Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2970 You're Not Lucky

Chapter 2970 You are not very lucky!

After a while, it returned to normal.

At this time, I understood the meaning of the scriptures carved on the shell.

Ye Xinghe was ecstatic in his heart.

This scripture is actually a magic circle!

And this magic circle is used to refine the seeds of rules!

According to what the scripture says, no matter how powerful and solid the seed of rules is.

As long as you follow the method on this magic circle to perform sacrifices.

can successfully break through its hard shell.

The reason why a regular seed is called a seed is because it is like a seed before it germinates.

The seed contains countless things, but since it has not yet germinated, it does not have any overly magical power.

Once the seeds germinate, they become real rules.

Then, the power will be increased many times.

Moreover, many magical powers appeared.

Ye Xinghe was very excited.

"My current time rule seed is already so powerful in this state. I don't know how strong it will be after it turns into a real time rule!"

But Ye Xinghe can't predict it yet.

According to the elder of Guanghan Palace, the same rules of time have different manifestations.

Ye Xinghe read it carefully again and kept its contents in mind.

The formation here is not complicated.

On the contrary, it is so simple that it is even a bit unbelievable.

The array layout only requires three items placed at the three corners.

Then, connect them in the special way written on the shell.

The magic circle is complete.

Even if you find a stone in the wilderness, you can place it casually on it.

Then, place the rule seed you want to open in it.

You only need to wait for six hours to complete!

But the simpler it is, the more difficult it is.

When Ye Xinghe saw the three needed things, a wry smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

It turns out that the three things needed are actually three high-level rule source stones!

Yes, it's the kind that Elder Han Yuan and others mentioned before, which is extremely rare.

High-level rule source stones are very rare in Lieyang Imperial City!

When he saw this, Ye Xinghe's hope was almost shattered.

But it is mentioned again in the following verses.

Just in this sea of ​​clouds, mountains and mist, there are some high-level regular source stones produced.

Moreover, the scriptures also record the locations of these high-level rule source stones.

"This will make it easier!"

Ye Xinghe's eyes were bright and he gave a high-five.

"Before, the most difficult thing was to find the high-level rule source stone."

"Now we have clues, and in this sea of ​​clouds, mountains and fog, I don't believe we can't find three high-level rule source stones!"

Ye Xinghe determined his goal.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were burning and he was extremely excited.

With this formation, he has hope that he can refine the seeds of his time rules.

Let it become a complete time rule and control it for yourself!

And with this complete time rule, you can condense the Nascent Soul seeds!

However, Ye Xinghe suddenly shivered and became cold all over.

"Why is this thing here?"

"I am confused about how to condense the Nascent Soul Seed and how to refine the rules of time. This thing appears here and can help me refine the rules of time."

"Is there really such a coincidence in this world?"

"Or is this all part of some calculation?"

At this moment, Ye Xinghe felt a deep sense of fear.

That kind of fear, as if everything is under the control of others, and even fate seems to be predicted and predicted!

Ye Xinghe clenched his fists and looked into the distance.

He was silent for a long time, and suddenly a look of determination appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He lowered his head and whispered to himself.

"I have changed my destiny along the way. No one can decide my destiny. Only I can control it!"

After Ye Xinghe put away the golden shell.

He looked everywhere but found nothing else.

Presumably, this is the treasure hidden here.

It has been taken away by Ye Xinghe.

In fact, Ye Xinghe was quite interested in the purple net and this dangerous road.

But alas, he knew it.

With his current strength, he simply cannot surrender.

Then, Ye Xinghe stayed here for another day to heal his injuries.

One day later, Ye Xinghe felt like he had been reborn.

Looks fully recovered.

He slowly exhaled a mouthful of bloody air, and there was a loud roar in the muscles and bones all over his body.

"In one day and night, I have fully recovered!"

"After the Rule of Blood swallowed up that bloodline, it gave me not only an extremely hard body, but also a terrifying resilience!" At this time, Ye Xinghe deeply felt the power of the Rule of Blood!

But alas, Rules of Blood is very picky.

It's not a good thing, and I don't like it at all.

Ye Xinghe's intention to devour a large number of low-level bloodlines and achieve qualitative change through quantitative change was shattered.

Then, Ye Xinghe quietly left this place.

In the following time, Ye Xinghe quickly shuttled through the first layer of the deep cloud and fog sea.

Looking for the whereabouts of the three high-level rule source stones.

However, nothing was found within two days.

In fact, this is also normal.

The area of ​​Yunshan and Mist Sea is huge.

On the first floor alone, I don’t know how many miles there are.

Moreover, it is an existence similar to twisted space.

How could it be possible to travel all over it in one go?

Ye Xinghe found a few white flags in the past few days.

Ye Xinghe's eyes were somewhat anxious.

He didn't have much time to wait.

If you really want to find someone here for a year and a half, I'm afraid Guanghan Palace's recruitment has ended.

Ye Xinghe frowned, suddenly missing Wang Feng very much.

Wang Feng is very good at doing this kind of thing, just leave it to him.

But he couldn't be brought into the clouds, mountains, and seas of mist.

Suddenly, Ye Xinghe thought in his heart: "If I subdue some profitable and obedient subordinates in the deep sea of ​​clouds and fog, and let them search for it, wouldn't it greatly improve efficiency?"

While he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a strong aura coming from the front.

Ye Xinghe saw a few small black spots, rummaging for something in the ruins in front.

It should be several other disciples who came to participate in the main competition.

Suddenly, they seemed to have discovered Ye Xinghe.

The aura fluctuated for a while, and he went directly towards Ye Xinghe to kill him.

In an instant, he was close and surrounded Ye Xinghe faintly.

Bad intentions.

One of the leaders said with excitement: "Ye Xinghe, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"We actually encountered him, I'm so lucky!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head and said calmly: "I don't think so. If you meet me, I think you are not very lucky."

He already recognized them, and these people looked somewhat familiar.

That day on the flying boat, Qi Yu led some selected disciples to come here to provoke.

They were among the crowd.

These people are all excellent selected disciples.

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