Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2967 Are you very disappointed?

Chapter 2967 You must be disappointed!

One hand grabbed his wrists.

At this time, his eyes were as deep as an eternal cold pool.

There is no hint of dullness or sluggishness after being controlled.

His eyes were cold and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Start now, can't you wait so long?"

Ling Wanfeng's face turned pale and he was stunned.

He screamed in disbelief: "You, you are not controlled by the rules of bewitchment!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Very disappointed, aren't you?"

The next moment, Ling Wanfeng's eyes suddenly showed extreme fear.

He felt an extremely terrifying force coming from him.

Ye Xinghe actually grabbed his wrists and threw him directly towards the big purple net.

Ling Wanfeng's face was filled with fear.

Does he know how powerful that big purple net is.

Knowing that if you fall into it, you will die extremely miserably, and you will not be able to escape at all!

The power of rules immediately surged out of his body.

He was charging towards Ye Xinghe, trying to break away.

But Ye Xinghe smiled.

His little power of rules is not worth mentioning at all!

He did not use the Nameless Broken Sword.

Because he wanted Ling Wanfeng to live.

Ye Xinghe sacrificed the rules of the cloud.

It directly shattered the power of rules on Ling Wanfeng's body.

In Ling Wanfeng's eyes full of despair, he was thrown towards the big purple net.

The next moment, I was trapped in it.

And that’s strange to say.

After he fell into the purple net.

This big purple net just didn't continue to cover down, and it didn't pursue Ye Xinghe and others.

Instead, they immediately formed a ball and wrapped Ling Wanfeng inside.

The next moment, Ling Wanfeng let out a shrill scream.

The power of rules on the body was actually squeezed and stripped out.

And the big purple net clung to his body, frantically absorbing the power of those rules.

This is tantamount to breaking and peeling off Ling Wanfeng's cultivation bit by bit.

causing it great pain.

Ye Xinghe now knew the plans of Lu Qingyao and others very well.

It seems that this big purple net actually exists like a living creature.

And its food turns out to be the rule.

What it wants to swallow are rules.

Therefore, after meeting a human cultivator.

It will involve human cultivators into it, and then absorb the power of rules on it.

Therefore, as long as there is a human cultivator who is strong enough and has strong power of rules, it can be its target.

Just let it get stuck temporarily.

This allowed several others to pass smoothly.

Lu Qingyao and Ling Wanfeng had an idea before.

Just use Ye Xinghe as this bait.

Let Ye Xinghe be swallowed up by this purple net.

Because only Ye Xinghe is the most suitable.

His rules have the strongest power and last the longest.

This allows others to pass smoothly.

The shocking changes here also stunned Lu Qingyao.

She screamed.

"You are not controlled, how is this possible!"

She said in disbelief: "How could my bewitching rules lose their effect!"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "I'm very disappointed."

The next moment, a palm was slapped towards her.

In an instant, the rules of the cloud turned into countless flying knives, slashing down towards her.

Lu Qingyao's eyes flashed, and he used the rules of bewitchment crazily, pushing them to the extreme.

In Ye Xinghe's sea of ​​consciousness, the mist instantly became much thicker.

But Ye Xinghe's laughter directly absorbed all of it into the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

It had no effect at all.

The next moment, Lu Qingyao screamed.

After the bewitching rules were invalidated, her own combat effectiveness was actually quite average.

In an instant, he was seriously injured by the rules of the cloud and fell to the ground.

Ye Xinghe directly lifted her up and then looked at the other two people.

At this time, the two people had not yet come to their senses and were frightened by this sudden change.

Ye Xinghe said lightly: "If you don't want to die, just follow me."

He lifted Lu Qingyao and quickly passed through the road ahead and arrived at the dangerous steps.

At this time, the purple net had completely refined and absorbed Ling Wanfeng's power of rules.

The next moment, he took Ling Wanfeng and disappeared directly into the ground.

Ling Wanfeng was left screaming desperately.

The whole process only takes a few moments.

If I had come here too late, I was afraid that I would have been taken down by this big purple net.

The person who designed this mechanism really had extremely evil intentions.

Moreover, he also has a thorough understanding of human psychology.

Of course they were extremely nervous.

But it’s after the stone steps that you step on that you become nervous.

Before that it was relaxing.

Therefore, he placed his most ferocious murderous intention in front of this step!

The real danger is actually before this road!

Lu Qingyao has a way to solve this problem.

But she can't solve the danger before that!

This is why she wants Ye Xinghe to join her team.

At this time, Lu Qingyao was leaning next to him, breathing heavily with an ugly expression on his face.

But she was also a very scheming character and quickly came to her senses.

She said in a deep voice: "Ye Xinghe, it was my fault that I used the rules of bewitchment to control you before, and I apologize to you here!"

She pointed to the end of the steps and said, "How about the two of us take half of the treasure there?"

Ye Xinghe looked at her with a half-smile but did not answer.

Lu Qingyao took the initiative to make a concession and said: "No need to take half and half, I will take 30%, how about you take 70%?"

"This is the most sincerity I can show!"

Ye Xinghe still didn't speak.

Lu Qingyao said sternly: "Ye Xinghe, whatever you want, you have already given in like this, what else do you want?"

Ye Xinghe looked at her and said in a voice that could not be refused: "Tell me how to get up, and then I will destroy your cultivation and spare your life as a reward for you!"

Lu Qingyao was stunned for a moment, then screamed: "Ye Xinghe, is this the reward you gave me?"

"You dream, I won't tell you even if I die, how to pass this dangerous step!"

Ye Xinghe ignored her.

He turned around and squinted at the steps.

Lu Qingyao sneered and said: "It's useless Ye Xinghe, only I know how to pass this step, you will never be able to get the treasure inside!"

Seeing Ye Xinghe looking at the secrets hidden on this step.

One person said timidly: "Master Ye, I may know how dangerous this step is."

Seeing Ye Xinghe glance at him, he quickly explained: "When Lu Qingyao and Ling Wanfeng were discussing in private before, I heard them mention it."

After his explanation, Ye Xinghe understood.

It turns out that this long staircase is made of weapons suspended in the air.

But it contains a lot of traps.

Every step must be taken.

Each step has two stones, one on the left and one on the right.

Every step you take is faced with two choices.

It's left or right.

And if you make one wrong step, you will be severely punished.

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