"

"Master Duan choose me, I'm close to the third level of Nascent Soul, and I have strong rules!"

"Master Duan, please choose me. My rule is healing. As long as I am here, I guarantee that you will not be killed or injured!"

Everyone was vying for it, and they all proposed themselves.

Seeing this scene, Duan Huaishan nodded reservedly.

He likes this feeling of being admired by the stars.

There are hundreds of people willing to join his team.

And he carefully selected four people from them.

Then, let the others disperse.

Everyone left disappointed and formed their own teams.

At this time, Duan Huaishan came to Ye Xinghe and looked at him condescendingly.

"Ye Xinghe, I leave you the last chance."

His voice was indifferent, as if he didn't give Ye Xinghe a chance to refuse. It was full of superiority.

It was as if he was giving Ye Xinghe great face by letting him join his team.

And he didn't think Ye Xinghe would refuse.

Hearing this, many people around him looked envious.

"Duan Huaishan actually invited Ye Xinghe. Ye Xinghe is very lucky!"

For some unknown reason, Duan Huaishan chose to win over Ye Xinghe.

But Ye Xinghe glanced at him, shook his head and refused, saying lightly: "I have good intentions, but I'm not interested."

Duan Huaishan was stunned.

He never expected that his solicitation would be directly rejected by Ye Xinghe!

Just now, there were hundreds of people who wanted to join his team and play for him.

But he rejected most of them and only selected a few people.

But now, he took the initiative to invite Ye Xinghe, but Ye Xinghe didn't even give him face!

A look of sullenness immediately appeared on Duan Huaishan's face.

It had been a long time since he had tasted this.

But he was very deep-tempered and forced to suppress his emotions, keeping the smile on his face.

He smiled and said: "Brother Ye, do you really think about it no more?"

Ye Xinghe still shook his head.

Duan Huaishan's eyes were slightly cold.

Behind him, a disciple stood up and said coldly: "It's shameless, right?"

Duan Huaishan stretched out his hand to stop him and walked out, leaving only one sentence.

"Ye Xinghe, you'd better be lucky that you are in the sea of ​​clouds, mountains and mist, and you don't have to let me touch you!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head and left.

But when passing by a team, I heard very keenly that they were saying every word.

"Map", "that place", "accidental gain", etc.

When Ye Xinghe heard this, his heart moved.

Ye Xinghe was originally not interested in joining any team.

But just now, their conversation shocked Ye Xinghe.

These people actually know the existence of that secret!

The location they just mentioned was clearly something he knew from Wang Feng.

Ye Xinghe couldn't figure out the reason.

But I realized that this was an opportunity.

He was now at a loss as to how to get there.

I originally thought about going into the clouds, mountains and fog and exploring slowly.

Unexpectedly, this team actually has clues on how to get there!

Ye Xinghe's heart moved slightly and he slowed down.

At this time, after seeing him, those people raised their heads with vigilance in their eyes.

When they saw clearly that it was Ye Xinghe, they all showed surprised expressions.

Ye Xinghe is very mysterious in their opinion, and he should have a powerful spiritual treasure.

Moreover, there are at least two pieces!

This means that Ye Xinghe's strength is already quite strong.

The leader of the team is a woman who is quite beautiful and has a graceful figure.

With an attentive smile on her face, she walked towards Ye Xinghe.

"Master Ye, I'm Lu Qingyao, nice to meet you!"

"Would you like to consider joining our team?"

The moment Ye Xinghe's eyes came into contact with hers, his heart suddenly shook.

The whole person fell into an indescribable emotion.

At this moment, he only felt that his soul was extremely comfortable and joyful.

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