Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2977 Old Friend

Chapter 2977 Old friend?

But in the eyes of Wei Shouyuan and others, it was Ye Xinghe who took the initiative to enter the Gate of Gods and Ghosts.

He was slightly stunned, gritted his teeth and said harshly: "Entering the Gate of Gods and Ghosts would be an advantage for him, but I couldn't kill him with my own hands!"

Zhao Rushuang relaxed and laughed: "After all, I killed him, which is considered revenge!"

Wei Shouyuan always felt that something was wrong.

He shook his head, and then said in a deep voice: "We will wait outside this exit for three days. If he doesn't come out within three days, he will definitely die inside."

"If he dares to come out within three days"

Wei Shouyuan clenched his fists.

"I want him to look good!"

Zhao Rushuang and others disagreed.

But they didn't dare to refute and nodded.

And Ye Xinghe felt it immediately after being sucked into the Gate of Gods and Ghosts.

There was black mist around him, constantly coming toward him.

This black mist was overwhelming, cold and eerie.

And Ye Xinghe also felt cold all over in an instant.

The power of rules in the sea of ​​​​consciousness surged out quickly.

After the power of this rule comes into contact with the black mist.

It was instantly corroded and disappeared without a trace.

Then, the black mist continued to absorb Ye Xinghe's power of rules.

"It turns out that everything here can actually swallow the power of rules!"

Ye Xinghe's heart beat wildly.

This is so terrible!

At this moment, he finally knew.

Why were those who stepped into the gate of gods and ghosts before unable to escape?

Even the powerful elders of Guanghan Palace will die in despair inside.

Because, it's very simple.

For monks in the Nascent Soul Realm.

The power of rules is their foundation and everything to them!

Once the power of rules is swallowed up, their strength will continue to decline.

When the power of the rules is exhausted, that's when they will die!

What's even more frightening is that this kind of devouring has always existed.

Although it is as quiet as moisturizing things, it firmly reduces their strength.

This is tantamount to making them despair and wait for death!

It's like a drowning man knowing that the air can only last ten breaths.

He could only watch himself approaching death little by little!

"But this fear doesn't seem to do anything to me!"

Ye Xinghe's mouth curled up slightly.

The power of other people's rules is the foundation, and so is his.

But it just so happens that he has a lot of power of rules that he doesn't need to use!

Ye Xinghe immediately sank into his dantian, extinguishing Bifang's demonic fire.

At this time, next to the Bi Fang demon fire, there were six rules serving as fuel.

This is what Ye Xinghe has gained since entering the Yunshan Mist Sea.

He looked down upon these six rules and could only call them fuel.

But now, these things can save lives!

Ye Xinghe took out a piece of rule at random and let it come to the surface of his body.

In an instant, this terrifying force in the Gate of Gods and Ghosts began to swallow up this rule.

But after having it as a target, he stopped attacking Ye Xinghe.

It's like Ye Xinghe has an extra life-saving charm.

Seeing that this method was effective, Ye Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt it carefully and found that the loss of this rule was not very fast.

Almost enough to last a day.

"One pill rules a day, and I have a full six pills of rules to consume!"

"If it doesn't work later, you can also use the rules of bewitching."

Although, Ye Xinghe really wanted to use the bewitching rules.

But compared with saving one's life, the latter is obviously more important.

Ye Xinghe pondered: "This means that I can persist in the Gate of Gods and Ghosts for at least seven days."

"A lot can happen in seven days!"

Ye Xinghe felt that he was falling rapidly.

I don’t know how long it took, but it finally landed on the ground.

It feels quite hard underfoot, like stone ground.

The surroundings were still filled with black mist.

There is no space here, and time seems to have forgotten this place.

In an instant, an extreme feeling of loneliness and despair surged into my heart.

There is no space or light at all here.

Just endless black mist.

It's like being thrown into the eternal dark depths of the universe.

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath and calmed down.

Then, the process of refining the magic medicine began.

He knew that the first priority was to restore his condition.

Now he's too injured.

Fortunately, when he came in, he brought a large number of various spiritual herbs and elixirs.

There are also various magical prescriptions left by the King of Medicine in the East Desert in his mind.

Ye Xinghe held his breath and calmed down while refining the elixir.

The light of Bi Fang's demon fire lit up.

In this world that seemed to have been silent forever, a glimmer of light ignited.

Flames were swirling, and various spiritual herbs and elixirs were rolling up and down in it.

A faint medicinal fragrance gradually drifted over.

Ye Xinghe was fully focused and didn't care about anything else.

Because it's useless to care.

If there is really any danger at this time.

He had little resistance.

The power of the seventh-grade divine pharmacist is clearly demonstrated.

Finally, three days later.

With a soft 'pop' sound, the flames faded away.

Those spiritual herbs and elixirs surged and condensed.

Eventually, a drop was formed that was about the size of a finger.

Green liquid shaped like water droplets.

Like dripping dew, extremely beautiful and bright.

There is a strong breath of life inside, as well as the power of repelling rules.

That's right, it's the power of repulsion against the power of rules.

This is the sixth-grade magical prescription passed down by the King of Medicine in the Eastern Wilderness.

This magical medicine can specifically treat injuries caused by the power of rules.

You can force the power of rules out of your body.

Ye Xinghe immediately swallowed the magical medicine.

In an instant, cool and clear power poured into every part of the body and entered the wounds.

In an instant, the power of rules entrenched in his wound could not be driven away.

He screamed one after another, emitting a burst of fear deep in his soul.

Being driven out of the wound.

Once the power of these rules leaves the body, Ye Xinghe's injuries recover quickly.

Within a few moments, all his wounds had healed.

The broken limbs were also reconnected.

Ye Xinghe's condition recovered quickly.

Soon, it was about 80% recovered.

Ye Xinghe breathed out slowly.

"As expected of the prescription left by the King of Medicine of the East Wasteland, it really works!"

At this time, next to Ye Xinghe, an old sigh suddenly sounded.

"I didn't expect that your level as a divine medicine master would be so high!"

"Moreover, this method is very similar to that of an old friend of mine!"

When this voice sounded, Ye Xinghe shivered violently.

With a 'swish' sound, the hairs all over his body stood up.

An extreme fear surged in his heart.

Because, this voice sounded right behind him, very close to him!

He could even feel the sound of breathing on his back as he spoke!

But Ye Xinghe desperately forced himself to calm down.

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