Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2979: Body, Strengthened Again

You can tell from the fact that it gave him such a powerful bloodline.

Then, Ye Xinghe did not hesitate.

Immediately began to promote the rules of blood and began to absorb this weird bloodline.

This bloodline exists in a form that Ye Xinghe cannot understand.

But Ye Xinghe could feel the powerful and surging power in it.

Ye Xinghe pressed his hands on it, and the rules of blood surged.

In an instant, the gray-black vortex collapsed.

The impurities on its surface quickly disappeared, eventually turning into a gray-black mist.

It seems that this mist is the essence of blood.

Then, it was sucked into the blood of Ye Xinghe.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe saw it.

On top of the bloodline that surged like a thousand-mile long river, a black storm actually set off.

Until the black storm stirred up Ye Xinghe's bloodline and caused shocking waves.

Ye Xinghe's face instantly turned red and he was sweating profusely.

The black storm rages in the bloodline.

And soon, the rules of blood appeared.

Suppress it severely directly.

Black Storm seems to want to resist, but how can it survive the rules of blood.

Finally, he was suppressed and completely integrated into the bloodline.

As this bloodline was absorbed and refined by Ye Xinghe.

In an instant, the purple color in Ye Xinghe's bloodline almost doubled.

Obviously, this bloodline is much more powerful than the one it devoured before.

The same is true for the benefits it brings to yourself.

As the purple color expanded rapidly, it completely merged with Ye Xinghe's bloodline.

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath and circulated the power of his blood.

In an instant, a black light flashed across his body.

The characteristic of this bloodline is that it can atomize one's body at certain specific moments.

This is a characteristic common to the fog beasts here, and it is not unusual.

However, for the rules of blood, these characteristics are completely useless.

The rule of blood has only one extremely overbearing law.

That is to strengthen the body of its host!

All your characteristics are summed up in this one point.

So, the enhancements it made this time.

It still makes Ye Xinghe's body become harder and stronger!

Ye Xinghe still doesn't know how strong and strong his body is.

He still needs to test it again.

Ye Xinghe's mouth curled up slightly and he looked behind him.

Not far behind him, there was a black vortex, spinning in the opposite direction.

This was the passage that Wuxiao opened for him.

Walk out from here and step out of the gate of gods and ghosts.

He will be the first person to step out of the gate of gods and ghosts in these years!

Ye Xinghe walked out without hesitation.

He didn't have much time to waste.

It's soon time for the second level to be opened.

Ye Xinghe must hurry up and enter the second level.

At this time, outside the Gate of Gods and Ghosts.

Wei Shouyuan and others have been waiting here for more than three days.

Everyone used these few days to rest and recuperate.

At the beginning, it was quite relaxing.

Later I couldn't sit still.

After all, everyone else is out there constantly getting white command flags and increasing their points.

And it's not a waste of time for people like me to waste time here.

However, due to Wei Shouyuan's majesty among them and his ruthless methods.

No one dared to offend, so they kept tolerating it.

By the third day, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Zhao Rushuang was the first to say: "Brother, we have been waiting outside the Gate of Gods and Ghosts for three full days!"

"In three days, I'm afraid that boy will die inside without even ashes left. Let's not waste time here."

"Seeing that the second level is about to open, let's take the opportunity to collect more white flags."

"Otherwise, once you enter the second floor, it will be difficult to come back!"

Others also agreed.

Wei Shouyuan pondered for a moment.

But I don’t know why, looking at the gate of gods and ghosts.

He always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

In the end, he couldn't defeat everyone, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's go."

He thought to himself: "I must be worrying too much, how could that kid come out alive from the Gate of Gods and Ghosts!"

When everyone was about to leave, they suddenly felt a strange noise coming from behind.

Everyone suddenly realized something and turned around.

Then they saw a scene that they would never forget.

At this time, the vortex started to rotate in the opposite direction.

The door of gods and ghosts slowly opened.

A deep black hole appeared in the gray-black vortex.

At this time, a figure stepped out of the black hole.

He is tall and handsome, with a slight smile on his face.

It turned out to be Ye Xinghe!

Several people were stunned.

Someone rubbed his eyes to make sure that what he saw was not an illusion.

"Ye Xinghe, you, you are still alive!"

"This is the gate of gods and ghosts!"

According to rumors, no one can come out alive after entering.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinghe came out of it!

Moreover, it is completely different from the previous serious injury state, and he looks stronger than before!

Ye Xinghe smiled and said, "Yes, it's out."

"Guys, I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you very much!"

After that, he took the initiative to greet him.

Wei Shouyuan came to his senses at this time.

He had a delicate mind, and the city was very deep, and he vaguely felt something was wrong.

He winked at Zhao Rushuang.

Zhao Rushuang gritted his teeth and shouted: "Ye Xinghe, so what if you come out of the Gate of Gods and Ghosts, since you are not dead, I will kill you again!"

After saying that, the Nascent Soul flashed.

The power of the rules surged out and turned into a long sword that was as lustrous as the cold moon and shone with a faint light.

It slashed down towards Ye Xinghe.

Her rules are the rules of the sword.

The other rule is indestructible.

The rules of the sword given to her brought extremely destructive power.

Even a strong man at the peak of the third level of Nascent Soul would be seriously injured by her sword.

In terms of its lethality alone, it is only inferior to Wei Shouyuan.

Facing this terrifying sword, Ye Xinghe sneered.

He actually didn't dodge at all and went straight forward to meet him.

Let the power of the rules slash hard at your body.

Zhao Rushuang was stunned and screamed: "Ye Xinghe, have you lost your mind and gone crazy? You didn't even hide!"

The power of his own rules can bring extremely powerful damage to Ye Xinghe.

During the previous sieges on Ye Xinghe, at least 30% of the wounds on Ye Xinghe's body were caused by her.

One of them almost cut off Ye Xinghe's heart.

Zhao Rushuang was not afraid of Ye Xinghe at all, and thought that she had great experience in dealing with him.

It is even more clear that if the power of his own rules falls, it will cause great damage to Ye Xinghe.

At this moment, Ye Xinghe didn't dodge or avoid, and came straight towards him.

With this slash of his sword, he could be cut into two pieces directly!

The smile on her face turned from shock to cruelty.

"Ye Xinghe, since you want to die, then I will accept your life!"

She seemed to have seen the scene where she killed Ye Xinghe.

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