Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2978 Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 2978 Meeting Ceremony!

Because, he realized that this existence might have already been here.

If he really wanted to do something to himself, he would have died long ago.

The fact that he didn't take action meant that things were turning around.

Moreover, the feeling of entering the gate of gods and ghosts also made Ye Xinghe's heart move.

He calmed down and whispered: "Senior, which old friend did you think of?"

The voice did not answer, but asked: "You just mentioned Donghuang Medicine King, what is your relationship with him?"

Ye Xinghe said in a calm voice: "I had a chance before, got his inheritance, and learned all his skills."

The old voice asked: "Is that all?"

Ye Xinghe nodded without any hesitation.

Naturally, he would not say that the inheritance of Donghuang Medicine King was left to him by his mother in that treasure.

This was about his mother, how could he reveal it casually.

The old voice seemed a little disappointed and sighed softly.

Ye Xinghe turned his head at this time, and in the darkness, he finally saw an outline.

It turned out that behind him at this time was a giant beast.

This giant beast appears to be made of gray-black air currents and mist.

The whole body is gray.

Its shape is extremely strange, changing form at any time.

It makes people feel indescribably uncomfortable just by looking at it.

He is obviously not a human race, but a fog beast.

The last time Ye Xinghe stepped through the Yunshan Fog Sea, he also encountered a fog beast.

However, those fog beasts are far less powerful than the one in front of them.

The breath this fog beast gave him could crush him to death at any time!

It turned out that this fog beast was only a few feet away from Ye Xinghe from beginning to end.

Standing there, staring at him, looking down at him.

I watched it like this for three whole days.

But Ye Xinghe didn't notice it at all.

This shows how powerful this fog beast is!

The body of this fog beast hovered for a moment, as if it had changed its posture.

There was a hint of reminiscence in his voice.

"Back then, I fought side by side with the Medicine King of the East Wasteland. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, it happened thousands of years ago."

"I've been sleeping here for too long, and I seem to have forgotten the time outside."

It suddenly moved its body.

Then, he pounced directly on Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe was instantly surrounded.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe felt like he was almost suffocating.

The blood in the body moved naturally and gave the most instinctive reaction.

Then, the fog beast's voice became excited and violent.

"You are lying, you have the aura of that existence on you!"

"Tell me, what is your relationship with that existence?"

Ye Xinghe was suddenly shocked.

"Who exists?"

"Are you talking about mother?"

Then, before Ye Xinghe could answer, the fog beast circled around him.

The jade pendant hanging around Ye Xinghe's neck.

In an instant, a light automatically lit up and shone brightly.

This fog beast was even more excited.

"It's really you, it's really you!"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows slightly and thought to himself: "Does it know its mother?"

He thought of the voice he heard when he got this jade pendant.

"Go to the clouds and mountains and sea of ​​fog!"

"Could it be that this is the purpose of coming to Yunshan and Wuhai?"

"How can this fog beast help me?"

At this time, the fog beast seemed to be extremely excited, circling back and forth around it.

And as it vibrated, the place completely changed.

The black mist faded away, revealing this space.

It's about a thousand meters in diameter.

This fog beast is not very big, only seven or eight meters in length.

The surrounding area was empty except for a stone bed.

It seems that this is where it is practiced.

It was so excited that it couldn't wait to whisper: "I'm going to tell him the good news. I finally found it, and I must tell him!"

"Hahaha, I'm so happy. I haven't been so happy in these years!"

"I finally feel my emotions. I am no longer in a haze and living in this world like a zombie!"

With that said, it seemed to be leaving this space.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xinghe became anxious.

I am still trapped in this space!

This old boy is leaving, what should I do?

He quickly said: "Oh, this one, this one"

He was silent for a moment, not knowing what to call him.

After a moment, he said: "Senior, I don't know what to call him?"

"After you leave, you have to open the door of gods and ghosts and let me out!"

The fog beast laughed and seemed to remember Ye Xinghe.

"Just call me Wu Xiao."

It looked at Ye Xinghe up and down.

Of course, this was Ye Xinghe's guess.

After all, Ye Xinghe didn't even know where the eyes of this fog beast were.

Then it suddenly said: "There is no greeting gift when we meet for the first time. It is wrong of me as an elder."

Then, it smiled guiltily, seeming quite embarrassed.

It stopped in mid-air and didn't move for a moment.

It seems that he is thinking about what kind of meeting gift to give.

After a moment, it seemed to think of something.

Then, its body shrank rapidly.

Soon, it was only one-third of its original size.

And in the void, a cyclone the size of a fist appeared.

There was gray-black mist inside, rotating back and forth.

And Ye Xinghe clearly felt a strong blood aura inside.

He was shocked.

"Do these fog beasts also have blood?"

But then I thought that although it was a fog beast, it was also a life form.

Since it is a life, it naturally has blood.

Even if it's a way that I don't understand.

Then, Wuxiao threw it to Ye Xinghe.

It smiled and said: "Okay, boy, this is a meeting gift for you."

"I can feel that you have very powerful rules of blood in your body. You must be very thirsty for blood!"

It actually took out a large part of its own blood and gave it to Ye Xinghe!

As soon as this thing was obtained, the rules of blood in Ye Xinghe's body immediately began to boil like crazy.

It seems that he is extremely eager to devour this bloodline!

The next moment, the fog beast disappeared instantly.

Only the faint sound echoed.

"Little one, we will meet again!"

Ye Xinghe was stunned in place.

From when Wuxiao said those words, to when it gave him blood, to when it left.

It's just a few moments.

Ye Xinghe couldn't even recover.

However, the powerful bloodline in his hand actually exists.

Ye Xinghe thought for a moment and already had some guesses in his mind.

He didn't think too much about it.

According to what Wu Xiao said, we will meet again.

By then, naturally everything will be known.

After all, he was certain of one thing.

Wuxiao and even the existence behind it didn't seem to have any ill intentions towards him.

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