Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2992 The Extraordinary Master Qiang

Chapter 2992 The extraordinary Qiang Ye!

So, who would know the secret of Ye Xinghe’s bloodline?

Who covets Ye Xinghe's bloodline the most?

Among Ye Xinghe's bloodline, what he cherishes most is the legacy left by his mother and the allegiance of the four major forces.

Then, the only ones who know the secret and have the ability to do so are the Yunlong Ancient Clan!

This person must be from the Yunlong Ancient Clan!

But for some reason, he was the only one here.

Ye Xinghe guessed that he should be a monitor from the Yunlong Ancient Clan who stayed here.

Monitor your every move.

Ye Xinghe directly took off the jade pendant and put it in his hand.

"Here, here you go."

There is no doubt that the man in black cloak is there.

Ye Xinghe's previous behavior had completely made him lose his guard.

He immediately reached for it.

But at this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly raised his head and stared at him, and said coldly: "Does the Yunlong Ancient Clan's leader know that you are doing this?"

"If you do such a thing without telling him in private, you are not afraid of being sentenced to death by the clan!"

As soon as the words came out, the man in black cloak trembled all over and his breath fluctuated violently.

Even the black fog on his face showed signs of dissipating.

His mood was full of horror and disbelief.

He hissed: "How did you know!"

But he realized the next moment that Ye Xinghe was deceiving him.

Ye Xinghe confirmed that his inference was correct from his reaction.

He laughed loudly and backed away quickly.

At the same time, the rules of the cloud rose from the sky, sealing the two people's figures.

Ye Xinghe appeared from the other side of the Cloud Rules and wanted to escape.

At the same time, those thin needles were frantically killing the man in the black cloak.

The venom on it sparkled.

Ye Xinghe has used his biggest trump card.

But the man in black cloak sneered.

"You dare to deceive me, and you dare to run away!"

With one palm strike, he shattered the rules of the cloud.

Ye Xinghe's gaze remained unchanged, and the rules of ice emerged.

With a 'pop' sound, it was smashed to pieces by his palm again.

Then, Ye Xinghe roared, and the rules of the inner demon activated crazily.

The rules of cloud and ice are completely invalid.

The inner demon rule helps a little.

Ye Xinghe saw that the black mist on the man in black cloak was shaking.

But that’s about it.

He continued to strike out with his palm, locking onto Ye Xinghe.

He said coldly: "It's useless, your methods are nothing in front of me!"

Ye Xinghe used many methods in turn, but to no avail.

The gap in strength between the two is really too big.

You can't fight, you can't escape.

Instead, he was seriously injured by these attacks and his life was hanging by a thread.

The aura of the man in black cloak locked onto Ye Xinghe from a distance.

He had been teased by Ye Xinghe just now, and now he was angry and said with a sneer: "You know clearly that you are no match, and you also know that if you anger me, you will die miserably. Why are you bothering?"

Ye Xinghe coughed up blood and grinned, "How will you know if you don't try?"

At this time, he didn't look half as bad as before.

The man in black cloak knew that what he had done before was just to numb himself.

I know that I must not give him any chance, otherwise it will be trouble in the future!

He slowly tightened his fingers and was about to crush Ye Xinghe to death.

The same goes for killing him and taking his bloodline!

And at this moment, Ye Xinghe suddenly heard the familiar noise ringing in his ears.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are going to be killed soon. At the critical moment, you have to come to save you, Master Qiang!"

Ye Xinghe felt unspeakable emotions welling up in his heart at this moment.

He looked sideways, and sure enough he saw Master Qiang standing there over his shoulder.

It seems to be turning a blind eye to the extreme crisis before it.

He was lowering his head and combing his feathers slowly.

Then, it plucked one of the black feathers on its body and threw it into the air.

The black feathers instantly shone like starlight across the sky, enveloping each person and bird.

At this time, the man in black cloak looked at the sudden appearance of the falcon and felt extremely fearful.

Because the appearance of this thing was completely unexpected by him.

He didn't even seem to notice it.

This means that the strength of this thing is extraordinary, and it can actually cover up my own perception.

Black light enveloped the two figures.

The man in black cloak instantly felt that his breath could not pass forward.

He growled, moved his palms forward, and used his strongest strength.

But it's no use.

Master Qiang's methods are actually extremely miraculous.

In an instant, the figures of the two people turned into a mist and disappeared on the spot.

No matter what methods the man in black cloak uses, he can't stop it.

He was shocked.

"What on earth is this black falcon? It has such miraculous means!"

It was actually possible to take them away with just one feather.

Ye Xinghe was also stunned at this time.

I never expected that Master Qiang’s methods would be so terrifying!

But Ye Xinghe forced himself to calm down, and with the last trace of reason, he looked at the man in black cloak.

In fact, Ye Xinghe also knew just now that the gap between the two was too big.

No matter how hard you try, it's useless.

But he still continued to use his own methods.

Ye Xinghe also has his own plans.

No matter which method is used, as long as it has some effect on the man in the black cloak.

That meant that I might be able to see some of his weaknesses.

Even if I can't kill him now, what about the future?

At the moment when he disappeared, Ye Xinghe looked at the man in black cloak with a flash of ice in his eyes.

"Wait for me, you beat me so badly today, you must have an explanation in the future!"

After a while, the two people appeared in a large group of gray and black weather.

I don’t know where.

But Ye Xinghe knew that he must have stayed away from the man in black cloak.

Master Qiang looked at him sideways and immediately began to take credit.

"Boy, remember clearly, Master Qiang saved your life!"

Ye Xinghe's face was full of excitement and he shouted loudly: "Master Qiang, I never expected that you are so powerful!"

Master Qiang tilted his head and looked at him, his voice full of teasing.

"Boy, why don't you call me Xiaoqiang now? I'm so arrogant at first and respectful at the other!"

Ye Xinghe chuckled and said: "Before, this junior was short-sighted, so don't be as knowledgeable as this junior!"

"You're a flexible boy, I like it!"

Mr. Qiang smiled and said: "However, your boy is in a bad situation now. What are you going to do?"

Qiang Yesi looked at Ye Xinghe with some consideration.

It tilted its head and said, "You are now being pursued by three soldiers, and they are all much stronger than you."

"There is a wolf in front and a tiger behind. I'm afraid you won't be able to escape far and you will be overtaken. It's time to think about your retreat."

Ye Xinghe did not panic at all, and said with a smile: "Since there are wolves in front of us and tigers in the back, then I will drive away the wolves and devour the tigers!"

"Master Qiang, look at my methods!"

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