Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2968: Hard Attack

Chapter 2968: Hard attack!

This punishment is the weapon directly above the steps.

Each represents a powerful attack method.

If you take the wrong step, this spiritual treasure will fall down.

Brings extremely terrible attacks.

Lu Qingyao said proudly: "Yes, it is impossible to walk down this road safely!"

"There are dozens of steps on this road, and you can't make every choice right!"

She pointed at the two people and said: "Ye Xinghe, you and I will cooperate. As long as you agree to my conditions, I can tell you how to pass." "Those two people are the tools I use to pass this dangerous step!"

The expressions of both of them changed drastically.

Then I realized it.

It turned out that the two of them were just brought here by Lu Qingyao to act as cannon fodder.

There is actually no difference between them and Ye Xinghe.

However, Ye Xinghe is the bait in front.

The two of them had to take the steps at the back.

Ye Xinghe was noncommittal and thoughtful.

Lu Qingyao said in a sharp voice: "Ye Xinghe, you can't get through!"

"Besides, as long as I don't tell you, it's useless even if you have the secret soul-searching technique!"

She said with a proud face: "I am practicing the law of bewitchment. You should know how strong my mental power is!"

"You should know that I am a spiritual refiner, and it is useless for you to search for souls!"

Ye Xinghe had some concerns in his mind at this time.

He suddenly turned around and smiled.

"Open your dog eyes and see clearly. Without you, would I be able to walk this path!"

The next moment, he walked straight towards the first step.

Lu Qingyao said in shock: "Are you desperate for your life?"

"Even if you are in the Nascent Soul realm, you can't resist the attacks on this dangerous step. Those spiritual treasures are of extremely high grade."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Xinghe had already stepped on the right side of the first step.

Silent, without waves or ripples.

He just stepped on it, and there was no reaction on the entire step.

Obviously, Ye Xinghe guessed correctly.

Lu Qingyao cursed in a low voice: "It's just bad luck!"

And Ye Xinghe took a leisurely stroll.

The next moment, he climbed up the stairs again without any hesitation.

This time, he still stepped on the right side.

This time there was still no response!

Lu Qingyao's eyes widened and he couldn't believe that Ye Xinghe was so lucky!

She was even a little skeptical.

Is this dangerous step formation malfunctioning?

"This is different from the information I got before!"

While he was muttering in his heart, Ye Xinghe had already stepped onto the third step.

On this third step, he still walked to the right.

It seemed that Ye Xinghe wanted to go all the way from the right.

At this moment, the third step suddenly trembled violently.

Then, on the entire step formation, the situation suddenly changed.

The thick gray-black airflow object rotates crazily.

In an instant, the place was shrouded in dark clouds and thunder exploded.

The next moment, the weapon suspended on the third step was a giant sword.

Suddenly, the strong power of rules was emitted and slashed down hard.

With this knife, it was cut down.

In the void, five shadows of giant swords appeared, slashing down fiercely.

And although they are phantoms,

But the power of each giant sword is no less than its own body.

And Ye Xinghe also discovered it at this time.

My body is also restricted to this third step.

You can't go up, down, left, right or front.

The only way to stand on this step is to fight this giant sword!

Seeing this scene, Lu Qingyao laughed proudly.

"Let me see how you die!"

"You got it right twice in a row. Do you think you will be so lucky the third time?"

"Haha, this terrifying magic circle has been activated, you will definitely die!"

But at this time, Ye Xinghe's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

He actually stood there, and didn't even use the power of the rules. Instead, he just stood there.

Let the six swords fall hard on his body!

At the same time, purple blood surged in his bloodline, which was as long as a thousand-mile river.

The surface of Ye Xinghe's body instantly flashed with golden light and became extremely hard.

The next moment, six giant swords fell on his body.

‘Bang bang bang’

Ye Xinghe's clothes were cut directly.

But there were only six white marks on the surface of his body.

Lu Qingyao was stunned.

In her expectation, the scene where Ye Xinghe was directly chopped into pieces did not happen at all!

When these six giant swords fell on his body, they only showed white marks, not even wounds!

It turned out that Ye Xinghe didn't even think about avoiding or breaking the formation.

Since you don’t know how to break the formation, just carry it all the way through.

It just so happened that Ye Xinghe also wanted to take this opportunity to test how strong his physical body was!

But now, he is quite satisfied with his body.

This kind of offensive, which can easily destroy the strong ones in the early stage of Nascent Soul Realm, can be directly resisted!

Then, Ye Xinghe continued to step forward, still on the right.

But this time, he still faced the offensive.

This offensive is stronger than the last time.

But it only caused shallow scars on Ye Xinghe's body.

Ye Xinghe kept moving forward, choosing the right side every time.

For him, choosing just one side is actually the best option.

Almost every two or three steps, Ye Xinghe would make a mistake and be attacked.

And this attack is getting stronger each time.

When Ye Xinghe was attacked for the eleventh time.

There were countless horrific wounds on the surface of his body, and his body was dyed red with blood.

The left leg was already shaky and almost broken.

He was seriously injured.

But at this moment, Ye Xinghe's eyes seemed to be filled with flames.

Instead, he was full of high morale.

Because, he has gone deep into the clouds.

And there were only the last two steps left in front of him!

Ye Xinghe did not hesitate, held his head high, and stepped onto the penultimate step.

no response.

And when he stepped on the last step.

An extremely powerful offensive descended suddenly.

Much more powerful than any previous attack!

But Ye Xinghe let out a roar and roared to the sky.

The light between the bodies was extremely intense.

Collide hard with this blow.

There was a crisp sound of ‘click’.

Ye Xinghe's arms were shattered.

All the wounds on the body exploded at the same time, and blood gushed out crazily.

The whole person looked like a bloody man.

But he finally withstood the blow.

Standing at the end of the steps with your head held high!

Ye Xinghe felt that his heart was extremely happy and indescribably comfortable.

He looked up to the sky and laughed.

At the same time, in his bloodline that is as long as a thousand miles long river.

The purple light surged.

Finally, the bloodline of Ye Xinghe was completely integrated!

After this time, the bloodline that Ye Xinghe absorbed and refined finally became completely integrated with him.

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