Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2969 Want to reap the benefits

Chapter 2969 Want to reap the benefits?

At this point, Ye Xinghe also understood in his heart.

Although the rules of blood are powerful and can absorb and refine blood, they are not omnipotent.

You still need to constantly refine and absorb it yourself, and fully integrate it with yourself.

At this time, the people below were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Lu Qingyao, in particular, was so frightened that his whole body was trembling.

She shook her head repeatedly and murmured: "Impossible!"

"How could someone do this? How could someone be so strong and strong!"

She didn't want to believe it at all.

But then, she felt the ultimate fear.

Because Ye Xinghe doesn't need her to get the secret!

Then, it is self-evident what her fate will be next!

At this time, the other two people in the team looked at each other.

Suddenly, they all saw a hint of weirdness and unpredictability in each other's eyes.

They suddenly realized that this was an opportunity for them!

The next moment, the two of them stepped towards the steps at extremely fast speeds.

Because Ye Xinghe had been taking the steps on the right before.

The two could see clearly.

Therefore, I already know which one is the correct step.

In just a moment, they had passed the steps and reached the end of the steps.

He pressed towards Ye Xinghe.

The two of them were on the left and right, in a flanking posture.

At this time, they no longer had the timidity and fear they had just now.

There was only greed in his eyes.

In their opinion, Lu Qingyao was seriously injured and Ling Wanfeng disappeared.

Ye Xinghe was also seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Their chance has come!

This treasure will be theirs!

Ye Xinghe turned around.

Seeing the actions of the two of them, he half-smiled and said, "You two want to reap the benefits, right?"

The two of them had grins on their faces.

One of the tall disciples who reached the peak of Nascent Soul sneered: "Why not!"

"You can take this treasure, but we can't?"

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "You can take it if you want, but you have to see if you have the ability!"

This disciple had a sinister look in his eyes and sneered: "Stop pretending, you have been seriously injured and have no fighting power anymore. You only have a handful of spiritual treasures left that you haven't used yet!"

"And there are two of us, and your spiritual treasure can only kill one!"

The tall disciple looked at the other man and said in a deep voice: "The two of us will attack together. Whoever is killed by his terrifying spirit treasure will be deemed to have a bad life!"

"The remaining people can get the treasure, how about it?"

The disciple opposite also nodded solemnly.

The two of them were discussing strategy here as if no one else was around.

He completely regarded Ye Xinghe as nothing and did not take him seriously at all.

It seems that in their eyes, Ye Xinghe has the intimidating power besides the nameless broken sword.

Everything else is worth mentioning!

The tall disciple laughed wildly and said, "Then let's do it. Kill him first and then Lu Qingyao. The treasure will naturally be ours!"

The two of them are also decisive people, afraid of long nights and many dreams.

They winked at each other and immediately attacked Ye Xinghe together.

The power of the rules is strong, and the strength of the Nascent Soul is also impressive.

The two men's offensive is about to come.

Ye Xinghe suddenly smiled brightly.

"Who told you that I no longer have the ability to fight?"

The next moment, the tyrannical power of rules surged over Ye Xinghe's body.

There was no sign of serious injury!

It came towards the two of them.

The two looked at each other and realized that those who could reach this point were not ordinary people.

They knew each other's thoughts instantly.

Then, the two of them fled in completely different directions.

I want Ye Xinghe to focus on one thing and not the other.

Ye Xinghe chuckled and was too lazy to move at all.

He didn't even raise his hand to pursue.

Just a slight movement of thought, and the rules of the cloud appear.

In an instant, the thick clouds swelled.

The speed of the power of rules is much faster than the speed of the two of them escaping.

In an instant, the clouds enveloped the two of them.

A shrill scream sounded.

The next moment, two corpses fell out of the clouds.

They have been killed directly by the thin needles in the clouds!

Then, Ye Xinghe looked at Lu Qingyao.

Lu Qingyao said sternly: "Ye Xinghe, don't kill me. I have many secrets here that I can tell you."

Before she finished speaking, she was killed by Ye Xinghe with a palm.

Ye Xinghe naturally knew that Lu Qingyao had many secrets.

You may also get a lot of benefits from it.

But it is more likely that you will be in huge danger!

Ye Xinghe was able to do this this time because he was calculated mentally but not intentionally.

If Lu Qingyao is really prepared.

It’s hard to say who will win in the end!

Then, Lu Qingyao's bewitching rules were also taken into the possession of Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe is very interested in the capture rules.

This rule does not serve as a powerful attack method.

But this type of spiritual rule is indeed rare.

Even Ye Xinghe almost fell into the trap when he first encountered the rules of bewitchment and was shaken.

Almost directly controlled.

It is conceivable that if the rules of confusion can continue to improve and evolve.

In the future, it may be possible to control others with just one look!

What a terrifying ability this is.

Moreover, even if it cannot be controlled, it can still be turned into a mental attack.

The rules of the other two are quite ordinary.

Ye Xinghe looked down upon it, but still put it away.

Naturally, he doesn't need these two rules, but they can be used as fuel.

There is not much fuel left for Bi Fang's divine fire.

Then, Ye Xinghe threw the bewitching rules into the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron for refining.

Then, he rested for a while, swallowed some pills, and recovered some of his body's injuries.

Then he continued to move forward.

At the end of the steps is something that looks like a huge disk.

It's only three feet in diameter.

It looks like it is carved from white jade and is extremely beautiful.

There was nothing around, only gray air currents lingering and circling.

Ye Xinghe stepped forward.

I saw a small box placed in the center of the jade plate.

Ye Xinghe stepped forward and opened it without any effort.

Obviously, those who set up the Dharma thought that having this dangerous step as a test was enough.

Those who pass will not need to be tested again later.

Those who cannot pass will naturally die in it.

After opening the box, Ye Xinghe discovered.

Inside is a small shell.

About the size of a palm.

The shell is full of ancient meanings, and the lines on it are deep, far-reaching, and extremely complex.

It seems to be more terrifying than the highest-level formations. It naturally contains formations and is very profound.

But it is naturally generated and very magical.

This ancient shell has some strange words engraved on it.

Ye Xinghe didn't know him.

But when he touched it with his hand, he could immediately understand its true meaning.

A vast amount of information immediately flowed into Ye Xinghe's mind.

For a moment, Ye Xinghe's mind was in severe pain.

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